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Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Wednesday, March 10, 2021 12:30 am by M. in ,    2 comments
The Guardian publishes the obituary of Christopher Heywood (1928-2021):
My friend Christopher Heywood, who has died aged 93, spent more than three decades as a lecturer and senior lecturer in English literature at Sheffield University, during which time he spent a couple of years from 1966 lecturing in Nigeria. For a further 10 years from 1988 he taught English at various universities in Japan. (Clyde Binfield)
One of his scholar interests were the Brontës and he was a frequent contributor (although usually quite controversial) to Brontë Studies.  You can check some of his sometimes far-fetched theories in this list of publications:
Reply to Correspondence Relating to Responses to Christopher Heywood’s Article, ‘Charlotte’s Copies of Emily Brontë’s “Bonnet Portrait”’, Brontë Studies, 43.3 (July 2018), 222–47.
Christopher Heywood
Brontë Studies, Volume 44, 2019 - Issue 2

Charlotte’s Copies of Emily Brontë’s ‘Bonnet’ Portrait
Christopher Heywood
Brontë Studies, Volume 43, 2018 - Issue 3

A Response to ‘EMILY BRONTË. From a painting by Charlotte Brontë, hitherto unpublished’
Christopher Heywood
Brontë Studies, Volume 42, 2017 - Issue 2

Found: The ‘Lost’ Portrait of Emily Brontë
Christopher Heywood
Brontë Studies, Volume 40, 2015 - Issue 2

Kitty Bell’ Again
Christopher Heywood
Brontë Studies, Volume 38, 2013 - Issue 3

Ireland, Africa and Love in Emily Brontë’s Gondal Poems
Christopher Heywood
Brontë Studies, Volume 38, 2013 - Issue 2
Published Online: 22 Nov 2013

Did Charlotte Brontë Write ‘Kitty Bell’?: A Reply
Christopher Heywood
Brontë Studies, Volume 37, 2012 - Issue 3

The Brontës at Work on Novels by Eugène Sue
Christopher Heywood
Brontë Studies, Volume 37, 2012 - Issue 1

Vigny's Kitty Bell, Eugène Sue's Mathilde and 'Kitty Bell'
Christopher Heywood
Brontë Studies, Volume 35, 2010 - Issue 1

The Column in Branwell's 'Pillar' Portrait Group
Christopher Heywood
Brontë Studies, Volume 34, 2009 - Issue 1

Pennine Landscapes in Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights
Christopher Heywood
Brontë Society Transactions, Volume 26, 2001 - Issue 2

Yorkshire landscapes in 'Wuthering Heights.' (novelist Emily Brontë)
Christopher Heywood
Essays in Criticism, vol. 48, no. 1, 1998, p. 13+

‘Alas! Poor Caunt’: Branwell's Emancipationist Cartoon
Christopher Heywood
Brontë Society Transactions, Volume 21, 1995 - Issue 5

A Yorkshire Background for "Wuthering Heights"
Christopher Heywood
The Modern Language Review, Vol. 88, No. 4 (Oct., 1993), pp. 817-830 

Symbolic Landscapes in Wuthering Heights  [in Japanese]
Christopher Heywood
Journal of the School of General Education,Okayama University (33), p43-60

Africa and Slavery in the Brontë Children's Novels
Christopher Heywood
Hitotsubashi Journal of Arts and Sciences 30 (1989) 75-87. 

Yorkshire Slavery in Wuthering Heights
Christopher Heywood
The Review of English Studies, Vol. 38, No. 150 (May, 1987), pp. 184-198
He also wrote the Introduction for the Broadview Press 2001 edition of Wuthering Heights.


  1. RIP to a good scholar and friend. His contributions in Bronte studies are a landmark to me.

  2. So sorry to hear this news. I worked with him on his research and he was a lovely person.
