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Friday, July 30, 2021

The Yorkshire Post celebrates the Brontë Festival of Women’s Writing:
The festival marks their legacy and the sisters’ influence today, and also aims to highlight some contemporary challenges. 
Rebecca Yorke, interim director of the Brontë Parsonage Museum, said: “This is shining a light on what the Brontës did, and how they continue to influence, but also giving women a chance to shine.
“Women still face some of the problems that the Brontës did all those years ago; they still take longer to get published and to get the recognition their male counterparts do.
“It links us right back to the Brontës, and shows us they are as relevant today.” (...)
With a theme of Speaking Out, it honours ‘quiet sister’ Anne, known for works such as Agnes Grey, as well as for speaking “difficult truths rather than socially acceptable falsehoods”.
Ms Yorke said: “What we’ve learned is there is a global audience and appreciation for the Brontës, and for literature and for sharing books and the arts. The Brontës couldn’t have imagined that.
“To think that so many years later here we are, linking people across the world, to talk about their legacy and to shine a light on people today, is really special and poignant.
“Our mission is bringing the Brontës to the world, and the world to Yorkshire So reaching so many people is really important.” (Ruby Kitchen)
More on the Brontë Bitch clothing line in The Telegraph & Argus:
Rosalia is keen that the Brontë Bitch name shouldn’t be misconstrued.
“The brand identity is by no means meant in a derogatory way – nor is it ‘name calling’ of the illustrious Brontë sisters and their followers,” she says.
“I’ve been a fan of the Brontës from an early age – when I lived close by in Ingrow.
“My friends and I used to spend time on the cobbled streets, in the shops and on the moors.
“In 1999 I moved to London for a career in fashion and music public relations and never thought I would return – but since 2014 I’ve been resettled in Brontë Country.
“This place is rich in history, surrounded by the beautiful rolling countryside and the Brontë moors – it’s one of my favourite places in the world.”
The Brontë Bitch logo was created by Utley-based independent graphic designer, Anna Cleary.
“A provocative name requires a provocative logo,” she said. “And I needed to soften the word ‘bitch’ somehow, hence the kisses. It’s brave and it’s sassy and I am a big fan of putting the cat amongst the pigeons!”
The first in a series of designs features the quote, “your will shall decide your destiny”, from Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre.
The frame was inspired by the letter ‘o’ taken from Brontë, and the purple-coloured word 'bitch’ by the heather of the moors.
A second design will draw its inspiration from Emily Brontë and Top Withens and her love of animals, whilst a third will be based on brother Branwell. (Allistair Shand)
The legacy of Jane Eyre in Bookriot:
One of the most impactful literature classes I took in college was a simple, 100-level class: “British Literature: 1850–Present.” Anglophile book nerds have all probably taken this class, along with its less popular sibling, “British Literature: 1000–1850.” (...)
But the professor, a newly-minted PhD in her first official position, had other ideas than the usual Dickens to Wilde and on through the drawing room dramas of British literature.
Instead, she decided to teach us a visceral lesson on the legacy of Jane Eyre by choosing works that are based — directly or loosely — on Brontë’s seminal tale. We spent the entire semester looping book after book back to Jane, to the madwoman in the attic and physical manifestations of inner turmoil, to disapproving aunts and dead best friends. (...)
To borrow a phrase: Reader, it blew my mind.
What is it about Miss Eyre that keeps us coming back to her story? Personally, I will never pass up a strong female character, and Jane’s particular brand of iron-clad will is immensely satisfying. Everyone underestimates her at every turn, and yet she simply continues forward, doing what she believes is right and necessary. She believes in herself, wholly and without reservation. (Tika Viteri)
Khaleej Times has a few doubts about Jane's decisions: 
The women in these classics were impossibly romanticised. Jane Eyre was a figure of resilience. But why does she have to return to the man who has kept a monumental secret from her, my mind would wonder. (Anamika Chatterjee)
We empathize with the writer David Peace when he says in The Guardian:
The book I’m ashamed not to have read
I’m constantly aware of how many books I have not read, particularly from other continents and cultures, and of how little time there is to read all that I would wish. However, the shame comes when I then find myself rereading Wuthering Heights, Bleak House, The Quiet American or Tinker Tailor for the umpteenth time. And knowing it won’t be the last time, either.
 A mystery lady in an old photo in The Craven Herald & Pioneer:
It is most probable that she was Margaret Cooper, widow of Reverend Henry Cooper of Embsay. Margaret was the niece of Christopher Sidgwick, the mill owner who originally constructed the building as a school for his "half-timers" (children who spent half their time in school and half at the factory). (...)
Her father was John Benson Sidgwick, of Stone Gappe Hall, Lothersdale (where novelist Charlotte Brontë was briefly a governess for the Sidgwick children), but the family had in 1847 moved to Embsay Kirk when Margaret was in her early teens. They later lived at West Riddlesden Hall, before Margaret returned to Embsay as the vicar's wife. John is said to have been the model for Mr Rochester in Charlotte Brontë's novel, "Jane Eyre". (Jane LunnonViv Mason)
Screenrant has a list of best (really?) musicals based on literary sources:
Heathcliff, written by and starring Cliff Richard, is an adaptation of the novel Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë. Heathcliff's personal story is expanded upon, though much of the dialogue is from the novel. Richard released a studio album of the music, featuring Olivia Newton-John as part of a duet.
The musical played at several locations around London. It was popular with fans, but not critics. The last showing was in May 1997, and an original cast recording was released in late 1996. (Noemi Arellano-Summer)
Forty years ago, on August 1st, 1981, MTV was born. And Stereogum lists each clip from that very first day. Including:
Kate Bush - "Wuthering Heights"
In Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights (a book I have not read), Catherine Earnshaw is abandoned by her love, Heathcliff, and dies while giving birth to another man’s child. Kate Bush also hadn’t read the book, when, at age 18, she saw the movie on the telly and immediately went to work composing what would become her debut single. When it was released in March 1978, the song shot up to number 1, making Bush the first woman to top the UK charts with a self-penned song. Another accolade: Bush may have been the first and only woman to star solo in an MTV video on its maiden day. In this “Wuthering Heights” video — there are two versions — Bush is wearing a white dress. This is the first version made for British audiences. The second, more well-known version made for US audiences has Bush in a red dress. Both feature Bush’s limber swaying, her choreography somewhere between drunk ballet and interpretive dancing. The “white dress” version trades the wily windy moors for an indoor set replete with fog and bad special effects. Bush’s intent was to look like a ghost and this one is definitely more haunting than the other. However, if the TikTok teens are gonna bring back the dance, they’ll pilfer the moves from the “red dress” video. In hindsight, it’s the better of the two. But “white dress” is still arresting. Bush, who delayed the release of the “Wuthering Heights single because she didn’t like the cover art EMI chose, is as dedicated to her aesthetic as her sound. (Alex Wexelman)
 Caitlin Moran mentions this video clip in The Times:
Although I don’t underestimate the impact of any art form, “changed my life” is a big ask for a pop video. I mean, Kate Bush’s Wuthering Heights definitely changed the way I thought about my nightie. At the age of four I realised it could be used as daywear, while spinning round and round and screeching what I thought, at the time, was the name of Kate’s great love: “Healthcliff.”.
Far Out Magazine revisits the films of David Niven:
Wuthering Heights (William Wyler, 1939)
Three years later, in 1939, David Niven continued his dogged persistence to reach the industry heights, working through Samuel Goldwyn to appear in multiple minor roles including John Ford’s Four Men and a Prayer, before finding success with Wuthering Heights.
William Wyler’s moody adaptation of Emily Brontë’s classic novel starred David Niven, not as Cathy or Heathcliff, but instead the feeble Edgar, to which Niven wasn’t best pleased. Putting him through 40 takes of his first scene in the film, Niven’s time on Wuthering Heights would prove to be extremely valuable, learning considerably from director William Wyler.  Eventually, the film would prove a massive success. (Calum Russell)
Femina (France) visits the 'austere parsonage of the Brontë sisters':
Il faut se rappeler la dureté de la vie au début du XIXe siècle pour comprendre la portée de l’œuvre des sœurs Brontë… et l’importance de leur foyer. Charlotte, Emily et Anne ont vécu à peu près à la même époque que Dickens, histoire de poser le décor. Le Royaume-Uni compte alors un peu plus de 10 millions d’habitants (contre 68 aujourd’hui), et si la démographie est en forte hausse, la mortalité y est très élevée. Père de six enfants, le révérend Patrick Brontë voit sa femme emportée par un cancer alors que sa cadette n’a même pas 2 ans. Puis c’est la tuberculose qui lui enlève ses deux filles aînées, en 1825. Dans ce contexte tragique, la maison familiale de Haworth, petit village du Yorkshire, représente un havre de paix et un refuge pour la fratrie survivante, à l’imagination débordante. (Valérie Fournier) (Translation)
Both Charlotte and Emily are part of this list of 'immersive romance novels' as published in Onedio (Turkey): 
Emily Bronte – Uğultulu Tepeler
Bronte kardeşler, kadının edebiyatla uğraşmasının hoş görülmediği bu yıllarda, önce erkek kimliğiyle şiirler yazmış sonra kendi adlarıyla, klasikler arasında yer alacak üç önemli romana imza atmışlar. Emily Bronte 1848'de öldüğünde dünya edebiyatının en güzel yapıtlarından birini, ilk ve tek romanı Uğultulu Tepeler'i ardında bırakmış. Bu Victoria Dönemi romanı, kimine göre dünyanın gelmiş geçmiş en büyük aşk romanı, kimine göre her okunuşunda değişik tatlar veren çağlar ötesi bir eser. Sevgi, kin, nefret, intikam, tutku gibi güçlü duygularla örülü bu gençlik öyküsü, aynı zamanda marazi bir aşkın hikayesi. (...)
Charlotte Bronte – Jane Eyre
Bronte Kardeşlerden Charlotte Bronte’nin Jane Eyre kitabı klasik baş yapıt aşk kitapları arasında yer alıyor. Victoria Dönemi'nde geçen Jane Eyre, birçoklarınca kadın hak ve özgürlüklerine sahip çıkan ilk romanlardan biri olarak kabul edilir. Zorlu bir yaşam süren yapayalnız bir genç kadının güçlü bir kadına dönüşmesinin öyküsüdür. Jane Eyre, erkek egemen toplumdaki konumuna gözü pek yaklaşımı ve şiirsel, duygusal bir gerçekçilikle harmanlayan öncü olmayı başarmış bir eser. (Ekin Avci Iltir) (Translation)

Red 17 (in Spanish) only includes Jane Eyre, though. 

Cinemagavia (in Spanish) reviews the film How to Build a Girl:
En esencia, el alter ego de Caitlin Moran es una adolescente de los años noventa, con todo lo que ello conlleva. Entre sus ídolos están las hermanas Brontë (excepto Anne), Jo March y Sigmund Freud. (Ana Pastor) (Translation)
Il Corriere Della Sera (Italy) publishes the obituary of the writer and publisher Roberto Calasso:
Alla biblioteca del nonno, il bambino Roberto attingeva per avvicinarsi alla letteratura: la prima rivelazione gli venne da un’edizione economica di Cime tempestose, grazie alla quale capì che la lettura poteva sostituirsi al gioco. (Paolo DiStefano) (Translation)

We read in Friuli Sera (Italy) that in tonight's edition of the Percoto Canta singing contest, a participant will sing Kate Bush's Wuthering Heights. Most appropriate. 


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