
  • S2 E1: With... Jenny Mitchell - Welcome back to Behind the Glass with this early-release first episode of series 2 ! Sam and new co-host Connie talk to prize-winning poet Jenny Mitchell...
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Thursday, June 24, 2021

Thursday, June 24, 2021 11:10 am by M. in , , , , ,    No comments
Keighley News reports the postponement of the Sotheby's auction and the appeal to raise £15 million by the Friends of the National Libraries to save the Honresfield Library.

GMA News (Philippines) talks about an upcoming Pinoy romantic drama, The World Between Us:
Director Dominic Zapata said the upcomin
g GMA romantic drama "The World Between Us" is unlike other love stories and shows. To begin with, he says, the story is based on the classic book "Wuthering Heights" by Emily Brontë. (...)
Direk Dominic quickly issued a clarification: He is not saying it is the best "Wuthering Heights," nor is "The World Between Us" is the "best love story," but that it is "the one for you." (...)
The show is set to premiere on GMA Telebabad on July 5. (Jannielyn Ann Bigtas
The Washington Post publishes the obituary of the poet and scholar Judith Farr (1937-2021):
In “The Passion of Emily Dickinson,” Dr. Farr explored the works of literature — from the Bible to Shakespeare to Charlotte Brontë’s novel “Jane Eyre” — as well as the artistic movements, including the Hudson River School, that helped shape Dickinson’s aesthetic. For Dr. Farr as for Dickinson, observed Martha Nell Smith, an English professor at the University of Maryland, “the fields of Art were sacred. Works by both of them exude that over and over.” (Emily Langer)
Counterpunch has an article on Frantz Fanon's The Wretched of the Earth:
Sartre derives many of his ideas about violence from Fanon, though Fanon is more nuanced than Sartre, as when he notes that, “The colonized subject is a persecuted man who is forever dreaming of becoming the persecutor.” Paulo Freire makes much the same point in Pedagogy of the Oppressed where he notes that when the oppressed becomes the oppressor he often becomes even more oppressive than his own oppressor. The idea didn’t originate with Freire. The novelist Emily Brontë makes much that same observation in her mid-nineteenth-century masterpiece, Wuthering Heights, a kind of meditation on love and tyranny and healing. (Jonah Raskin)
The Lewiston Sun Journal describes as follows the Gordon & Caird musical Daddy Long Legs:
Based on the classic novel, which inspired the 1955 movie starring Fred Astaire, “Daddy Long Legs” is a “rags-to-riches” tale of newfound love in the spirit of Jane Austen, The Brontë Sisters, and “Downton Abbey”.
Página 12 (Argentina) talks about the film The World to Come, directed by Mona Fastvold.
Tomando como modelo las novelas románticas del siglo XIX, podría decirse que la película Deseo prohibido es algo así como el cruce perfecto entre el universo que surge de la obra colectiva de las hermanas Brontë, con el espíritu feminista post #NiUnaMenos. (Juan Pablo Cinelli) (Translation) 
Las Cosas Que Nos Hacen Felices (Spain) lists the best gothic films, including Jane Eyre 2011:
El mayor defecto que puede tener una película de época es el centrarse más en la precisa recreación de la campiña inglesa en lugar de en las fuertes emociones que asaltan a sus protagonistas. No es el caso de Jane Eyre, la mejor adaptación de la novela de Charlotte Bronte. Sí, hay buen gusto y mucha inteligencia en la puesta de escena, pero, por encima de todo, están Mia Wasikowska y Michael Fassbender desbordados de tormento y pasión. (Fernando Vílchez) (Translation)
Vogue (Poland) talks about a local exhibition of paintings mentioning one of the artists says:
Gdy znalazłyśmy zdjęcie Wandy Zawidzkiej, pomyślałam: „Ojej, ona mogłaby studiować nawet teraz!” – wygląda tak współcześnie. Resia [Schor] jest jak emanacja Emily Brontë, a Dydyńska to chłopczyca z czupryną w stylu lat 20. (Anna Sańczuk) (Translation)
Soulmates in Harper's Bazaar (Italy):
La letteratura abbonda di esempi di anime gemelle: Romeo e Giulietta, Heathcliff e Catherine di Cime tempestose, Maggie Cleary e Padre Ralph in Uccelli di rovo. Non proprio amori facili e quasi mai a lieto fine, come se l’affinità perfetta, l’amore totalizzante, abbia un prezzo e anche salato. (Mrs Glass) (Translation)

El Impulso (Venezuela) begins an opinion article with a Charlotte Brontë quote. The Books Are Everywhere reviews Wuthering Heights.


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