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Monday, July 26, 2021

Monday, July 26, 2021 10:48 am by M. in , , , ,    No comments
The Scotsman does a Lancashire road trip:
Local attractions include Wycoller Country Park, a favourite with the Brontë Sisters who referred to many of its landmarks in Wuthering Heights and Jane Eyre. (Dean Mellor)
The Times mentions some families with 'ink in the blood':
The Brontë sisters, Emily, Charlotte, and Anne, wrote Wuthering Heights, The Tenant of Wildfell Hall and Jane Eyre while their brother Branwell translated the first book of Horace's Odes from Latin.
Newsroom (New Zealand) publishes The 2021 Whitcoulls Top 100 list of books which includes
63 Jane Eyre Charlotte Brontë
and Intolerancia Diario (México) publishes a similar list by Librería Pórrua with the most read books in the pandemic:
Cumbres borrascosas, de Emily Jane Brontë. Esta novela que escandalizó a la crítica literaria de su época, se presentan las violentas relaciones personales sin ningún afán moralista. La escritora desmitificó un mundo de costumbres taciturnas e ideas de respetabilidad. (Translation)
Some Indian students talk about these most unusual holidays in The Tribune (India):
The most amazing thing to them was how my brother and I were attending school online at home. I spent most of my time choreographing small dances, taking my Bharatanatyam lessons and reading classic books like Jane Eyre, Pride and Prejudice and Little women. (Snigdha)
Animal Político (México) talks about Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman:
Lleva una vida rutinaria muy bien organizada. Los fines de semana toma vodka. No le preocupa su aspecto físico y utiliza ropa cómoda para ir al trabajo. Lee las novelas de Jane Austen y Charlotte Brontë, escucha programas de radio y resuelve crucigramas. Es una mujer inteligente. (Rubén Aguilar) (Translation)

Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung (Germany) describes the Most Wuthering Heights Ever Day in Velbert. AnneBrontë.org posts about Mary Taylor's views on Jane Eyre.


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