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Sunday, February 07, 2021

Screenrant lists some Gothic Romance movies to be streamed this upcoming Valentine's Day:
Crimson Peak (2015) (...)
The lush and well-rendered visuals of the film simply leap from the screen and the central romance between Tom Hiddleston's mysterious suitor and Mia Wasikowska's object of his affection is a perfect recreation of the dangerous romances of the works of Edgar Allen Poe and Charlotte Brontë. (...)
Jane Eyre (2011)
Before breaking out with his superb direction of the first season of True Detective, Cary Joji Fukunaga crafted one of the best out of the seemingly infinite adaptions of Charlotte Brontë's gothic classic - perhaps the gothic romance novel. The story of Jane Eyre follows the titular character, a shy governess who begins an affair with her mysterious boss. (John Wells)
More Valentine's Day pandemic initiatives in La Stampa (Italy):
E due sono legate all’amore (pure per la lettura). Bisogna proporre qualcosa di diverso per riuscire a differenziarsi e a farsi conoscere anche da chi non passa da quella via dietro al Teatro Comunale. «Una delle novità – racconta Silvia Paoli – è “Gioco a due”: una dama edibile di biscottini afrodisiaci a base di caffè, cacao e mandorla, nati grazie al confronto con una cara amica e ispirati ad “Afrodita” di Isabel Allende. (Valentina Frezzato) (Translation)
In these times of masks, the Arizona Daily Times compiles quotes celebrating the power of sight, including one by Charlotte Brontë: 
The soul, fortunately, has an interpreter — often an unconscious but still a faithful interpreter — in the eye. (Compiled by Tom Carpenter
The Sunday Times reviews the Elizabeth Barrett Browning biography Two-Way Mirror by Fiona Sampson:
 Her 1856 bildungsroman Aurora Leigh, a verse novel in nine books about a woman finding her voice, became a bestseller because it embodied a new earnestness — a quest for self-improvement. EBB, unlike the Brontës and George Eliot, didn’t have to disguise her sex to become a favourite with Victorians of both sexes. (Daisy Goodwin)
The Mary Sue interviews Kid Corvid Cosplay:
Briana Lawrence: Speaking of unwinding, who are your comfort characters? Who are you going to when you need a pick me up?
K.C.C: My comfort characters are Jane Eyre from Jane Eyre, Usagi Tsukino from Sailor Moon, Yukino Miyazawa from Kare Kano, Portgas D. Ace from One Piece, and Yusuke Urameshi from Yu Yu Hakusho.
Filming at a stately home in the Daily Mirror:
Chatsworth House. There have been 19 film and TV productions at the 105-acre estate, just a few miles from the Yorkshire border.
These include the 2011 Jane Eyre film starring Michael Fassbender and, less predictably, 2009 horror The Wolfman. (Laura Connor)
Practical Caravan makes a random Brontë mention in an article about the Robert Burns Birthplace Museum:
When you go outside to the garden (which includes a willow sculpture of one of Burns’ most famous characters, Tam o’Shanter) and learn that its seven acres formed the smallholding Burns’ father owned, you realise the family weren’t too badly off. The farm at Top Withens, in West Yorkshire, said to have inspired Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights, is tiny by comparison. (Peter Baber)

Pinkvilla also includes a quote by Charlotte Brontë in a list of quotes 'to include in your wedding vows for a compelling speech'. 

Vincenzo Bertoloni, archbishop of the Archdiocese of Catanzaro-Squillace and president of the Calabrian Episcopal Conference, begins a column in Calabria Live (Italy) with an Anne Brontë quote:
«Se vuoi che tuo figlio cammini onorevolmente per il mondo, non tentare di liberare le pietre dal suo cammino, ma insegnargli a camminarci sopra con fermezza. Non insistere col tenerlo per mano, ma lascia che impari ad avanzare da solo».
La suggestiva immagine che la scrittrice Anne Brontë offre attraverso uno dei suoi romanzi chiama alla riflessione, quasi due secoli dopo, anche nei giorni della pandemia. (Translation)
infoLibre (Spain) talks about Virginia Woolf:
La libertad que siempre habían perseguido las dos hermanas –escritora y pintora en ciernes– era una realidad y no tenía cortapisas. “Por dura que fuera la lucha; Emily y Charlotte, por encima de todo, pelearon por la victoria”, escribió una Virginia de poco más de 23 años en The Guardian, estableciendo un paralelismo con las hermanas Brontë. (Samuel Martínez) (Translation)
Dagens Nyheter (Sweden) mentions Jasper Fforde's The Eyre Affair:
  medan Jasper Fforde gör respektlösa (men roliga) tillägg till Charlotte Brontës ”Jane Eyre” i sin ”Var är Jane Eyre?”. (Lotta Olsson) (Translation)
Ansa (Italy) reviews the novel Il Malinverno by Domenico Dara and quotes from it:
 "Avevano cominciato a imparare quei fogli a memoria, che poi si trovavano a usarli nei loro discorsi in piazza o al bar, frammezzando un bussìo di napoletana a Tressette con un alfieriano 'Ecco, piena vendetta orrida ottengo', oppure nella loro intimità, come quando Torquato Bonvicino usò parole di 'Cime tempestose' per farsi perdonare dalla moglie tradita". Per questo in paese tutti oramai avevano nomi letterari, come appunto Astolfo, che non a caso aveva quello di uno che è stato sulla Luna. (Paolo Petroni) (Translation)

The blunder of the month comes from Vanidades (in Spanish). Discover Anne Brontë's Little Women:

Después vendrá Emily Brönte (sic) con Cumbres Borrascosas y Anne, su hermana, Brönte con Mujercitas. Hablamos de tres autoras contestatarias en su naturaleza, no conformes con su rol porque lo cuestionan con una narrativa exquisita. (Translation)

Don't let that a different continent and the fact that Louisa May Alcott's novel was published twenty years after Anne Brontë's death if you feel like it should be a Brontë novel, go for it. 

The Mining Journal recommends The Wife Upstairs by Rachel Hawkins. Transitions A Postgraduate Journal is presenting what will its first issue (on March) that will include a Wuthering Heights paper. The Brontë Parsonage Blog recommends The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society, both novel and film.


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