
  • S2 E1: With... Jenny Mitchell - Welcome back to Behind the Glass with this early-release first episode of series 2 ! Sam and new co-host Connie talk to prize-winning poet Jenny Mitchell...
    4 months ago

Wednesday, June 09, 2021

Wednesday, June 09, 2021 12:31 am by M. in , ,    No comments
Middle-east scholars also explore Jane Eyre:
Muhammad Anees, Dr. Akbar Ali, Dr. Liaqat Iqbal, Sajjad Ahmad, Irfan Ullah Khan, Azhar khan
International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, Volume 15, Issue 5, 2021

The aim of the study is to examine how the attitudes, dialogues, motivations and social position of the heroine disputes with the patriarchal hegemony of the male characters, patriarchal structure and truths of early Victorian era in Jane Eyre. The purpose of the paper is to show how the four major male characters are the representative of early Victorian patriarchal system; particularly the study examines through heroine perspective, patriarchal ideologies and social gender norms which were oppressive to women. The research came to the conclusion that patriarchal supremacy of the male members of the society and family society has been accepted as an ideology; and this ideology has been internalized and naturalized by using certain institutions like religion, customs and traditions. Consequently, study finds patriarchy, religion, patriarchal laws, religious laws; patriarchal institutions and religious institutions as the major factors responsible for women’s discrimination


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