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Wednesday, February 03, 2021

Wednesday, February 03, 2021 10:14 am by Cristina in , , , ,    No comments
The Wife Upstairs by Rachel Hawkins is one several lists today. Marie Claire considers it one of 'The Best New Fiction Books of 2021 to Devour'.
4 The Wife Upstairs: A Novel
St. Martin's Press
This reimagined, modern adaptation of Jane Eyre trades in gothic mystery for Southern secrecy.  In Rachel Hawkins' latest page-turner, expect the forbidden romance you loved in the original tale with all the modern, shiny trimmings. (Megan DiTrolio)
According to Deep South Magazine, it's one of '11 Book Picks for Spring 2021'.
The Wife Upstairs by Rachel Hawkins (Out Now)
Classic literature fans get ready for this thrilling new Southern twist of Charlotte Brontë’s beloved gothic tale, Jane Eyre. Haunted by a troubled past, Jane moves to Birmingham, Alabama, for a fresh start. She finds work as a dog-walker in the wealthy community of Thornfield Estates. Her finances are stretched thin, and to make up for it, she helps herself to the glimmering jewelry of her rich clientele—when they’re not looking, of course. Her life takes a romantic turn when she meets the handsome, brooding widower Eddie Rochester. And as they fall in love, she learns more and more about his wife, Bea, and becomes threatened by the legacy she left behind. Jane not only wonders if she can ever fit in with the ladies of Thornfield Estates, but she questions if she can ever be a true partner of Mr. Rochester’s—especially when Bea’s presence is everywhere and when there are many secrets that have not come to light. (Chelsy Davis)
GQ Mexico recommends it too:
The Wife Upstairs
Autor: Rachel Hawkins
En esta historia es una reinvención de Jane Eyre. La historia nos lleva a Birmingham, Alabama, donde Jane trabaja como paseadora de perros en la comunidad rica de Thornfield Estates. Jane llama la atención del viudo Eddie Rochester, quien acepta los secretos del pasado de la mujer y la invita a mudarse a su casa. Todo parece perfecto, pero Jane nota que hay ruidos extraños que no logra explicar, pero ella tiene sus propios secretos que esconder y está segura de que el tiempo se está acabando y pronto descubrirán que no es tan inocente como aparenta. (Paloma González) (Translation)
We wonder whether, in spite of being a retelling of Jane Eyre, it would qualify as an airport book. According to The Spinoff,
However, this giant in the world of literary rankings is filled with books that are not airport books. Lord of The Rings (too heavy). Normal People (too short). Gone Girl (you know how it ends). Those books exist in airports to be given as last-minute gifts to homestay hosts, cousins and in-laws; they are not airport books. Further to this, anything that you might find on a 100-level English course is categorically not an airport book: Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights, Pride and Prejudice, etc. (Scarlett Cayford)
A contributor to Tribune India tells about the experience of joining in an 'online book exchange'.
Books kept pouring in, ranging from Dr Abdul Kalam’s autobiography and a hardcover copy of a John Grisham novel, to the Brontë Sisters’ Jane Eyre and a bestselling Japanese thriller. For me, this was better than Diwali, minus the calories! I even gave up on my afternoon siestas, ready to open the door in case another book was delivered. (Rishabh Kochhar)
TV Guide recommends watching Jane Eyre 1983 (all 11 episodes of it!) on Valentine's Day.
Jane Eyre
Charlotte Brontë's immortal 19th-Century love story has been adapted over a dozen times, but we're partial to this 11-part BBC series from 1983, which stars Zelah Clarke as the title character and Timothy Dalton as Edward Rochester. (Liam Mathews)
While The Urban List opts for streaming the audiobook on Spotify now that you can.
Jane Eyre
by Charlotte Brontë
If you’re the type of person who hasn’t actually read Jane Eyre yet, cheat your way as a literary god and plug into the epic Spotify audiobook narrated by Sarah Coombs. It’s basically the story of a young, orphaned girl in which life plays a pretty cruel hand of cards to. While she does get to live with her relatives, The Reeds at Gateshead Hall, they don’t particularly make life easy for Jane and her day-to-day is a grim situation. However, as she gets older, she becomes a governess at Thornfield Hall and she falls in love with her employer, Mr Rochester (which is obviously a big no-no), who just so happens to be keeping one hell of a juicy secret. (Jessica Best)
The Brontës would agree with this: Chronicle Live has included Thomas Bewick on a list of 'the North East's 10 best painters'.
Thomas Bewick
The wood-engraver was born in Mickley, near Prudhoe, in 1753 and became famous for his engravings of natural scenes.
He is best known for his A History of British Birds and for his illustrated editions of Aesop’s Fables throughout his life. His admirers included the poets Wordsworth and Tennyson, and the novelist Charlotte Bronte.
The work of Bewick is celebrated at the Cherryburn National Trust site - located at his birthplace - and there is a bust at the location of his former workshop behind Newcastle Cathedral. (Graeme Whitfield)
The list also includes John Martin, who the young Brontës also admired and reproductions of whose work hung on the walls of the parsonage.


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