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Sunday, April 04, 2021

Sunday, April 04, 2021 10:36 am by M. in , , , ,    No comments
The hottest literary destinations (when lockdown ends) in The Guardian recommending The Story of an African Farm by Olive Schreiner:
Doris Lessing compared this 1883 novel to Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë. (Henry Eliot)
The Nerd Daily interviews the writer Brenda Novak:
Elise Dumpleton: Quick lightning round! Tell us the first book you ever remember reading, the one that made you want to become an author, and one that you can’t stop thinking about!
B.N.: Jane Eyre. I hated reading until I found this book in my elementary school library, and it’s the one I’ve reflected on the most, probably because it’s what I used as an example when I finally realized I wanted to be a writer. My first book, Of Noble Birth, published by HarperCollins in November of 1999, was also an English historical, so you can see the inspiration. 😉
The Cleveland Daily Planer reviews Adler Vol.1:
[Lavie] Tildhar places the action in 1902 London, so a number of characters have to be updated from their 19th century origins to fit the new era. For example, our narrator (and reader POV) is Jane Eyre — but she is no longer the independent-minded governess she was in her eponymous 1847 novel, but instead an even more capable character, a former battlefield medic who served in the Boer War. (Captain Comics)
Change in the local judicial system in The Sunday Times (Sri Lanka):
 “During my 27 years at the bench, I had a desire to close down orphanages which are now called children’s homes. Most of them reminded me of Jane Eyre and Oliver Twist,” said Justice Khema Swarnadhipathi.
She noted that a resolution has now been adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations, setting out the guidelines for the alternative care of children. “The Cabinet of Ministers of the Parliament of Sri Lanka approved an alternative care policy in 2019. It is for us judges and lawyers either to give life to these policies or treat them as a Pandora’s box,” she pointed out. (Ranjith Padmasiri)
Weser-Kurier (Germany) asks local priests for literary Easter recommendations:
Saskia Schultheis, Andreas-Gemeinde: Wer keine Schmonzetten mag, sollte sich von Saskia Schultheis' Buchtipp nicht abschrecken lassen: Sie empfiehlt „Jane Eyre“ von Charlotte Brontë. „Das ist zwar eine Liebesgeschichte, aber nicht kitsch-kitsch“, sagt sie. Stattdessen gebe es Charaktere mit Ecken und Kanten, Menschen, die sehr viel mitgemacht haben, in ihrem Leben. „Der männliche Protagonist ist sogar alles andere als ein Sympath - übellaunig, ruppig, genervt, aber mit einem unterschwelligen Charme.“ Der Roman bekommt von ihr das Prädikat: super gut lesbar. (Simon Wilke) (Translation)
La Provincia (Argentina) interviews trap artist Cozzu:
De repente tenemos historias sobre Charlotte Brontë o Jane Austen que han ocultado su sexo, se dice por ahí que muchas canciones de Atahualpa Yupanqui las ha escrito una mujer que firmaba como hombre y eso pasaba porque sino tu arte no iba, no tenía por dónde ir si no eras hombre. (Interview by Adrián Mouján in Télam) (Translation)
αθηνόραμα (Greece) interviews publishers:
Σπύρος Πετρουνάκος: Ναι, υπάρχει σύγχρονη «γυναικεία γραφή». 
Odile Bréhier: Και ομολογώ πως ούτε τα θέματα τους, ούτε το είδος της γραφής τους με συγκινούν. Κατά τ’ άλλα, υπάρχουν βεβαίως «γυναικείες γραφές» που μπορεί και να συγκινούν, όπως των Jane Austen, αφών Brontë, Virginia Woolf, George Eliot, Elizabeth Gaskell, Agatha Christie, Daphné du Maurier, Doris Lessing, Marguerite Duras, Françoise Sagan, Joyce  (Translation)
JydskeVestkysten (Denmark) interviews the writer Kåre Johannessen:
Hvilken bog eller hvilket blad har givet dig en god oplevelse?
K.J.: Åh, der er mange! Emily Brontës ”Wuthering Heights” har jeg læst et utal af gange. (Translation)
Público (Spain) interviews Irma Correa, author of the play Ulloa:
“Como en Cumbres Borrascosas y como en Los Pazos de Ulloa, había que situar la acción en un lugar apartado, con sus reglas propias, con una jerarquía totalmente patriarcal donde se desarrollan comportamientos humanos asalvajados; le propuse a José Luis que eso hoy día podía localizarse en una rave en un descampado, con esa idea de tiempo suspendido. Estuvimos de acuerdo desde el principio”. (Rafa Ruiz) (Translation)

Diario de Ibiza (Spain) recommends Glass Town by Isabel Greenberg.


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