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Sunday, April 11, 2021

Sunday, April 11, 2021 11:35 am by M. in , , , , ,    No comments
The Indiana Gazette reviews the comic Adler Vol.1:
[Lavie] Tildhar places the action in 1902 London, so a number of characters have to be updated from their 19th century origins to fit the new era. For example, our narrator (and reader POV) is Jane Eyre — but she is no longer the independent-minded governess she was in her eponymous 1847 novel, but instead an even more capable character, a former battlefield medic who served in the Boer War. (Andrew A. Smith)
The Independent (Ireland) interviews the writer Lynda LaPlante:
The first book you remember?
It was Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë, I read it as a girl and it always stayed with me.
The Daily Mail interviews Emily Watson who eplains why she didn't take the role of Amélie:
 She was offered every role going and turned down plenty of prominent parts, including the lead in Elizabeth, which ended up going to Cate Blanchett, and Amélie, which had been specially written for her but eventually was taken by Audrey Tautou. ‘Amélie was at a time in my life when I’d been away a lot; I needed to be at home more, and, anyway, the film was in French, which I don’t speak, and I’d seen Juliette Binoche [speaking English badly] in Wuthering Heights and thought “Hmm, no!”’ (Julia Llewellyn Smith)
The Tribune News Service answers a reader's question concerning the second season of the TV series World on Fire:
On the “Masterpiece” website, “World on Fire” creator Peter Bowker offered this teaser for the second season: “Kasia and Lois will meet, and the fallout from that, I think for everybody, will be interesting and fascinating. Season 2 will start, historically, with the blitz in the Northwest of England. And North Africa will be very much the field of battle. We’ll find out more about Webster’s family history. Nancy will finally have to leave Berlin near the start of the series, for crossing a line, and we will also find out more about Nancy. And she will carry on. She will definitely be in the Soviet Union for some of it. So yeah, that’s the shape it’s taking. And Lois, of course, trapped in a rather Brontë-esque, loveless marriage with Vernon.” (Rich Heldenfels)
The Yorkshire Post has an article about Hornsea and mentions Charlotte Brontë: 
Hornsea highlights from its famous pottery to award-winning beach visited by Charlotte Brontë (...)
Even the author Charlotte Brontë was among those who visited and one of the highlights of the summer season was the third week in July, when horse racing took place on the beach. (Lucy Oates)

Emma Clayton in The Telegraph & Argus checks out some travel programmes on TV:

Susan Calman’s Grand Days Out also ticked off Yorkshire...Malham Cove and Whitby along with, yep, Brontë Country, where the comic mimed to Wuthering Heights on a wiley, windy moor. Natch.

The Telegraph reviews a recent live stream concert by Bat for Lashes: 
That song had her in tears. As a new parent she explained she had a bad case of “mum brain” brought on by sleep deprivation. Having not sung in public in more than a year, she also felt “nervous and rusty”. But the self-deprecating patter failed to take the edge off a searing hour that registered somewhere between Tori Amos, Anne Rice and the Brontë sisters. (Ed Power)
Writer Polly Gillespie shares her experience about writing a book in Stuff (New Zealand):
Now at the end of the week I still feel reluctant to get out of bed and shower. I haven't read reviews, and I'm just hoping it's not absolutely awful. I try to dismiss thoughts like "Why the hell did you think you could write a book?" and I've stopped wearing the wig, false nose, and fake moustache when I ‘go down the New World' to get more wasabi pea crisps and Whittaker’s white chocolate, but I certainly don't feel like Emily Brontë, Katherine Mansfield or JK Rowling. Though perhaps Emily, Katherine, JK, JRR, AND Michelle Obama also isolated in their rooms eating all manner of weird snacks when their first books came out.
The Cinemaholic reviews the Hindi film Roohi:
 From the myth of the Greek sorceress Circe, who can turn men into swine, and her Indian equivalent Surpanakha, who can turn herself into various forms to lure Laxman into her trap, to the likes of ‘Jane Eyre,’ women have often been portrayed as erratic, violent, and hysteric creatures who stand outside the rational realm of men to attain mysterious, almost mythical proportions.
The Arts Desk reviews the film Sequin in a blue room:
At school, Sequin sends texts from under the table while his English teacher invokes Wuthering Heights and rabbits on about obsession, transgression and that remote-seeming word, love. (Matt Wolf)
Il Sole (Italy) talks about Bildungsroman as a genre, beginning with a nice personal anecdote:
Quando avevo 17 anni il mio professore di italiano, nell’andare in pensione, mi regalò una copia di Jane Eyre. Pensai che fosse un bel gesto, ma che quel libro non c’entrasse nulla con me, figlia del grunge e della periferia, cosa potevo mai condividere con una delle solite orfane infelici e sfortunate che al massimo potevano realizzarsi con un buon matrimonio, di cui era piena la letteratura? Invece divorai quel libro, con una fame che cresceva a ogni pagina, completamente assorbita da quella ragazza, dalla sua forza, dal suo viaggio senza ritorno verso una meta che era la stessa identica cui tendevo anch’io. La scoperta di se stessi, dell’autenticità e del mistero di ciò che sta sotto le aspettative. Il mio professore sapeva fare il suo lavoro e aveva scelto il libro giusto, conosceva la potenza di quella letteratura che abbiamo incasellato nella definizione di “romanzi di formazione”. (Letizia Giangualano) (Translation)
Semana (Colombia) interviews the writer Fernanda García Lao:
Victoria Hoyos: Si tuviera que escoger un personaje de ficción de alguna novela para sentarse a charlar un rato, ¿a quién elegiría?
Cada libro que uno lee es una conversación en diferido. Ahora estoy releyendo Cumbres borrascosas de Emily Brontë y no sabría con quién quedarme. En todo caso, el espíritu de esta autora está ahí en cada frase, al alcance de mi mano. Ella dice y yo subrayo.(Translation)
Letras Libres (in Spanish) talks about Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes:
 Pero si El perro de los Baskerville nos parece la novela más importante de Holmes es por su localización. Doyle prefería los ambientes orientales, y confinó durante muchos relatos a Sherlock en Londres, pero soltar al detective en los tétricos escenarios de las hermanas Brontë fue un acierto extremo, las tierras del norte, sus desoladores páramos trabajan a favor de la trama. (Gonzalo Torné) (Translation)

Acessa (Brazil) lists 'best-selling books' including Wuthering Heights. La Nación (Argentina) mentions the Phil Lord & Chris Miller 1998 Brontë Sisters Power Dolls commercialVårt Land (Norway) publishes a quiz which includes a Brontë sisters question. The Well Read List reviews Wuthering Heights.


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