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Saturday, July 31, 2021

Attitude marks Kate Bush's greatest hits:
Wuthering Heights (1978)
You couldn’t have a list like this without Kate’s iconic debut single.
Released at the dawn of 1978, in an era where punk and disco ruled the airwaves, Kate arrived, at 19, with this eccentric and entirely unique slice of proggy neo-classical art pop that, no exaggeration, changed the course of pop music.
Fun fact: Kate shares a birthday with Wuthering Heights author Emily Brontë, so turns 63 on the 203rd anniversary of Emily Brontë’s birth. (Matthew Barton)
National Geographic UK interviews Katharine Norbury, editor of the recently published anthology Women on Nature
Simon Ingram: What do you hope the next generation of women on nature will be writing about? 
K.N.: (...) If you really want the best ideas for creating a sustainable future then give writers a free reign and see what they come up with. But don’t dismiss Emily Bronte’s love of starlight as a person-centred irrelevance because she doesn’t know the Latin names for things. Like all activists, I hope that one day my cause will disappear. 
Gazette & Herald recommends Caroline Taggart's The Book Lover's Bucket List:
She begins her tour in London, at Westminster Abbey – asking ‘what better place to start a literary voyage?’ She explains that many of Britain’s most famous writers have a connection to it; illustrious names such as Geoffrey Chaucer, author of The Canterbury Tales and poet Edmund Spenser are buried there, alongside lexicographer Samuel Johnson and novelist Charles Dickens. Others are memorialised in the abbey, including Jane Austen, William Blake and the Bronte sisters – and many more. (Karen Darley)
Lifehacker lists some film sequels that are better than expected. Talking about The Curse of the Cat People
Val Lewton was a producer who, in a sense, made a bargain unheard of in the history of Hollywood ego, trading prestige for freedom. He took a job as head of the horror department at RKO, and was given only three restrictions: The movies had to be cheap, relatively short, and the studio would provide titles (so, for example, we have a revisionist take on Jane Eyre and scathing critique of colonialism titled...I Walked with a Zombie). Other than that, he had free rein. The apex of this period was 1942’s Cat People, a stylish psychosexual noir directed by Jacques Tourneur that was much more about repressed trauma and existential dread than monsters…but there were enough horror movie trappings to make it a hit. (Ross Johnson)
Bookriot lists 'the best compliments in books'. One of the selections comes from Jane Eyre:
“Every atom of your flesh is as dear to me as my own: in pain and sickness it would still be dear.” (Selected by Alison Doherty)
The Times recommends Scoff: A History of Food and Class in Britain by Pen Vogler:
Alongside these fascinating tales, Janice Turner wrote in her review, Pen Vogler “serves a buffet of obscure facts from historic cookery books, along with keen culinary readings of Austen, Dickens and the Brontës”. Tuck in. 
We agree with Folha de S.Paulo (Brazil), to revisit Wuthering Heights is always an appealing idea:
A primeira leitura de “O Morro dos Ventos Uivantes” foi há pouco mais de 50 anos. O romance de Emily Brontë, publicado pela Coleção Saraiva, provocou estupor. Mais pela sua esquisitice do que pelo encanto.
Ele se passa entre o século 18 e o 19 e tem um enredo febril. Exaltados e desagradáveis, os personagens se engalfinham num arranca-rabo perpétuo. Sua gritaria ecoa num ambiente ficcional sórdido e incompreensível. Ao menos para um pacato adolescente paulistano. (...) (Mario Sergio Conti) (Translation)
Finally, check the highlights from The Brontë Blue Plaque Unveiling & Book Launch that took place yesterday in Thornton:


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