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    4 months ago

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Tuesday, March 16, 2021 7:10 am by Cristina in , , ,    No comments
Something funny via Craven Herald & Pioneer as it tells about the life of former Skipton coroner Thomas Brown (born in 1800).
However Thomas’ sister Nancy Brown married Thomas Wilkinson, a chemist in Skipton.
Their daughter Elizabeth Wilkinson was just 19 when she married 40 year old John Cragg who was the ‘High Bailiff of County Courts at Skipton and Otley’ and also a soda water manufacturer, auctioneer and farmer. A busy man.
Years later, in 1937, after the death of their son, it was revealed that John was a friend of a friend of Rev Patrick Brontë, the father of the Brontë sisters.
The family had papers that said, allegedly, brother Patrick Branwell Brontë wrote all the books after the sisters had sketched the outlines.
The notes described the sisters as ‘sulky, peevish and ignorant country girls’ . (Viv Mason)
Still locally, The Telegraph and Argus welcomes the restoration of a former landfill site.
Sugden End was used as landfill for 34 years to 1998, with household and industrial waste tipped into a valley. The restoration of the former eyesore in the Brontë moorland provides outdoor public space with grazing land and woods. [...]
Councillor Sarah Ferriby, Executive Member for Healthy People and Places, said: [...]
“This was a unique project because of its proximity to the cherished Brontë moorlands, a nearby residential area, a watercourse running through it and a working household waste recycling centre on the doorstep.
Well, according to Vogue, Jane Eyre is for you only if you're a Pisces.
February 20 – March 20
The gentle and empathetic Pisces keeps to themselves, but don’t underestimate them just because they’re on the quieter side. They’re artistic and full of compassion, always on hand with wise words of advice. If there’s any weakness they’re prone to, it’s their impressionability and excessive trust in others. Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre is a tale that will connect with Pisces readers, the classic tale of a woman searching for love and belonging. (Gladys Lai)
LitHub has an essay on 'A Caregiver’s Rage and Jane Eyre' by Kate Washington.


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