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Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Tuesday, July 27, 2021 9:44 am by M. in , , , , ,    No comments
New Humanist vindicates the poet Elizabeth Barrett Browing and mentions how in 1973 The Oxford Anthology of English Literature's editorial team:
excluded her work from their anthology, along with that of Jane Austen, George Eliot, Mary Shelley and Virginia Woolf, and all the Brontë novels. In total, less than 0.5 per cent of the volume was devoted to writing by women. (The same vanishingly small percentage, I notice, that in beer counts as alcohol-free.) (Fiona Sampson)
Southern Rhode Island Newspaper talks about a recent local fair:
What’s always fun for me is to watch a kind of evolution at play here: farming used to be a mostly male business, with women playing an important but completely different role geared towards support and sustenance—a role celebrated at the arts and crafts exhibits. Now, there are farms named for the “Grumpy Girls” and the “Four Daughters,” and a young woman minding the cows was reading Jane Eyre instead of Farm Journal. While the best-of-show apple pie was baked by a woman, she had male competition, and that was equally the case among the traditionally female categories, from quilting to fabric arts. (Bruce Fellman)
Sportsbeat talks about the British triathlete Georgia Taylor-Brown's performance at the Olympic Games:
Yorkshire’s unpredictable blusters could not be further from Tokyo’s sticky humidity - there is a reason Emily Brontë did not set Wuthering Heights in Harajuku - so Taylor-Brown got creative. (Rachel Steinberg)
Business InsiderEl Territorio (Argentina), Ideal (Spain) and Žena (Croatia) recommend Jane Eyre:
Jane is an orphaned young woman who, after finishing school, is offered a governess position at Thornfield Hall, where she meets and begins to fall in love with the mysterious and brooding Mr. Rochester. When the two decide to get married, secrets from Mr. Rochester's past are quickly revealed and Jane risks heartbreak once again. This novel is gothic and romantic, but readers still love this vivid 1846 (sic) classic today for Jane's strong, intelligent, and independent character. (Katherine Fiorillo)
Pasada ya su complicada infancia de huérfana, Jane Eyre, logra el puesto de institutriz para educar a la hija de Rochester. Poco a poco, el amor irá tejiendo su red entre ellos, pero la casa y la vida de Rochester guardan un estremecedor y terrible misterio. (Translation)
Con una prosa demorada, preciosista en el detalle y ágil en los momentos esenciales, Charlotte Brontë, una de las dos hermanas de la famosísima Emily (la autora de 'Cumbres borrascosas') desarrolla una historia argumentalmente bien construida que refleja las contradicciones de la sociedad victoriana. No defraudará a las adolescentes que, como aquella quinceañera, inician su andadura de amor por las letras. Tampoco a cualquier lector/a que busquen pasar un rato entretenido rescatando a una escritora que merece mayor protagonismo del que le ha dado la Historia de la Literatura. (Remedios Sánchez) (Translation)
"Jane Eyre" je engleski roman nastao 1847. godine tijekom romantizma. Kad je objavljen, kao autor je naveden Currer Bell, što je bio pseudonim kojim je Charlotte Brontë krila svoj spol. Roman "Jane Eyre" u svoje je vrijeme bio radikalno djelo jer se temelji na pretpostavci da žene imaju složen unutarnji život, baš kao i muškarci, te da nisu samo površna bića koja definira njihova vanjština i ljepota. "Jane Eyre" izvanredna je priča o jednoj od najneovisnijih i najsamosvojnijih junakinja svjetske književnosti. Siromašna i fizički ne suviše atraktivna Jane Eyre započinje život kao usamljeno siroče u kući tetke koja ju mrzi. Kad odraste postaje guvernanta u Thornfield Hallu, gdje zavoli svojeg poslodavca, bajronovski mračnog i strastvenog gospodina Rochestera, koji se ludo zaljubi u Jane zbog njezine jednostavnosti, otvorenosti i intelektualne znatiželje. No razotkrivanje strašne, mučne tajne razdvaja strastveno zaljubljene junake. Jedan od najslavnijih, najutjecajnijih i najpopularnijih romana svjetske književnosti, iznenađujuće je moderan spoj strasti, romantike, tajnovitosti i napetosti. (Translation)
Concertandco (France) review a recent concert by Cécile McLorin Salvant:
Un répertoire hétéroclite qui va de "la route enchantée" de Trenet et plus proche de nous, "Promises, promises" de Burt Bacharach et Dionne Warwick et surtout du méconnaissable (au début) du "Wuthering heights" de Kate Bush. (Sami) (Translation)

Yesterday's mini crossword at the New York Times contained a Brontë question:

Jane of a Brontë novel

 Finally, an alert for today July 27 in  San Giovanni in Persiceto, Bologna (Italy):
La Biblioteca “G.C. Croce” Sezione Adulti propone “Ritratto di famiglia in brughiera”, coinvolgente incontro con la psicologa e psicoterapeuta Ilaria Datta, che accompagnerà i presenti in un viaggio intimo e appassionante nel cuore di una delle più celebri famiglie letterarie: i Brontë. Fondendo notizie biografiche e brani letterari alle teorie psicologiche junghiane, l’approfondimento si inoltrerà nelle luci e nelle ombre delle personalità di Anne, Branwell, Charlotte e Emily, restituendoci il ritratto di una famiglia eccezionale e normalissima. Informazioni e prenotazioni allo 051.6812961, oppure via mail all’indirizzo bibliocroce@comunepersiceto.it (Gianluca Stanzani in Carta Bianca News) (Translation)


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