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Friday, September 24, 2021

Friday, September 24, 2021 11:08 am by M. in , , , , , ,    No comments
Our newsround, on the 173th anniversary of Branwell Brontë's death includes:

Emily Brontë's poetry transformed into a list of 'perfect fall Instagram captions' is kind of depressing but if that is your poison, check it out on HITC.

Jewish Boston recommends a talk at the Center for Adult Jewish Learning at Temple Israel of Boston next October 31 (11:30 am) with some unmistakable Brontë echoes:
The Madwoman in the Rabbi’s Attic: The Tale of Yalta the Shrew

Why are shrews always so vicious? How did the ancient world view the male/female body? And what possessed Yalta to smash 400 bottles of her husband’s wine? Join us as scholar Gila Fine guides us through an exploration of the comic tale of Yalta, read through Aristotle and Euripides, William Shakespeare and William Congreve, Charlotte Brontë and Jean Rhys, Adrienne Rich and R. Kook.
The Daily Mail has some 'must reads' for you:
Walking with Ghosts by Gabriel Byrne (Picador £9.99, 224pp)
Visiting his childhood home on the outskirts of Dublin, Gabriel Byrne finds a motorway where fields of barley once grew, and feels ‘an intruder in my own past’. As his lyrical memoir reveals, he has spent much of his life feeling out of place: as a boy from an Irish Catholic family, he began training for the priesthood; spells as a failed plumber and dish-washer followed, until he discovered his true vocation of acting.
A role in a TV soap opera earned him a reputation as an ‘Irish Heathcliff’, and Hollywood beckoned, but Byrne is a reluctant celebrity. (Jane Shilling)
Metro interviews Sophie Ellis-Bextor who recalls this classic lockdown moment:
Rachel Corcoran: Which Kitchen Disco song resonated with people most? We hear you love dressing up…
S.E-B.: From my point of view it was Wuthering Heights for the Halloween disco. I never made the kids come, only if they fancied it. So often they’d surprise me at 6.20pm dressed as a disco monkey.
For that one my nine-year-old said, ‘I want to be a vampire,’ at 6.10pm. I was singing ‘Heathcliff, it’s me, I’m Cathy’ swaying with my 12-year-old Kit in a cape and bear mask. We were all dressed in Halloween outfits with Richard filming and I thought, ‘How is this my life?!’
A student winner of a poetry contest with a taste for the Brontës in the Harrogate Advertiser:
Her passion for the subject was sparked by the teachers at Harrogate Ladies' College who helped to develop her love of Sylvia Plath and the Brontë sisters. (Lucy Chappell)
Bookriot explores the Gothic connections of Jane Austen's novels:
But a close look reveals Jane Austen also didn’t choose real titles that winked at the gothic vicissitudes in Northanger Abbey. For example, Catherine uncovers what she thinks is an ominous manuscript but is, in fact, a laundry list. Jane Eyre wouldn’t be published for decades, but in another chapter Catherine is afraid there’s an attic wife situation in the abbey (there isn’t). (Isabelle Popp)
LitHub uncovers a case Jane Eyre hater, the writer Casey Schwartz, poor soul:
BookMarks:Classic book you hate?
C.S.: Jane Eyre!
Le Soir (Belgium) recommends some new books:
Le dernier roman de Cécile Coulon, Seule en sa demeure , reste dans le domaine campagnard, comme son précédent, Une bête au paradis , qui nous avait ébloui. Mais dans une dimension de thriller à la Daphné du Maurier et de nature oppressante comme chez les sœurs Brontë. Et c’est très réussi. La mort, le désir, le secret planent comme des menaces sur le domaine Marchère et sur Aimée. (Translation)
Le Figaro (France) is eager to travel again, to Ireland and the UK:
 Un moulin du XVIIe siècle au creux d'un vallon près d'Halifax. Quelques chambres douillettes et un gastropub plusieurs fois primé. La simplicité de l'hospitalité, les dîners au coin du feu comme dans une taverne. Et si on allait dans le Yorkshire se reposer et faire une cure de culture britannique ? Vous êtes sur le territoire des sœurs Brontë mais aussi d'Anne Lister, l'héroïne de Gentleman Jack, la série anglaise historique probablement la plus suivie après The Crown et tournée à Shibden Hall, à deux pas. (Sabine Bouvet) (Translation)

Some magazines/websites like Madame Figaro (France), Female First, Marie Claire or Fuera de Foco (México) mentions Emma Mackey's role in the film Emily. FrontList reviews Wuthering Heights. Before We Go Blog reviews Jane by Aline Brosh McKenna and Ramón K. Pérez. The Eyre Guide reviews In the Quick by Kate Hope Day.

Finally, an (online) alert for today September 24th in Prescott, AZ (via SignalAZ):
AARP Movies for Grownups Screenings
This program will broadcast live September 25th at 2:00 am to 4:00 am CEST. You will not be able to pause or rewind. You cannot access the show once the broadcast ends.


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