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Thursday, July 15, 2021

Anitha Sethi reviews in The Guardian Michael Stewart's Walking the Invisible:
I walked recently through the North York Moors national park and along the Yorkshire coast, reaching Scarborough, and climbed towards its castle high on a clifftop, and to the grave of Anne Brontë, who died aged 29 and is buried in a churchyard beneath the castle. By the sea she so loved, it was easy to see and feel how the landscape of the north so powerfully shaped the literature and lives of the Brontës. This evocative book encourages people to engage with the places that proved so inspirational. As I walk, Anne’s haunting last words to her sister Charlotte echo through my mind: “Take courage.”
“I’ll walk where my own nature would be leading: it vexes me to choose another guide,” Emily Brontë declared. This trailblazing spirit led her to forge a unique path through literature. Here, she becomes a posthumous guide to Michael Stewart as he follows in her footsteps – along with the footsteps of her sisters, brother Branwell and father Patrick – in a series of vividly chronicled walks that explore the geographical and emotional terrain of their writing. (...)
The book is a terrific tribute to the Brontës – and to the landscapes that shaped their literature. It also beautifully shows how landscape grows in the imagination and lays bare the “invisible” world of the heart and mind, and how the places we inhabit shape the people we become. It will send the reader back to Bush’s glorious “Wuthering Heights” and to the Brontës’ brilliant books, and will inspire us to roam the wily, windy wildernesses captured so hauntingly in their work.
Michael Stewart is also connected to the unveiling of a blue plaque at the Brontë birthplace in Thornton that now is reported in Keighley News:
The Bradford Civic Society plaque at the siblings’ Thornton birthplace was commissioned by Mark and Michelle De Luca, who run Emily’s Cafe at the property, and was funded by a donation from the Bradford-based Morrisons Foundation. (...)
The Bradford Civic Society plaque at the siblings’ Thornton birthplace was commissioned by Mark and Michelle De Luca, who run Emily’s Cafe at the property, and was funded by a donation from the Bradford-based Morrisons Foundation. (Alistair Shand)
And without leaving Haworth, Keighley News also reports that
A pop-up event is being staged at Haworth next month to showcase the work of independent creatives.
It takes place at the Old School Room – in Church Street – on Saturday and Sunday, August 7 and 8, from 10am to 4pm.
Curator Haworth Creatives says a wide range of goods will be on offer at the free-admission event.
Haworth Mirrors will be selling a variety of its items.
Photographer and videographer Christian Jaemes will present his popular Brontë Country calendars and photographs.
Caroline Draper – the Yorkshire Vintage Treasure Hunter – is bringing her collection of vintage collectible pieces to Haworth for the first time.
Bronte Bitch is presenting a new range of illustrations inspired by the Brontës. The designs, together with quotes from the sisters’ classic works, feature on tote bags and are also available on T-shirts.
And Jumble & Pearls will be selling new and pre-loved designer wear and vintage items for men, women and children. (Alistair Shand)
Elle interviews the author Yaa Gyasi:
Riza Cruz: The book that I’ve re-read the most:
Y.G.: Probably Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë, just from my middle school years alone.
Esquire interviews the actress Sophia DiMartino about her appearance as Sylvie in Loki:
Filming Episode Five's battle against a giant cloud, rain and ginormous air fans swirling all around. ("I felt like Emily Brontë on the moors.") And why she wants to play Emily Brontë on screen someday. ("She's basically like an emo goth of her time. And she had this crazy little aggressive dog that she would corral in quite a feisty way.") (Brady Langmann)
Bookriot lists some upcoming YA releases:
Within These Wicked Walls by Lauren Blackwood
This is a supernatural, loose retelling of Jane Eyre about Andromeda, who has trained to be a debtera, which is an exorcist of bad spirits. But right before she can get her license, she’s thrown out by her mentor and now her only chance at finding work and building her reputation is Magnus Rorschach. Rorschach is a wealthy, eccentric man whose estate has seen a dozen debtera flee the premises in terror. Andromeda is determined to stick it out, but she is shocked by all the dark twists and secrets she begins to uncover, which threaten her life. Along the way, she begins to fall for Rorschach, despite the darkness he harbors. (Tirzah Price)
The Times asks some writers how they met their couples. Esther Walker says:
Boyfriends were supposed to be a source of tortured, Wuthering Heights-level romance. The only problem was that none of the boyfriends had got the memo. Time after time I mistook genuine indifference to whether I lived or died for alluring, Heathcliffian diffidence. It never ended well. But it always ended.
Film.at (Austria) lists some 'historical' films available on Netflix:
Jane Eyre (2011)
Nach einer entbehrungsreichen Jugend im Waisenhaus tritt die 18-jährige Jane Eyre (Mia Wasikowska) eine Stelle als Gouvernante auf einem inmitten einer Moorlandschaft gelegenen Landsitz an. Der Herr des Hauses hört auf den Namen Mr. Rochester (Michael Fassbender) und ist ein verschlossener, aber höchst charismatischer Mann.
Trotzdem und ungeachtet aller gesellschaftlicher Regeln entwickeln die beiden Gefühle füreinander. Aber nicht nur das: Auf dem einsamen Anwesen von Mr. Rochester scheinen Dinge vorzugehen, die mit dem rationalen Verstand nicht zu erklären sind – und die auf dunkle Geheimnisse schließen lassen ...
"Jane Eyre" von Charlotte Brontë ist ein Klassiker der Weltliteratur und wird in Sachen "tragische Liebespaare" gern in einem Atemzug mit "Romeo und Julia" genannt. Der Film aus 2011 präsentiert die bekannte Geschichte in einem modernen, erregenden und düsteren Gewand, das aber stets tiefen Respekt vor dem Original zeigt. "Jane Eyre" ist Charakter- und Gesellschaftsstudie gleichermaßen, der feministische Unterton lässt die Story zudem erstaunlich modern wirken. (Manuel Simbürger) (Translation)
IoDonna (Italy) traces a profile of the actress Isabelle Huppert:
Non chiede scusa, né permesso e va bene così. Amante delle sorelle Brontë e fan della fotografa Cindy Sherman – come ha rivelato proprio sulla Croisette, ospite dei talk al femminile Women in Motion di Kering, ideati da Salma Hayke – questa splendida 68enne non avverte minimamente il tempo che avanza: «Chiedimelo fra 20 anni – aveva risposto all’epoca – quando sarò vecchia, ora è troppo presto». (Alessandra de Tommasi) (Translation)

Luzerner Zeitung (Switzerland) reviews the novel Aberleben by Adolf Muschg:

Von Hugo Balls «Der gefallene Cherub» über Ernst Barlachs Plastiken, Fontanes «Poggenpuhls», seitenlange Interpretationen der antiken Komödie «Amphitryon», lange englischsprachige Passagen, Episoden aus der «Odyssee» und der Bibel, Verse von Walther von der Vogelweide bis zum Roman «Wuthering Heights» der Emily Brontë. (Hansruedi Kuegler) (Translation)

Alfemminile (Italy) lists the 'most beautiful' English quotes, including one by Charlotte Brontë. The singer Susana Renjel chooses Wuthering Heights as one of her favourite books in El Diario (Bolivia).


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