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Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Wednesday, July 14, 2021 2:47 pm by M. in , , , , ,    No comments
Locus Magazine interviews the author Lucinda Roy:
What writers, inside and outside the genre, influenced you? Have you always been a reader of science fiction?
L.R.: (...) I’ve been fascinated by the work of a range of writers, though most have been mainstream literary writers like Toni Morrison, Dickens, Austen, Bessie Head, Baldwin, Chinua Achebe, and Emily Brontë. (Brontë’s handling of conflicting points of view in Wuthering Heights is masterful.)
The Canberra Times recommends things to do in Canberra this weekend:
The Most Wuthering Heights Day Ever
Heathcliff, it's me, Cathy. And I'm at Glebe Park for Canberra's Most Wuthering Heights Day Ever. Expect to see more than 100 women, men and children, dressed in their best red frocks, singing and dancing to the classic Kate Bush song Wuthering Heights. And it's all for a good cause as it is a fundraiser for the ACT Domestic Violence Crisis Service. Saturday, 10am. Glebe Park. (Amy Martin)

You can check here other Most Wuthering alerts all around the world (in places without lockdowns or social restrictions).

New Statesman reviews Christopher Ricks's Along Heroic Lines:
His new collection of essays, Along Heroic Lines (OUP), is concerned with the varieties of heroism and the relationship between poetry and prose, and covers many of Ricks’s own heroes, from Shakespeare and Samuel Johnson to Geoffrey Hill and Norman Mailer via George Eliot and Charlotte Brontë. (Leo Robson)
On Milwaukee recaps The Bachelorette:
And in case that wasn't enough pressure, Franco comes over and lets Justin know that his vows MUST be something she's never heard before, the most special thing she's ever heard, words that touch her heart and mind and soul and everywhere. HAVE FUN! Guy's gotta apparently write "Jane Eyre" in this forest. (Matt Mueller)
The Young Folks have discovered the appeal of bad boys:
These bad boys abound in classics—Dorain Gray, Heathcliff, Mr. Rochester—and famous authors were bad boys like themselves. (Abby Petree)

Гордон (Ukraine) thinks that Jane Eyre is a good book for English beginners:

"Джейн Ейр" Шарлотти Бронте –класичний роман XIX століття про бідну дівчинку-сироту, яка завдяки своїй силі волі та стійкості духу долає всі негаразди і всупереч усьому стає щасливою поряд із коханням усього свого життя. Роман дуже багато раз екранізували, це один із найпопулярніших і найбільш гідних творів класичної англійської прози. Для початківців вивчати мову дуже корисне читання, але краще придбати адаптований варіант роману з паралельним перекладом вашою рідною мовою. (Translation)
Dilema Veche (Romania) mentions Charlotte Brontë:
Aș fi vrut să mă fac guvernantă. Să îngrijesc de o fetiță mică și dulce, pe care să o învăț toate cele. Cred că gărgăunii mi-au venit de la Charlotte Brontë. Apoi mi-am dat seama ce deșteaptă era Jane Eyre, nu ca mine. La revedere, guvernantă a imaginației mele sărite de pe fix! (Mihaela Ardelean) (Translation)

The Caffeinated Bibliophile reviews John Eyre. Finally, an online alert for today via the Elizabeth Gaskell's house:

Online Talk: Brontë’s Mistress: The Story Must Be Told
Talk by Finola Austin
14th Jul 2021
7pm - 8pm

Author Finola Austin brings us her meticulously researched and deliciously told novel, Brontë’s Mistress, with its captivating reimagining of the affair between Branwell Brontë (brother of the famous Brontë sisters) and Lydia Robinson, his employer’s wife. Elizabeth Gaskell wrote of the scandalous affair in her groundbreaking biography, The Life of Charlotte Brontë, and it has divided Brontë enthusiasts for generations. Discover how Austin used specific details from The Life in her novel and consider how writers sometimes blur the line between biography and fiction.


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