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Saturday, February 06, 2021

Saturday, February 06, 2021 12:30 am by M. in , ,    No comments
Newly published Brontë-related scholar papers:
Aycan Gökçek
Comparative Literature: East & West (2021), DOI: 10.1080/25723618.2021.1876970

This paper aims to point out to the social position of women in early 19th century England with references to Jane Austen’s Emma and Charlotte Brontë’s Villette. In the first part, in addition to the definition of the ideal Victorian woman, limited educational, economic, and social opportunities of women will also be pointed out. In the second part, Villette will be handled in terms of its approach to the social problems of women such as their limited job and educational opportunities. Social norms drawn for an ideal Victorian woman and the significance of the institution of marriage for women will also be scrutinized. In the third part, Emma will be studied in terms of its reflection of the social position of women. With the analyses of two novels, the paper aims to conclude that in the Victorian Era, women were seen as social inferiors because of the prejudice against them in society. Examining how Charlotte Bronte and Jane Austen became the voice of the injustice and prejudices against women, the paper concludes that Victorian women could only justify their presence on earth by dedicating themselves to others through self-effacement, duty, and sacrifice. In addition to this, the paper also points out that in early 19th century England, women faced many difficulties to obtain social, economic, and educational rights that are equal to those of men. This paper is dedicated to the examination of the social position of Victorian women because although this issue is referred to superficially in many articles, few articles handle the subject thoroughly. Hereby, the paper aims to engage in a scrutinized study of the issue on two novels of the period both of which provide fruitful and clear examples to the object of the study.
Ilha do Desterro A Journal of English Language, Literatures in English and Cultural Studies, v. 74 n. 1 (2021)

Villette (1853), o terceiro romance publicado de Charlotte Brontë, trata da história da gelada Lucy Snowe e sua experiência como professora na terra estrangeira do país fictício de Labassecour. A narrativa é profundamente controlada pela narradora, Lucy, e são poucos os momentos em que as emoções tomam formas não-reprimidas no texto. Um dos momentos em que o oposto acontece é no capítulo intitulado “Vashti”, no qual Lucy assiste a uma peça e se impressiona com a performance da atriz, Vashti. O presente trabalho relaciona a tradição do conceito de gênio, em sua evolução pela história ocidental, e a representação da artista figurada no romance de Brontë, de modo a demonstrar o entendimento da escritora sobre o gênio feminino. Pode-se concluir que, para Brontë, a imagem da artista está relacionada a figuras iconicamente rebeldes da tradição ocidental, e que sua abordagem em Villette sobre a representação da genialidade feminina desvia do padrão vitoriano que ela mesma segue em outras obras.


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