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Friday, July 16, 2021

Friday, July 16, 2021 10:48 am by M. in , , ,    No comments
South West Londoner interviews the authors and sisters Ambreen and Uzma Hameed:
Its influences, equally varied, draw on both sides of the authors’ British Muslim background – spanning Austen and Emily Brontë, Hollywood, Bollywood, and Sufi poetry. (Paul Kilbey)
A trivia question in the Lewiston Morning Tribune:
2. Who did Jane Eyre marry at the end of the novel? Bonus: What was the name of the manor at which Eyre was employed?  ( Tia Langston)
We read this in The Conservative Woman and cannot disagree more:
Much literature was inspired by tuberculosis and Charlotte Brontë, whose two sisters died from it, wrote: ‘Consumption, I am aware, is a flattering malady.’
And so is Covid. As with TB, going down with symptoms puts sufferers in a more flattering light, conferring both bravery and tragedy on them. If they were ordinary people before, they become special once they test positive for Covid. (Liz Hodgkinson)
Tribuna Online (Brazil) discusses a 'beautiful trinity': Ernest Hemingway, Emily Brontë, and J.K. Rowling:
Dona de um estilo completamente oposto, nascida em 30 de julho de 1818, Emily Jane Bronté, fez de “O Morro dos Ventos Uivantes” (Wuthering Heights) seu único romance narrando uma história de vingança cuja essência estava séculos à frente de sua publicação original em 1847, em plena era Vitoriana. Na época mulheres eram desconsideradas de qualquer atividade intelectual, por isso a autora usou o pseudônimo Ellis Bell para driblar a ridícula mentalidade vigente, e conseguiu. Abalou o público leitor ao construir uma história sem heróis, imbuído de amoralidade, desprovida dos clichês narrativos do gênero. (...) (Adilson Carvalho) (Translation)
A local politician in Spain is the winner of the blunder of the week award:
L’Ajuntament de Benicàssim sembla una novel·la de Jane Eyre. En la Comissió Informativa del 5 de juliol, l’equip de govern ens parlava de la pandèmia. (Joan Bonet in El Periódico Mediterráneo) (Translation)

Dream (Indonesia) lists quotes about crying, including one by Anne Brontë. Finally, an alert for today, July 16, in Recanati (Italy):

Associazione Culturale Arcadia presenta
Manuela Mantoni, author of the comic Le Sorelle Brontë
Ca' di Luna Agricoltura Sociale e Fattoria Didattica. 18:30 h


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