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Friday, February 19, 2021

Friday, February 19, 2021 11:31 am by Cristina in , , , ,    No comments
A few days ago there was a mention of Sheila Kohler's 2009 book Becoming Jane Eyre and we are surprised to find yet another mention today in The Mendocino Beacon.
Becoming Jane Eyre” by Sheila Kohler is the story of the Brontë family, mostly about the sisters Charlotte, Emily, and Anne who wrote their novels under the pen names of men. The novel begins with their father lying in bed, blind. His daughter, Charlotte, watches over him. He recalls the surgery on his eye. Charlotte and her sisters and her brother are dependent on him for house and stipend. (Priscilla Comen)
The Sydney Morning Herald discusses Bluebeard.
The macabre tale has inspired writers from Charles Dickens to Margaret Atwood, Angela Carter and Kurt Vonnegut, Joyce Carol Oates and John Updike, and is referenced in such classics as Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre and Daphne du Maurier’s Rebecca. “You could argue that a lot of contemporary crime fiction is based on Bluebeard motifs,” says [writer Kate] Forsyth. (Caroline Baum)
According to Vogue
 We’ve grown up reading classic books, from Austen to Brontë, that idealize these grandiose locations. (Elise Taylor)
A couple of reviews of Netflix's Behind Her Eyes mention the Brontës. From Movie Player (Italy)
Come potrete aver immaginato da queste poche premesse che vi abbiamo dato sulla trama di Dietro i suoi occhi, la miniserie di Erik Richter Strand inizia nel territorio sicuro del thriller psicologico/erotico per poi deragliare nel racconto sovrannaturale, cercando di rielaborare e modernizzare alcuni elementi del romanzo gotico (con chiari spunti da Cime Tempestose e Jane Eyre... che Adele sia la classica mad wife in the attic?). (Carlotta Deiana) (Translation)
Similarly in Svenska Dagbladet (Sweden).

While Financial Times reviews BBC1’s Northern Ireland-set police thriller Bloodlands.
[James] Nesbitt is such a natural comic actor it’s hard not to expect a quip or two along the way but here he’s impressively stony until, that is, he goes full Heathcliff as Brannick’s long-buried emotions finally erupt. (Suzi Feay
Property Week interviews Vivienne Clements, executive director of HBD (Henry Boot Developments):
What is your favourite way to relax?
I love hiking. I like to go out in the hills. It’s a bit Wuthering Heights and wild this time of year in the Peak District. 
A clue from today's Global Times crossword is '17 Youngest Brontë sister'. Néon (France) mentions the Brontës' use of pseudonyms.


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