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Sunday, April 18, 2021

Sunday, April 18, 2021 10:45 am by M. in , , ,    No comments
The Pilot reviews The Diabolical Bones by Bella Ellis:
The Brontë sisters, Anne, Emily and Charlotte, are busy with their own literary pursuits, both poetry and the idea of writing a novel. But since that doesn’t keep them busy enough, they’ve started their own little detective agency.
When their housekeeper shares the news that a set of old bones has been found bricked up inside Scar Top House, nothing will do but that the sisters look into it at the request of Liston Bradshaw. They aren’t afraid of the rumors that Liston’s father, Clifton Bradshaw, owner of the house, has sold his should to the devil (although he is a hard man).
It seems pretty cut-and-dry since the skeleton was found in Bradshaw’s house, but the young women are nothing if not thorough in their quest.
Ellis does a great job of giving the historical facts about the Brontë family good play, alternating chapters among the sisters. (Faye Dasen)
This Emily Brontë link in Cumbria is a little bit tenuous. Lancashire Live says:
Cumbria has some of the most historic homes in the country - here are just some of the incredible properties for sale including homes with links to William Wordsworth and Emily Brontë. (...)
Fountain House, Kirkby Lonsdale
£885,000 (Guide price)
Rev William Carus Wilson, a prominent figure in the area, added the Georgian front section in 1830.
The reverend founded Clergy Daughter’s School at nearby Cowan Bridge, where the novelist Charlotte Brontë was a pupil.
The school and the Rev Wilson were said to have provided Charlotte with inspiration for the Lowood school and tyrannical headmaster in her 1847 masterpiece Jane Eyre. (Catherine Mackinley)
John Sutherland presents in The Telegraph his new book Monica Jones, Philip Larkin and Me:
 So what exactly did she mean by “producing” me? She did so by passing on her belief as to what an engagement with books really meant. Stay amateur; don’t professionalise yourself. What matters is your love of great literature, not processing it. If that means not publishing (like her), so be it. Work out a small shelf’s length of authors who really mean something to you. Most of what I have published, over the last half century, is on authors borrowed from Monica’s shelf: Thomas Hardy, pre-eminently, Thackeray, Scott, Trollope, Emily (not Charlotte) Brontë. Jane Austen she thought prissy. I part company with her there.
The Daily Pioneer (India) on tales of heritage:
 Dickens’ A Christmas Carol is a wonderful cameo on the traditional Christmas spirit. Similarly, Sense and Sensibility by Austen profiles the Victorian custom of older men marrying young girls. Emily Brontë’s novel Wuthering Heights is all about how social class creates conflicts among its characters. (Sutapa Basu)
Il Manifesto (Italy) carries an article about the persistence of the interest in the Brontës:
Un mare, anzi un oceano, di carte – biografie, saggi critici, nuove edizioni, traduzioni, film – circonda il magico arcipelago brontiano: Anne, Emily, Charlotte. Lontane dalla modernità e perciò così attraenti. I loro versi allucinati, tardo-romantici forse pre-imagisti, misteriosi e incantatòri hanno il fascino dei lieder. Non ci chiedono di essere capiti, ma di sentire con loro. Per merito del padre, il reverendo Patrick Brontë della canonica di Haworth, bello, dominante, solitario, conosciamo le adolescenziali aspirazioni delle loro brevi esistenze. Morirono di tubercolosi – come già la madre e le due sorelline più giovani – a circa trent’anni Anne e Emily, Charlotte a trentotto. (Read more) (Viola Papetti) (Translation)
The Huffington Post (Spain) lists the influences on Pilar Quintana's novel Los Abismos:
Los ecos que acompañaron a Pilar Quintana durante la escritura fueron los de Rebeca, de Daphne Du Maurier, de 1938, que luego se haría popular por la adaptación cinematográfica de Alfred Hitchcock, en 1940. Junto a ella, muy cerca, Cumbres borrascosas, de Emily Brontë. “Son dos novelas que me impresionaron en mi adolescencia. Ese gótico de amores infelices con niebla”, confiesa Quintana. (Winston Manrique Sabogal)
Culturopoing (France) reviews the film The Nightingale:
 Format 4/3, photographie épurée, gros plans et cadres frontaux, la cinéaste impose immédiatement une mise en scène sèche et précise, rappelant la Andrea Arnold des Hauts de Hurlevent dans son traitement moderne apposé à un film d’époque. Jennifer Kent, marque ainsi une évolution assez radicale après Mister Babadook, autant qu’elle s’affirme par la même occasion. (Vincent Nicolet and Jean-François Dickeli) (Translation)

Extra (Ireland) describes the younger Ian Bailey as a 'handsome Heathcliff-like poet'. On ReReading Jane Eyre Luccia Gray continues her Jane Eyre in Flash Fiction posts.


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