Sunday, February 14, 2021
Bolton Library and Museum will be exploring the lives and literature of the Brontë sisters in a special ' in conversation' evening.Author visits to Bolton Library have been cancelled because of the pandemic but now thanks to the power of technology the library has teamed up with Saraband Press to invite the public to join two of the authors of Saraband's 'A View From the 21st Century' Brontë biographies: Dr Sophie Franklin and Adelle Hay. Questions they will be exploring will include: who was the real Charlotte Brontë and which is the greatest Brontë novel of all?The event takes place on March 17 at 6.30pm. To book free tickets visit and get a Zoom link. The talk is part of the New Worlds Festival. (Saiqa Chaudhary)
And now, what you're looking for... Valentine's day mentions:
1 Jane EyreCharlotte Brontë"Reader, I married him," Charlotte Brontë announces in the final chapter of her most famous novel. Published in 1847 under the pseudonym Currer Bell, the story of orphan, later governess Jane and her eventual husband, Mr Rochester, was an instant success. It was also condemned for its depictions of religion, the independence of spirit and emotional vitality of the heroine, and the transcendence of class she effected. As such, it was also viewed by many as somewhat worryingly revolutionary, particularly those who speculated that the author might, in fact, be a woman.2 Wuthering HeightsEmily BrontëAlmost operatic in tone, Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights is one of the most tortured love stories of all time. Also published in 1847, the story of Heathcliff and Cathy and the love affair which tore both themselves, and all around them, asunder, is a masterclass in the use of pathetic fallacy, and the Gothic form. Where Jane Eyre broke the feminine mould of the time in her quiet, understated way, Catherine Earnshaw did it with relentless gusto. Each are equally enjoyable. (Liadan Haynes)
Wuthering Heights by Emily BrontëThis gothic classic sees well-to-do Cathy fall for tortured antihero Heathcliff. Their angsty passion makes for a captivating read.
Jane Eyre by Charlotte BrontëChosen by Rowan Coleman, author of The Girl at the WindowIt is a bit conventional, but Jane Eyre is my favourite novel of all time. The most romantic moment is when Mr Rochester dresses up as a gypsy woman to get time alone with Jane. In a house full of people, he’s so desperate to spend time with the governess he’s not really allowed to socialise with, so he goes to extraordinary lengths to get her alone in a room. They share an incredibly charged moment.Their romance isn’t ideal, but that makes it more romantic for me. It’s realistic. He’s flawed. But they still love each other, beyond all of the revelations and twists. More importantly maybe, Jane comes to falls in love with herself; increasingly, she knows her own value. Charlotte writes about unrequited love with so much emotion and preciseness, and you just know she’s recreating her own feelings towards her tutor who she loved and who didn’t love her back.
Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë.
Chosen by Mike Gayle, author of All The Lonely People and 2021 winner of the Romance Novelists Association’s outstanding achievement award
“My love for Linton is like the foliage in the woods: time will change it, I’m well aware, as winter changes the trees. My love for Heathcliff resembles the eternal rocks beneath: a source of little visible delight, but necessary. Nelly, I am Healthcliff!” As a tender-hearted 17-year-old, my response to the news that Wuthering Heights was one of our A-level set texts was to roll my eyes, and yawn. Then I read the book and fell in love with it, particularly this moment, where Catherine describes the difference between her love for brooding Heathcliff and posh Edgar Linton. This was every girl I’d ever fallen for up to this point. “I like you Mike,” they’d assure me, “you’re really lovely” – then over the weekend they’d be spotted spilling their cider and black as they snogged some floppy-haired stranger in the corner of an indie-disco. I’d console myself that while this interloper might have them physically, I on the other hand had them mentally, so to speak, and surely that was better? It was all nonsense of course, nothing less than a trumped-up consolation prize for the broken-hearted. But if the choice is no prize or a fake one, when you’re 17 the fake prize at least feels like something you can hold on to.
05/8 Cathy and Heathcliff – Wuthering HeightsIn this gripping love story, Cathy and Heathcliff broke the traditional boundaries of romance in Brontë's time. Set in the dark Yorkshire moors, the hot-headed Cathy and vengeful Heathcliff inflict chaos amongst their families as they indulge in a relationship, which eventually ends in tragedy.
Whether you’re crunching gears on switchbacks through the Peak District, where the rain-lashed moors are ripe for a bodice-ripping Brontë romance, taking a cliff-hugging coastal drive through Northern Ireland, or falling hard for the lonesome beauty of Wales’ Black Mountains – these drives will have you yearning for the open road. (Kerry Walker)
The Yorkshire Moors, EnglandBoth metaphor and backdrop for Heathcliff and Cathy’s immutable passion (and the epic Kate Bush song that Emily Brontё’s story inspired) the ‘wily, windy moors’ of Yorkshire provide an irresistible landscape for wild, windswept romance. Spend long days wandering the glorious expanses of heather and hills, before returning to any of the area’s blissful accommodations, which range from rustic cottages and corn mills, to luxury manor houses, cosy treehouses and quirky geodomes. (Sarah Rodrigues)
Cumbres Borrascosas 1939Si quieren drama, aquí tendrán y mucho. Es una película estadounidense de 1939, basada en la novela homónima de Emily Brontë y dirigida por William Wyler. Pasiones, enemistades familiares, amores difíciles y mucho, pero mucho drama. La novela ha sido llevada al cine muchas veces, en adaptaciones diferentes, la más importante es la de 1939. El novelón de Emily Brontë no es solo una de las cumbres de la novela en lengua inglesa, ni tampoco uno de los libros de ficción más populares de la historia, sino también uno de los clásicos literarios más adaptados al cine. En este de 1939, Katherine tiene los ojos de Merle Oberon y Heathcliff es Laurence Olivier y David Niven es Edgar. (Translation)
The film is part of TCM's Romantic Weekend Getaway, by the way.
`Wichrowe wzgórza`Młodziutka Cathy i jej przyszywany brat Heathcliff są nierozłączni. Kiedy dorastają, rodzi się pomiędzy nimi uczucie. Pomimo tego, dziewczyna postanawia poślubić przystojnego sąsiada. Zraniony Heathcliff opuszcza dom rodzinny. Powraca po latach…`Wichrowe wzgórza` to tytuł, który każdy z nas zna. Jednak nie wszyscy mieli okazję oglądać film. Co roku powstaje wiele produkcji filmowych opowiadających o miłości, ale czasami warto poszukać starych dzieł. My polecamy `Wichrowe wzgórza` - wersję z 1992 r., w której zagrali Ralph Fiennes oraz Juliette Binoche. Dzieło cechuje się wyjątkowym klimatem i z pewnością nie zawiedzie Waszych oczekiwań co do emocji. (Magdalena Michałowicz) (Translation)
Pride & Prejudice (2005)The 2005 version of Pride & Prejudice isn’t universally beloved — at times, it has a vibe that’s more Jane Eyre than Jane Austen. But if you’re of a certain sensibility, it’s hard to beat the dreamy, foggy landscapes and gorgeous sunrises in this movie, which stars Keira Knightley as Elizabeth and Matthew Macfadyen as Mr. Darcy. (Megan Elliott)
Quando si parla di dichiarazioni d’amore, come non pensare alla romanticissima scena di Jane Eyre, di Charlotte Brontë in cui Mr Rochester si dichiara appunto a una giovane e incredula Jane?Rochester la sfida prima, preannunciandole che le loro vite sarebbero cambiate per sempre a causa di una partenza per un paese lontano. Ma man mano che si avvicinano l’uno all’altra, anche il modo di comunicare dei due diventa più intimo e aperto: "Ho una strana sensazione nei vostri riguardi, soprattutto quando mi siete vicina come adesso. Sento come se io avessi un laccio legato al mio fianco sinistro, e voi siete strettamente legata alla stessa maniera. E ora che andrete in Irlanda, con tutta quella distanza tra di noi, temo che questo laccio finirà con lo spezzarsi e che io sanguinerò. Ma voi no, voi mi dimenticherete."Di lì a poco, Mr Rochester le chiederà non soltanto di restare, ma anche di diventare sua moglie. (Serena Di Battista) (Translation)
Heathcliff e Catherine, Cime Tempestose di Emily BrontëProbabilmente il classico dei classici insieme a Orgoglio e Pregiudizio di Jane Austen, impossibile non citarlo nella letteratura dedicata a San Valentino. Passione struggente, amori tormentati e inquieti: la brughiera inglese fa da sfondo a questa passionale storia d’amore ambientata nello Yorkshire. Tutto ha inizio con l’arrivo di Heathcliff a Wuthering Heights; Catherine è la figlia del proprietario, il Signor Earnshaw, che prende il bambino sotto la sua protezione. I due ragazzi crescono insieme per scoprirsi, ben presto, innamorati e finendo per intrecciare una relazione segreta per non turbare gli equilibri familiari. Drammi, colpi di scena, separazioni, emotività, desiderio di vendetta e passione in un romanzo dalle sfumature gotiche che, a suo tempo, fece più che scalpore.Jane Eyre e Mr. Rochester, Jane Eyre di Charlotte BrontëA differenza della Catherine di Emily, la protagonista descritta dall’altra sorella Brontë, Charlotte, è tutt’altro che capricciosa e indolente. Jane è una ragazza dal passato doloroso e tormentato, cresciuta con un’educazione rigorosa. Giunge a casa Signor Rochester per lavorare come istitutrice. Il padrone di casa è burbero, schivo, assente e, per certi versi, inquietante. Nonostante la diversità d’animo, tra i due nasce un sentimento pur andando incontro a numerose vicissitudini che metteranno alla prova l’amore dei due protagonisti. La pazienza, la dolcezza e la risolutezza di Jane, avranno la meglio, così come i lettori avranno il loro lieto fine. (Stella Grillo) (Translation)
Anyone climbing the steps into Haworth Wholefoods should pause to think a moment before entering.Because among the millions of people whose feet have trod the well-worn stones, there is a high chance the Brontës were among them.Standing at the top of cobbled Main Street, the characterful building was a post office in the days of the Brontës and would have been a busy hub in the village. (Helen Mead)
A major project is underway to showcase the uniqueness of Kirklees as a tourist destination that appeals to visitors and locals alike.Experts are aiming to focus on what has been described as the “strong cultural ecology” of the district championing everything from the rural and urban landscapes through to sport, music, festivals, textile heritage, micro breweries and gin distilleries.The interlinked culture, heritage and tourism strategies aim to champion Kirklees’ links with the Brontës, said to be as strong as those with Haworth, and to reflect the brand of Yorkshire, which has been listed as the second best place in the world to visit. (Tony Earnshaw)
Her choices, she stresses, are personal, and not to be read as “an attempt to be definitive or to create a canon”. Evaristo’s views of the literary canon are widely known, and she raised eyebrows when she admitted that writers like Jane Austen and the Brontë sisters did nothing for her. Hence her concern not to sound prescriptive. (Rosemary Goring)
For some reason Monty Python's Life of Brian sketch: What the Romans ever done for us? keeps coming to our mind.
The Guardian looks into the concept of literary canons in general:The English literary canon is the lineup of “greats” we’ve been served up in so many ways. It’s writing by mostly white men stretching back along a literary timeline from Ezra Pound and Virginia Woolf through to Victorians (like Dickens, Thackeray, Yeats and the Brontë sisters) and then to Romantics and next to Shakespeare and his crew and finally back through to Chaucer and the medievalists and so on. (Alice Te Punga Somerville)
There are abiding challenges with any attempt to augment – or compete with – a revered text. The anxiety of influence can trigger hysterical pastiche or castrate an author’s creativity. But the best examples are neither parody nor fan fiction. Consider, for instance, Wide Sargasso Sea, Jean Rhys’s feminist interrogation of Jane Eyre, or Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead, Tom Stoppard's existential response to Hamlet. Both offer something ignited but not delimited by their source. (Ron Charles)
Madhubala’s relationship with legendary actor Dilip Kumar transcended into their onscreen chemistry which was beautifully captured in the Hindi adaptation of the novel Jane Eyre.
The Dig, a British film with classic Wuthering Heights touches, is playing currently on Netflix, starring Carey Mulligan and Ralph Fiennes in lead roles, along with Lily James, who has played Rebecca in the new version. The film recreates the story of an excavation in a rural estate in Sutton Hoo, owned by the widow Edith Pretty. (Ravi Shankar)
Tuberculosis used to be widespread in the UK as well. During the Victorian era, it was a leading killer, responsible for 40% of all deaths among working-class people in cities. Literary greats such as Robert Burns, Elizabeth Barrett Browning and the Brontë sisters all died from the disease. (Aasma Day)
Die Geschichten vieler berühmter Frauenfiguren in der Literatur des 19. Jahrhunderts – etwa in Anna Karenina oder Jane Eyre – sind eingezwängt in diesen patriarchalen Erwartungshorizont. Das trifft auch auf Olive Schreiners 1883 erschienenen Roman Die Geschichte einer afrikanischen Farm zu. (Kevin Neuroth) (Translation)
Más allá de los alicientes comerciales, trasciende a lo largo de la historia la imposibilidad de publicación de generaciones de mujeres, así como la ausencia de valoraciones justas por sus trabajos literarios. Muchas encubrieron sus azarosas femineidades bajo epítetos del sexo opuesto. Fue el caso de las reconocidas hermanas Brontë: Charlotte, Emily y Anne, quienes se ocultaron detrás de los seudónimos varoniles: Currer, Ellis y Acton Bell, respectivamente. (Iris Celia Mujica Castellón) (Translation)
Un succès incroyable qui s’explique par le mélange entre le moderne, et l’esprit Jane Eyre. Si vous êtes à la recherche d’un long métrage sensuel, ou la passion vous dévore de l’intérieur, La Chronique des Bridgerton est donc faite pour vous. (CBM) (Translation)
Le fantôme des amours impossibles, Catherine, Heathcliff, errant dans la lande, romantisme tragique du roman Les Hauts de Hurlevent d’Emily Brontë, souffle manifestement sur l'inconscient innocent des compositions du duo parisien « Hum Hum ».Le spectre de Kate Bush, son inoubliable « Wuthering Heights », plane sur les mélodies voix de Sophie Verbeeck (parolière, chanteuse et actrice d’origine belge) et les arrangements 80’s de BT93 (compositeur et musicien) sur ce premier album « Traversant » (Dragon Accel / Modulor) dont on attend la sortie quelques jours avant le solstice d'été 2021. (Maxim Lopes) (Translation)
Sería absurdo de parte de Byrne no mencionar su relación con las mujeres: él es un Heathcliff sin maldad, el hombre de ojos tristes y pelo oscuro, medio gitano medio poeta que resulta ridículo de atractivo, “esa belleza estúpida”, como lo definió una periodista de The Guardian. (Mariana Enríquez) (Translation)
Quotes, cards, quizzes and whatever Valentines you can imagine, with some Brontë on them, on Metro, Metropolitan Magazine, Libreriamo, La Voce di Alba and Prima Chivasso (Italy), Cosmopolitan (Indonesia), As (Spain), In Your Area...
The Nonconformist shares a two-part essay with multiple Jane Eyre echoes; Luccia Gray is Rereading Jane Eyre; The Brontë Babe is doing the same; Smart Bitches, Trashy Books reviews about The Wife in the Attic by Rose Lerner. Finally, Evie Magazine shows how Jane Eyre is the Feminist Heroine We Need.
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