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Thursday, June 03, 2021

Thursday, June 03, 2021 7:46 am by Cristina in , , , , ,    No comments
We are finding it hard to believe that a study by a university would make this kind of mistake, but there you go. From the University of Wolverhampton:
Research by a team at the University of Wolverhampton has yielded interesting findings on how Northern Irish readers respond differently when asked to recommend their favourite fiction compared to those in other parts of the United Kingdom. [...]
The Novel Perceptions team lead and Professor Sebastian Goes said: “This result may be partly explained because those novels are on the BBC list, but in other categories.  
“However, no Northern Irish participant mentioned Emily Brontë’s Jane Eyre, which is by far the most popular recommendation from England and Scotland.  
“This classic is surely known by the Northern Irish public, and is on school curricula. As Jane Eyre is the most popular recommendation in the North of England overall, this may give us a clue as to how place might shape readerly identity, literary preferences and a sense of cultural value.”  
'No Northern Irish participant mentioned Emily Brontë’s Jane Eyre'. Clever participants!

Insider Media Limited reports that Bradford has welcomed the official launch of the competition to be named UK City of Culture 2025.
The cultural heritage of Bradford includes a number of well-known artists, writers and musicians, including the Brontës, Frederick Delius, AA Dhand, Andrea Dunbar, David Hockney, Tasmin Little, Zayn Malik and JB Priestley. (Stephen Farrell)
Buzzfeed News recommends Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia, which is out in paperback this month.
This twisty horror fantasy is engrossing and wonderfully repulsive. Noemí Taboada is a socialite who delights in parties, fancy dresses, seducing men, and anthropology. After receiving a garbled letter from her recently married cousin and dear friend Catalina, she travels to the distant village of High Place and the decaying mansion that is now Catalina’s home. There, she finds Catalina incoherent and lethargic while the family she’s married into exudes white-colonialist patriarchy — except for the youngest son, Francis, whose shy demeanor and pallid looks are the exact opposite of the men Noemí typically enjoys. But in this rank home with no friends, Francis becomes an anchor for Noemí. Meanwhile, the house itself seeps into her dreams and slowly comes alive around her. This is a must-read for fans of gothic writers like the Brontës, Daphne du Maurier, and Shirley Jackson, and also for those who enjoy the feminist, surreal fiction of Carmen Maria Machado. (Margaret Kingsbury)
But Why Tho? reviews Poison Ivy: Thorns, which is
written by Kody Keplinger, drawn by Sara Kipa, colored by Jeremy Lawson, and lettered by Steve Wands. Poison Ivy: Thorns is Pamela Isely’s origin story published by DC Comics as part of their DC Comics for Young Adults line. [...]
The plot of Poison Ivy: Thorns largely hinges on the secrets Pamela’s father forces her to hide. This is also where the gothic horror elements begin to come into play. Pamela’s mother, supposedly on a research trip, is actually deathly ill, hidden in the attic, like Mr. Rochester’s wife in Jane Eyre, another gothic tale. Pamela’s father refuses to take her to the hospital. He believes that through experimenting on Pamela, he will discover a cure. (Marina Z.)
Tor shares an excerpt from the novel The Wisteria Society of Lady Scoundrels by India Holton.
“Come now, Miss Bassingthwaite, don’t be so harsh with me,” the aggravating man went on, strolling beside her. “After all, our souls are made of the same thing, yours and mine.”
She shifted the parasol once more so as to stare at him, aghast. “Are you paraphrasing Wuthering Heights?”
“Are you reading Wuthering Heights?” he retorted with a smirk.
She went on staring for a moment, then realized her face was flushed (no doubt from all the sun exposure) and turned away. “I am returning it to the library on behalf of my maid,” she said. “I merely had it open to ascertain the condition in which she’d left it, as she had an unfortunate education and therefore tends to dog-ear pages.”
“Liar,” he said genially. “I wonder what your aunt would say if she knew you were reading that novel?”
“She would ask me why I did not cut the throat of the man with whom I had this conversation.”
La Voz (Argentina) asks writer Florencia Bonelli about her literary influences:
–Si tuvieras que armar un podio, ¿cuáles serían los tres libros de otros autores que más te marcaron o te inspiraron para tu propia escritura?
–Si tuviera que elegir solo tres, diría Jane Eyre, de Charlotte Brönte [sic]; Amor bajo el espino blanco, de Ai Mi, y El jinete de bronce, de Paullina Simons. (Ayelén Iñigo) (Translation)
Sarah Badat-Richardson writes about revisiting Wuthering Heights.


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