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Tuesday, February 09, 2021

Tuesday, February 09, 2021 10:56 am by Cristina in , , ,    No comments
Vulture makes an interesting point about lists of romantic novels:
The problem comes when these lists include books that are, in fact, literary fiction with a through line that could maybe be considered romance if you tilt your head and squint. (It’s how we end up getting lists consisting of books like Lolita and Anna Karenina and Wuthering Heights — not exactly containing that “happily ever after” that the actual romance genre is known for.) (Carly Lane)
LitHub has an article on the point of view in fiction written by Lisa Zeidner, author of the book Who Says? Mastering Point of View in Fiction.
Look how wantonly Emily Bronté [sic[ complicates the point of view of Wuthering Heights: she tells the story of Catherine and Heathcliff’s stormy romance not from either of the lovers’ points of view but from that of Lockwood, a nearby renter from cosmopolitan London, who got much of his story from Nelly, a local servant who has known Catherine since she was a tot—who, in turn, got some parts of her story from other servants and observers. Bronté [sic] actively keeps you on your toes, makes it difficult for you to trust the version of the story you’re getting at any given time, and, in fact, the novel is much less gothic than virtually all of the film versions. If you have stellar graphic design skills, try drawing the Venn diagram on that set of relationships.
The Telegraph and Argus features the debut novel of local writer Antony Dunford:
Born in Bradford, Antony Dunford has always found inspiration from his West Yorkshire roots, and remembers a visit to Haworth and Brontë country as a boy as the point where literature became important to him. (Claire Lomax)
There's a quote from Jane Eyre among the '12 Best Love Quotes From Literature, Poetry, and Pop Culture' shared by My Modern Met. Médio Tejo (Portugal) recommends reading Wuthering Heights.


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