
  • S2 E1: With... Jenny Mitchell - Welcome back to Behind the Glass with this early-release first episode of series 2 ! Sam and new co-host Connie talk to prize-winning poet Jenny Mitchell...
    4 months ago

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Prospect Magazine has an article on fellow Victorian writer Elizabeth Barrett Browning.
Indeed, when she was young Elizabeth expressed optimism about the status of women, though she changed her mind when she came up against solid barriers. Although she could be published, even under her own name—unlike Charlotte Brontë, who opted for a male pseudonym to secure a publisher—criticism of Elizabeth’s work retained a patronising air from the literary establishment. “She’s practically [described as] a poetess, which is a diminutive, isn’t it,” says Sampson. “I do think these things haven’t gone away. I think she speaks enormously to women’s experience now particularly within literature and academia, publishing and journalism. Her experience is not, alas, obsolete.”  (Alice Wright)
We don't know what to think about this supposedly sleep-inducing app recommended by Evoke.
5. Podcast- Snoozecast
Storytime with a twist, Snoozecast combines excerpts from Jane Eyre, Little Women, The Trees of Paradise, and Peter Pan – all read by different narrators who you can flick through and choose by tone of voice and mood. With 20- to 40-minute episodes, all are designed to soothe, relax and help you wind down in lieu of a decent and undisturbed night’s sleep. Listen on Spotify. (Grace Cahill)
Lancashire Evening Post recommends a book for young readers:
Age 9 plus:
Corpse Talk: Dead Good Storytellers
Adam and Lisa Murphy
The most spectacular storytellers of all time take starring roles in the fifth ‘dead entertaining’ book from Adam and Lisa Murphy in their award-winning graphic novel series which brings youngsters history straight from the corpse’s mouth!
Written and illustrated in an ingenious comic-strip format – and packed with comedy and intriguing facts – Corpse Talk comes from the increasingly successful The Phoenix Presents series, published by David Fickling in partnership with The Phoenix comic.
In this new outing, our versatile TV chat show host Adam Murphy digs up the dry bones of history to interview some of the world’s most famous authors and learn more about their fascinating novels. Then all youngsters need do is turn the page and read each four-page comic adaptation of the collection of scintillating stories.
From Jane Eyre and The Count of Monte Christo to War and Peace, Frankenstein, Great Expectations, and Sherlock Holmes, these terrific tales are retold through rich, atmospheric graphic art which is sure to capture the eyes and minds of young readers, and inspire them to one day read the complete books.
There are over 120 pages of cheeky humour, discoveries and surprises to enjoy in this educational and yet hugely entertaining book which has been rather aptly compared to ‘having history injected into your brain.’
Clever, comical, informative and brilliantly illustrated, this wonderful series achieves what many youngsters thought almost impossible… it makes learning laugh-out-loud fun! (Pam Norfolk)
The Scotsman lists the filming locations of Peaky Blinders season 6, including
Keighley and Worth Valley Railway
The Keighley & Worth Valley Railway is used in Peaky Blinders for several scenes, including the heartbreaking scene with Grace and Inspector Campbell.
The railway runs from Keighley, for five miles up the valleys of the River Worth and Bridgehouse Beck to Oxenhope.
The area,also known as Brontë Country, is where the famous Emily Brontë and her sisters grew up.
There are several railway journeys and day trips which will allow you to view the stunning landscape which is said to have inspired Brontë’s work. (Chelsea Rocks)
'A literature scholar adjusting to her new house' in Hindustan Times.
5.30 am: “The scenes from all the windows at this hour are about the wind howling, reminding me of Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights. I don’t know what this wind tries to say but she has a song of her own that she sings everyday by my windows.” (Mayank Austen Soofi)
The Utah Statesman shares and comments '10 Lines from literature for your inner hopeless-romantic'.
6. “Whatever our souls are made of, mine and his are the same.” — “Wuthering Heights” by Emily Brontë
The sheer level of toxicity in this relationship aside, Catherine is fueling all our soulmate fantasies by describing Heathcliffe [sic] this way. 
Is it so much to ask to find a cosmic connection? 
7. “Every atom of your flesh is as dear to me as my own: in pain and sickness it would still be dear.” — “Jane Eyre” by Charlotte Brontë
No one is at their best when they are sick. I mean, most people refuse to go out in public or even send a Snapchat until they have done their hair, washed their face and put on an ounce of makeup. Charlotte Brontë has captured our desire for unconditional acceptance and love regardless of looks. (Dara Lusk)
The same quote by Emily Brontë is used by Scoop Whoop about the show Malcolm & Marie.
And just as Emily Brontë, through Catherine, had remarked about Heathcliff that "whatever our souls may be made of, his and mine are the same", Levinson seems to have remarked through Malcolm & Marie, that as flawed, almost toxic, as they may appear, they still come together like pieces of an old puzzle. (Srishti Magan)
And finally please don't miss this wonderful video of Rowan Coleman hosting a reading of Jane Eyre by Principal Curator of the Brontë Parsonage Museum Ann Dinsdale (and some lovely and always interesting extra chat).


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