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Saturday, February 13, 2021

Saturday, February 13, 2021 11:09 am by Cristina in , , ,    No comments
In case you haven't heard, it's Valentine's Day tomorrow. It's all about Wuthering Heights this year. This selection of 'anti-romance books' by StarTribune goes against the grain and it obviously includes
'Wuthering Heights' By Emily Brontë
I can't even tell you how many different ways love goes wrong in this Gothic novel — the only one Emily wrote. But if you want misery, abuse and mournful ghosts — and, above all, the tortured on-again, off-again love of Catherine and Heathcliff — this is the novel for you. (Laurie Hertzel)
The Times includes Wuthering Heights on a list of 'Books about love: our favourite romantic stories in literature':
Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë This gothic classic sees well-to-do Cathy fall for tortured antihero Heathcliff. Their angsty passion makes for a captivating read.
GQ Mexico recommends Wuthering Heights among others, too.
Cumbres borrascosas
Emily Brontë
¿De qué trata? Por increíble que parezca, se trata de la única novela escrita por la autora y que ahora forma parte de los clásicos de la literatura inglesa. La historia se centra en Catherine, una mujer que se enamora de Heathcliff, un joven que no pertenece a su mismo nivel económico. En una sociedad tremendamente clasista, ella decide casarse con un hombre que está “a su altura”, sin embargo, la pasión por el otro caballero se mantiene. Odios, amores y venganza toman como escenario las campiñas de Yorkshire. (Jesús Alberto Germán) (Translation)
It is also included on a list by La Scimmia Pensa (Italy).
Cime Tempestose
Tra i libri da leggere a San Valentino è impossibile non citare uno dei classici più rappresentativi di quell’amore che non lascia vie di fuga e che divora qualsiasi cosa che incontri sul suo destino: Cime Tempestose.
Ambientato nella selvaggia brughiera inglese, Cime Tempestose racconta la storia d’amore tragica tra la viziata Catherine e il vendicativo Heathcliff. Un amore iniziato in tenera età ma preda di così tanti sbagli e capricci da riversarsi anche sulle persone vicine ai protagonisti come un vero e proprio veleno. (Erika Pomella) (Translation
Also in El Periódico (Spain):
Cumbres Borrascosas
Aquí va la primera, al menos por fecha de publicación: Cumbres borrascosas (1847), de Emily Brontë, que aun siendo un artefacto narrativo mucho más imperfecto que Jane Eyre, escrita por su hermana Charlotte, una corriente salvaje atraviesa sus páginas de punta a cabo, como el viento que peina los páramos de Yorkshire. Un amor más allá de la muerte, con escenas inolvidables como cuando Heathcliff pide a su amada Catherine, en el lecho de la agonía, que se pegue a su piel como un fantasma: «Quédate siempre conmigo, bajo la forma que quieras, ¡vuélveme loco!». (Olga Merino) (Translation)
Spiked also mentions Wuthering Heights:
In Wuthering Heights, perhaps the greatest love story ever written, Cathy tells Nelly that her ‘love for Heathcliff resembles the eternal rocks beneath: a source of little visible delight, but necessary’. She also describes him as her ‘own being’. Protecting oneself from harm or change seems to be the goal of the modern age, in which censorship protects us from harmful words and the state protects us from harming ourselves. But the only way to understand what love really means is to open ourselves up to risk, pain, heartache and danger. And, most importantly, it is about accepting the fact that love might change us forever, even destroy the sense of self we once had before we opened ourselves up to another. (Ella Whelan)
Newsweek recommends watching it:
Wuthering Heights
Without Wuthering Heights, romance books would be very different, with no gruff and moody men in rippling fabrics having their way with women among wild landscapes. Though the Emily Brontë book has been turned into films many a time, Andrea Arnold's take may be the best of the bunch. (Samuel Spencer)
Daily Mail shares the results of a poll of 2,000 people to try and find out Britain's favourite literary Valentine's couple.
Classics from the Brontës were popular with Emily's Heathcliff and Cathy, from Wuthering Heights, receiving 11 per cent of votes. Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre and Edward Rochester also made the top ten. (Imogen Horton)
Well, onto something else now. It's also half-term in the UK and The Telegraph and Argus suggests some lockdown virtual tours around Bradford.
You can explore the Science and Media Museum, Cliffe Castle Museum, Bradford Cathedral and Brontë Parsonage, as well as iconic scenery in Bradford featured in film and television, such as City Hall and the Midland Hotel which have been haunts of the Peaky Blinders in recent years. (David Jagger)
Le devoir (France) reviews the French translation of Ann Patchett's The Dutch House.
 Si cela contribue à créer une atmosphère ensorcelante comme celle des Hauts de Hurlevent, d’Emily Brontë, c’est pourtant en soupirant de soulagement que l’on referme le livre. (Manon Dumais) (Translation)
Pulzo (Colombia) features contemporary Colombian women writers and among them is
Carolina Andújar @caroandujar, colombo-húngara, escritora colombiana de literatura del género gótico. Es sicóloga, viajera, especialista en análisis onírico junguiano, de lo cual hay clara evidencia en sus obras. Es una de las pocas, si no la única colombiana, interesada en vampiros decimonónicos y en retratar la atmósfera oscura de los relatos que la han influido (Bram Stoker, Emily Brontë, Sheridan Le Fanu, Aurore Dupin (conocida en el pasado como George Sand), Stephen King, Tom Robbins y William Tanqueray) y, como lo reconoce la página del Banrepcultural, utiliza en sus obras “un lenguaje refinado producto del estudio etimológico de las palabras, gracias a su conocimiento en lenguas romances como el español, inglés e italiano con lo cual busca descentralizar su narrativa de la realidad colombiana y de las formas tradicionales de la literatura local”. (Claudia Sterling) (Translation)
O Povo (Brazil) has an article on the life of Emily Brontë (depicted as Charlotte). Cineccentric posts about Andrea Arnold's take on Wuthering Heights.


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