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Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Wednesday, March 31, 2021 11:36 am by M. in , , , , ,    No comments
Several newspapers mention the anniversary of Charlotte Brontë's death. Particularly Nacional (Croatia) publishes an article about how Charlotte published Jane Eyre under the pseudonym Currer Bell:
Jedan od najslavnijih, najutjecajnijih i najpopularnijih romana svjetske književnosti (s najviše filmskih adaptacija) iznenađujuće je moderan spoj strasti, romantike, tajnovitosti i napetosti. (Mario Marinić) (Translation)

And North-Texas E-news, Moldpres (Moldavia), Yeslife (Italy), Moliseweb (Italy), Haberler (Turkey), Погляд (Ukraine) ...

The New Yorker rewrites famous first lines for pandemic times: 
Jane Eyre,” by Charlotte Brontë
“There was no possibility of taking a walk that day. Too many people were outside without masks on. Oh, well, never too early for Netflix.” (Eli Grober)
The Telegraph explores the works of screenwriter Moira Buffini:
Her well-received period drama series, Harlots, centring on an 18th-century brothel, aired on the BBC last summer. Then, in contrast to that thinking person’s romp, came The Dig, a succès fou for Netflix in January. Her bravura script has brought Buffini’s name to the fore in a way not seen since her lauded 2011 film adaptation of Jane Eyre (with Michael Fassbender as Rochester). (Dominic Cavendish)
Strong female protagonists in The Boar:
The first book may have a reputation for being a basic choice, but this is one of the first classics I ever read, and will forever be my favourite for so many reasons:  Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë. This narrative follows Jane throughout her life as she deals with grief, deception and a battle of her own morals. She falls in love with a man called Mr Rochester and she has to make the decision of whether to follow her heart, mind or a combination of the two.
This book has such a philosophical outlook that a lot of the quotes I’ve pulled from it have stuck with me for years, and still continue to shape my own morals. For example, midway through the book Jane has to remind herself of why she should stick to her personal resolutions, which is where Brontë writes “preconceived opinions, foregone determinations, are all I have at this hour to stand by: there I plant my foot”. It was released as an ‘autobiography’ in 1847 under the pseudonym Currer Bell, which created a lot of controversy, as the book discusses extreme feminist ideas for the time and also criticises religion. For this reason, people were determined to find the real Currer Bell. For me, activism is agitation: no change can be made if people are comfortable, and Jane Eyre fully represents this. She knew, and intended to annoy and break, the norms, and because of this she made huge changes.  (Josh Dixey-Lock)
Die Presse (Austria) travels through Yorkshire by train:
Mit der Dampfeisenbahn durch die raue Landschaft von Yorkshire. Die Keighley & Worth Valley Railway führt zu den Brontë-Schwestern. Und der berühmte Bahnhof „Hogsmeade“ liegt an der North Yorkshire Moors Railway.
Ja, Emily Brontë hatte recht. Es ist stürmisch auf den moosgrünen Hügeln rund um Haworth. Jenem Dorf in den Mooren von Yorkshire, in dem drei der bemerkenswertesten Autorinnen des 19. Jahrhunderts, Charlotte, Emily und Anne Brontë, lebten. Nur ein paar Sträucher sprenkeln das kahle, wellige Land mit lila Farbtupfern. Mitten in dieser Moorlandschaft ließ sich Emily zum Roman „Wuthering Heights“ („Sturmhöhe“) inspirieren. Geboren wurden die Schwestern zwischen 1816 und 1820 im nahen Thornton. Kurz darauf nahm Vater Patrick eine Pfarrerstelle im armen Weberdorf Haworth an. Das geräumige Pfarrhaus neben Kirche und Friedhof ist heute das Brontë Personage Museum. Möbel, Kleidungsstücke, Manuskripte, Zeichnungen und Briefe der Familie sind hier zu sehen. Am Esstisch entstandene Gedichte und Romane wie „Jane Eyre“, „Sturmhöhe“ und „Agnes Grey“. Heute vermarktet sich die Region als „Brontë Country“. (Dagmar Krappe) (Translation)
Globo (Brazil) discovers a Brontëite among the female investigators at the Universidade de Fortaleza. The Australian Legend posts about Jane Eyre. Comical Opinions reviews the Adler Collection, where Jane Eyre plays an important role.


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