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Thursday, June 17, 2021

Thursday, June 17, 2021 7:46 am by Cristina in , , , ,    No comments
The Spectator features this year's Drawing Biennial shows and highlights a couple of the drawings by Conrad Atkinson.
But wit is most succinctly expressed in the drawing itself, as in Conrad Atkinson’s pair of ‘Shopping Trolleys’ for Emily Brontë and Sylvia Plath, one loaded with butterflies, birds and dried leaves, the other with blackened weeds and a baleful cat. (Laura Gascoigne)
Here it is on the Drawing Biennial website:


Year 2009
Medium Coloured pencil, watercolour, printing, and acrylic paint on paper
Dimensions 29.1 x 20.4 cm

This drawing is part of a sequence of drawings about the shopping trollies of famous writers, mostly poets, which will be shown next year (about 20). It is harder to humanise people who have been “mummified” by being called “great artists”. They are very normal people.
Keighley News discusses the idea of creating a ‘film studio of the north’in West Yorkshire.
Such a studio could be a huge boost for Keighley and the rest of the Bradford district, which has been used for numerous film and TV productions over the years. Dalton Mills, the Keighley & Worth Valley Railway and Haworth – with its Brontë connections ­– are all popular locations. (Alistair Shand)
New Statesman reviews Ben Wheatley’s In the Earth while looking back on the director's previous film, last year's adaptation of Rebecca for Netflix.
Ben Wheatley’s In the Earth is, I am happy to report, at least a notable improvement on his remake of Rebecca. That disaster, released relatively quietly in October last year, marked a low point in the changeable, unusual career of a director at first fated for success as a cult hero. Bright and flat, too evidently made for Netflix in its TV-movie slickness, it had neither style nor substance, doing little other than allowing critics to draw unflattering parallels with the film by Alfred Hitchcock.
Most curiously, the screenwriters of Wheatley’s version had elected to apply an awkward lacquer of girl power to the famous final lines of Daphne du Maurier’s novel, making the unnamed narrator revel in “the woman I am now” before suggesting that the love of her secretive, murdering husband had endowed her life with meaning. One imagines we are due a Jane Eyre, also helmed by Netflix, in which Rochester’s mad wife escapes the attic in search of empowerment and a career. (Philippa Snow)
Fodor's Travel recommends visiting Bakewell in Derbyshire as one of the '15 Most Picturesque Small Towns in England'.
Bakewell is where the 18th century comes to life. The old stomping grounds of Jane Austen are perfect for a day of sampling fresh markets finds, devouring a Bakewell pudding from the Old Original Bakewell Pudding Shop, and finishing it off with a spot of tea. But there’s more than gluttony to satisfy here. Visit the stately home of the Duke and Duchess of Devonshire and Haddon Hall—one of the oldest houses in England. If things are starting to look familiar, your hunches are right—both served as quintessential English backdrops for films such as Pride and Prejudice, The Princess Bride, and Jane Eyre. (Candace Salters)
Shemazing asks readers to join in in a reading challenge for the summer which includes
A classic you always said you’d read
We all have them. ‘1984’, ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’, ‘Wuthering Heights’ – we’ve nodded vaguely when asked about them, or skipped them on reading lists from our school days but this summer is finally the summer you’re going to get around to it! (Fiona Murphy)
De Groene Amsterdammer (Netherlands) has an article on Gothic terror.
Natuurlijk is het not done om hier uit te leggen wie precies op welke wijze betrokken was bij de moord. Wel wil ik weer benadrukken dat Banville niet alleen een doortrapt literair spel speelt met het detectivegenre maar ook niet schroomt allerlei allusies op beroemde verhalen in te bouwen. Ik noem slechts een paar negentiende-eeuwse voorbeelden: The Fall of the House of Usher van de oervader van de detective Edgar Allan Poe, Jane Eyre van Charlotte Brontë en Wuthering Heights van haar zus Emily Brontë. En dat de koloniale en gewelddadige geschiedenis van Moeder Ierland – de wrijving tussen protestanten en katholieken – dankzij Banville subtiel verweven raakt met de moordzaak behoeft geen commentaar. (Graa Boomsma) (Translation)
ActuaLitté has an article (France) on the auctioning of the Honresfeld Library. Eminetra recommends Jane Eyre as one of the '10 Books Everyone Should Read Before They Turn 30' while Libreriamo (Italy) highlights the love story at the heart of it. Heathcliff is one of literature's three anti-heroes according to Diário Gaúcho (Brazil).


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