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Sunday, June 13, 2021

Sunday, June 13, 2021 11:23 am by M. in , , , , , , , ,    No comments
The Times reviews the latest Archive on 4 episode on BBC Radio 4:
Reardon, as his much-interrupted work on his memoirs attests, is an unreliable narrator, which was the topic of yesterday’s entertaining, inventive Archive on 4, presented by the stand-up and writer Stewart Lee. Lee begins his journey “walking along Cecil Court”, off the Charing Cross Road, which when Lee first arrived in London was lined with second-hand bookshops. “But do you trust me? Do you think I’m really on Cecil Court? Or would it be more impressive if we’d fabricated this with some clever sound design that I can just switch off?” Cue silence. “Or if we’d fabricated it, couldn’t we have fabricated something more impressive or atmospheric?” Cue howling winds and Lee shouting: “Somewhere like the Yorkshire moors, where I might speculate, loudly, on the persona of Nelly Dean, whose not necessarily trustworthy reminiscences Emily Brontë used to frame the story of Wuthering Heights.” (Patricia Nicol)
Gender in literature in The Deccan Herald (India):
Being an author myself, in a family of three sisters — all writers — I felt rather flattered when someone once referred to us as the Brontë sisters (I suspect, as a joke rather than a compliment). But since sales of my books are never going to reach Wuthering Heights, I am wondering whether to quit writing safe pristine pure rom-coms, and much like Charlotte, Emily and Anne Brontë — who earlier called themselves male names like Currer, Acton and Ellis Bell all to avoid being recognised by their neighbours — I too will choose a macho sounding male name and secretly write torrid prose for a living. But till then, I will rely on my luck at where I am placed in bookstores. (Indu Balachandran)
A reader of The Telegraph & Argus recommends the novel
Skulduggery set in Haworth circa 1600.
We all know how famous the Brontë sisters are but am sure Paul Rushworth-Brown – the 21st-century author ­– might soon be joining these literary giants.
A must-read novel too for anyone visiting Haworth. (John Ackroyd, Haworth)
More Haworth-related things. Like this Fair Trade shop in Haworth as described in The Telegraph & Argus:
 Haworth is the perfect place for the shop, says Rita. “We have a close, supportive community but also visitors from all over the world, along with spectacular scenery and the added attractions of the Brontë Parsonage and steam railway. (Helen Mead)
Diario de León (Spain) presents the recently published Cumbres Borrascosas. El Amor más allá de la muerte book about Wuthering Heights 1939: 
La editorial Reino de Cordelia publica, dentro de su colección Snacks de Cordelia, un recorrido gráfico por la novela más veces llevada al cine de las hermanas Brontë, Cumbres borrascosas. Escrita bajo el influjo del romanticismo de Lord Byron, la novela de Emily Brontë ha sido adaptada al cine en varias ocasiones. Alicia Mariño repasa esas películas, especialmente la dirigida en 1939 por William Wyler, con Merle Oberon, Laurence Olivier y David Niven. Una historia que lleva a sus máximos extremos el amor y la venganza despiadada del amargado Heathcliff, quien, tras hacerse rico, regresa al territorio de su infancia para recuperar su amor. (Translation)
nmz (Germany) mentions the German premiere next year of Gordon & Caird's Jane Eyre The Musical in Nordhausen:
Als einen der Höhepunkte der neuen Spielzeit bringt das Haus am 1. April nächsten Jahres das Musical «Jane Eyre» als deutsche Erstaufführung auf die Bühne. Paul Gordon und John Caird adaptierten für ihr im Jahr 2000 am Broadway uraufgeführtes Musical den gleichnamigen englischen Erfolgsroman von Charlotte Brontë aus dem Jahr 1847. Das Stück erzählt vom Streben nach Unabhängigkeit in einer von Männern dominierten Welt. (Translation)
El Salvador (El Salvador) talks about Gothic literature and Industrial Revolution: 
Friedrich Engels publicó The Condition of the Working Class in England en 1845 y en 1847 es publicada la novela gótica para todas las épocas, Wuthering Heights, que habla sobre la desolación moral en el campo del norte de Inglaterra y la traída, como regalo, desde la ciudad de un niño encontrado y recogido de la calle, Heathcliff. Es escrita por una niña joven y soltera, Emily Brontë. (Katherine Miller) (Translation)
NDR's eat.READ.sleep (Germany) discusses several books, including Wuthering Heights
 Deutlich kontroverser geht es beim Klassiker zu: Emily Brontës "Sturmhöhe". Und im Quiz wird’s diesmal laut!

A columnist of Vanguardia (México) recommends Wuthering HeightsThe Yorkshire Post reports how the dancer Samantha Pippa Moore, who created the Young Cathy role in the Northern Ballet's production of Wuthering Heights, has received an MBE.


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