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Monday, March 29, 2021

Monday, March 29, 2021 10:16 am by M. in , , , , ,    No comments
Tourist trips in England inspired by classical novels in the Coventry Telegraph:
The West York Moors in Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights
But it was one of their chief amusements to run away to the moors in the morning and remain there all day, and the after-punishment grew a mere thing to laugh at.
Wuthering Heights (1847) is a tale of obsessive love. Divided in life, Cathy and Heathcliff are finally joined in death and their spirits roam the Yorkshire moors. For me, Emily Brontë’s classic is more about the landscape than love. When first reading the novel, my interest in Cathy and Heathcliff’s undying love was secondary to my imaginings of the moorland that is their playground and escape. The windswept barren landscape feels synonymous with freedom.
You can walk in the Brontë sisters’ footsteps by following the Brontë Stones, which are situated between Thornton, where the girls were born, and Haworth, where they wrote their classic novels. The Emily Walk is marked by a poem carved into a rocky outcrop from Kate Bush, whose 1978 number one Wuthering Heights was inspired by the novel. The walk leads you away from civilisation and takes in the lovely ruins of Top Withins farmhouse, which is believed to be the inspiration for the Earnshaw home in Wuthering Heights. (Heather Green)
Explica.co talks about TB:
Tuberculosis caused up to a quarter of all deaths in Europe during the 19th century.
Famous people who died of tuberculosis include John Keats, Frédéric Chopin, Charlotte, Emily and Anne Brontë, Anton Chekhov, and Franz Kafka.
Diário do Nordeste (Brazil) and a new translation of Virginia Woolf's A Room of One's Own:
 Ela assina o texto de apresentação da nova edição de “Um quarto só seu”, famoso ensaio da autora inglesa disponível para compra no site e que estará na primeira caixa do Clube F., o clube feminista da casa editorial. Com capa dura e tradução de Júlia Romeu, o livro traz um dos textos mais influentes do século XX, alimentando até hoje os debates feministas e de gênero.
Além disso, esta edição reúne ensaios que Virginia escreveu sobre as grandes literatas inglesas – Jane Austen, Emily & Charlotte Brontë e George Eliot – analisando suas obras, vidas e pioneirismo no meio literário. (Diego Barbosa) (Translation)
Culture e Culture (Italy) reviews Dead Blondes and Bad Mothers: Monstrosity, Patriarchy, and the Fear of Female Power by Jude Ellison Sady Doyle:
Ed è così che con la pubertà e la perdita della verginità le bambine e le ragazze, diventando donne, perdono la loro umanità perché «il terrore che i maschi nutrono verso la sessualità femminile incontrollata scorre in profondità e ogni tanto sgorga in sanguinolenti fantasie». A volte è proprio la fantasia femminile a creare dei mostri, come Mary Shelley fece con Frankenstein e per certi versi anche le sorelle Brontë con Cime Tempestose. (Maria Ianniciello) (Translation)
Loff.it (in Spanish) and a new story about the current pandemic times: 
[M]ientras disfrutaba de su galleta y pensaba en la próxima receta que le ayudaría a entreterner algún rato muerto de una tarde cualquiera en la cocina, recordó que la noche anterior había dado buena cuenta de Jane Eyre, la novela a la que volvía siempre cuando necesitaba un lugar seguro y acogedor en el que perderse ¿de qué clásico echaría mano para que la Semana Santa fuese algo más que una semana de pasión y cierre perimetral? (Berta Rivera ) (Translation)
Undiscovered Scotland posts about the upcoming book Pignut and Nuncle by Des Dillon:
Reading the blurb on the back cover will have told you that this is a mash up of Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë and Shakespeare’s King Lear. As a result you might think twice about picking this book up. Don’t: just buy it, jump in and enjoy the wild ride you find within!

Medium's Park Recommendations reviews Jane Eyre. A Guide to Reading & Reflecting by Karen Swallow Prior. The Brontë Babe Blog goes beyond Brontë juvenilia and points out other child authors. AnneBrontë.org posts about The Brontës and Theatre.


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