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Thursday, July 22, 2021

The proposal to close Haworth's Post Office has been met with 'fierce' opposition by locals according to the Examiner Yorkshire. One more example of the politics of looking just for immediate profit:
Campaigners are fighting to save a beloved Post Office on the street where the Brontës lived.
There has been a Post Office on Haworth Main Street, near Keighley, for over 150 years, and the Brontës may well have used the old premises, which was housed just metres away from its current home.
Now, though, Post Office have announced plans to move the facilities down to the new Co-op on Station Road, and on Friday July 16, they started a public consultation ahead of a proposed move in September.
The news, however, has been met with fierce resistance from local campaigners and politicians.
A spokesperson from the Save Haworth Post Office Campaign said: “There has been a Post Office at the top of Haworth Main Street for over 150 years. The Brontë sisters used it.
“Our Post Office is a part of what is one of the most iconic street scenes in the UK. But not only that - it is a really important part of our community.”
A local petition was started to protest the plans, which garnered over 2,000 signatures in two weeks. Fifty protestors also gathered outside the Post Office on Sunday to demonstrate against the proposals. (Chris Pickles
Not a good thing that an article in The Morning Sun about the decline of conversation misspells Emily Brontë:
Ours is a difficult and often beautiful language and we should learn to appreciate it at its best. Many superb authors provide examples: James Baldwin, Octavia E. Butler, WEB DuBois, George Orwell, Charles Dickens, Jane Austen, Samuel Beckett, Herman Melville, Emile Bronte, William Falkner, Edgar Allen Poe, Mark Twain, James Joyce, Mary Shelley, Charlotte Brontë to mention a few in no particular order. (Ed Fisher
Far Out Magazine recalls once again the genesis of Wuthering Heights by Kate Bush:
Starting life in the charts as a teenager, Bush quickly became heralded as one of Britain’s finest songwriters after she penned and performed the gigantic classic ‘Wuthering Heights’, a track which shot to number one and made Bush the first woman to both write and record a chart-topping single. She told Record Mirror in 1978, “Great subject matter for a song. I loved writing it. It was a real challenge to precis the whole mood of a book into such a short piece of prose.”
Bush continued, “Also, when I was a child, I was always called Cathy, not Kate, and I just found myself able to relate to her as a character. It’s so important to put yourself in the role of the person in a song. There’s no half measures. When I sing that song, I am Cathy. (Her face collapses back into smiles.) Gosh, I sound so intense. ‘Wuthering Heights’ is so important to me. It had to be the single. To me, it was the only one.” While the song had certainly started out as a homage to the book, it was a movie that sealed the deal.
The story goes that Bush didn’t read Emily Brontë’s book but caught the final ten minutes of the 1967 BBC mini-series based on the famous novel, writing the entire song in just under a few hours. (Jack Whatley
The Voice talks about a local young prodigy but the journalist has to check his/her sources:
Growing up in the northern city of Leeds, West Yorkshire, she noticed how a young Shelomi started to stand out from her peers when she decided to start reading the works of English litterateur Jane Eyre and memorising the old, Victorian English prose she was famous for.
La Scimmia Pensa (Italy) lists the best films by Charlotte Gainsbourg, like Jane Eyre 1996:
Uno dei primi ruoli da protagonista di Charlotte Gainsbourg è in questo classico della letteratura inglese di Charlotte Brontë, portato sul grande schermo da Franco Zeffirelli. Il regista italiano, tra i più celebri e celebrati all’estero, è noto appunto per gli adattamenti delle opere classiche più famose come Romeo e Giulietta, Amleto ed Otello. Sceglie in questo caso un romanzo di formazione d’altri tempi ma sempre attuale, in una co-produzione internazionale, francese, britannica e italiana.
La storia è un’adattamento piuttosto fedele del libro della maggiore delle sorelle Brontë, e ci parla della vita di Jane Eyre, orfana di madre e padre che si è garantita un’educazione grazie allo zio e che arriva, dopo una serie di vicissitudini non semplicissime, a diventare istitutrice per Adèle Varens, giovane pupilla del burbero e misterioso signor Rochester (William Hart).
La storia d’amore tra Jane e Rochester è una delle più note e appassionanti della letteratura internazionale; Charlotte Gainsbourg rende magistralmente il pudore, la curiosità e l’ardore tipiche del personaggio di Jane Eyre, spesso considerato dalla critica letteraria un romanzo “proto-femminista” proprio per l’indipendenza e la dignità personificati dalla sua protagonista. Due sentimenti che Charlotte non fa certo fatica a comunicare. (Valeria Spinelli) (Translation) 
Infobae (Argentina) highlights Wuthering Heights
Esta novela no es solo acerca del amor imposible entre Catherine y Heathcliff. Cumbres borrascosas trata sobre el odio, la venganza, el conflicto de clases. No menor son el clima y la geografía: personajes esenciales para el desarrollo de la vida puertas adentro, a oscuras, ateridos de frío, alejados de la modernidad de las ciudades en un páramo tan yermo como el infértil campo del amor entre Catherine y Heathcliff. Leer Cumbres Borrascosas es una experiencia radical. Emily Brontë desafía el esquema de la novela victoriana, desafía las creencias religiosas y escribe un clásico que al día de hoy provoca escalofríos y nos hunde en el barro fangoso de los páramos en los que estos personajes vivieron sus trágicas historias de amor. (Flavia Pittella) (Translation)
Emily Brontë's novel is one of the Romanticism novels that has to be read once in a lifetime according to 65ymás (Spain):
Emily Brontë es, al igual que su hermana Charlotte, muy conocida, especialmente por ser la autora de Cumbres borrascosas, una novela caracterizada por la pasión y la violencia, con marcado carácter sexual. Esto hizo que la obra fuera vista como algo inmoral y obsceno. Sin embargo, con el tiempo se ha convertido en un clásico de la literatura inglesa y que forxx    xma parte del currículum escolar en Reino Unido. (Lola Santos) (Translation)

Brides lists a quote from Jane Eyre in a list of 'engagement quotes'.  Rosie Amber reviews the novel and  Fresh Fiction interviews Mimi Matthews, author of John Eyre.


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