
  • S2 E1: With... Jenny Mitchell - Welcome back to Behind the Glass with this early-release first episode of series 2 ! Sam and new co-host Connie talk to prize-winning poet Jenny Mitchell...
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Sunday, January 31, 2021

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution interviews country singer Caylee Hammack:
Melissa Ruggieri: What have you been listening to?
C.H.: A lot of Kate Bush. I found (her 1978 debut single) "Wuthering Heights" one day, and I saw the video and was like, what the hell is this? It sucked me in, even though it was my least favorite (Emily) Brontë book. 
The Sunday Independent (Ireland) interviews author Danielle McLaughlin:
The book that changed your life?
Lots of books have been changing my life in various small and incremental ways since childhood. One that stands out is Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys, which I read in my late teens. It gave me an understanding of the need to question received narratives.
And The Observer talks with ten of the best debut novelists of 2021. Including JR Thorp:
We’re living through a moment in which there’s real interest in suppressed female narratives. Were you aware of being part of a movement?
I think it was something I was aware of because, growing up, I was obsessed with Margaret Atwood’s The Penelopiad and Wide Sargasso Sea, which I guess are the forerunners of this movement. That idea of the madwoman in the attic, asking why isn’t she there. This book took me since 2015 to write, and a lot of the books you’re talking about have come out in the interim – The Silence of the Girls and A Thousand Ships – but I looked at them and thought: Oh good. I’m not striking out on my own. I’m part of a community that thinks the same way about these things.
Live for films reviews a film seen in Sundance 2021: Ma Belle, My Beauty by Marion Hill:
 We meet Bertie (Idella Johnson) practicing a song, singing something that she isn’t artistically connecting to alongside her husband Fred (Lucien Guignard) who is playing guitar.  (...)  Bertie spends most of her days puttering around the large farmhouse, lounging in its pool reading Jane Eyre or shopping in the market of the nearby village.  She seems in stasis, withdrawn from her surroundings. (Hillary Butler)
Žena (Croatia) has an article about the Brontë sisters. A pity that the first picture that they use is... controversial, to put it mildly.
Bezvremenska inspiracija
Charlotte, Emily i Anne Brontë: Tri sestre koje su promijenile književnost
Sestre Brontë odrasle su na surovom sjeveru Engleske, a iako im ni društvene norme ni okolnosti nisu išle u prilog, uspjele su postati jedne od najutjecajniji britanskih spisateljica svih vremena. Životne priče Charlotte, Emily i Anne Brontë. (Translation)
Filipstads Tidning (Sweden) recommends Amy Corzine and James M. Burns's comic adaptation of Jane Eyre:
Väck läslusten med omarbetade klassiker
Charlotte Brontë (Argasso bokförlag). Boken handlar om föräldralösa Jane Eyre i 1880-talets England. Jane tvingas bo med sin elaka elaka fru och blir senare skickad till en skola för fattiga barn. Där stannar hon för att sedan själv bli en av skolans lärare. Men Jane längtar efter självständighet och tar tjänst som guvernant hos en mystisk Mr Rochester och hans gods Thornfield. Efter en tid upptäcker Jane att  godset döljer mörka hemligheter. I det här seriealbumet får manusförfattaren Amy Corzine och illustratören John M. Burns läsaren Burns läsaren att uppleva den klassiska berättelsen på ett helt nytt sätt. Passar barn från nio år. (Emely Wallo Bergare) (Translation)
El Confidencial (Spain) publishes another list of classics everybody should read (this one by the Alibrate platform) which includes Wuthering Heights:
Publicada en 1847 bajo el seudónimo de Ellis Bell, Cumbres borrascosas hipnotiza y envuelve al lector en una maraña de pasiones, odio, sed de venganza, amor no correspondido y desengaño. Se trata de una historia de pasiones encontradas en la Inglaterra rural más conservadora. La trama se inicia con Catherine, la hija de una familia distinguida, y Heathcliff, un campesino adoptado por esa familia, que pasan de ser compañeros de juego de infancia a enamorarse. Las secuelas de ese amor imposible afectarán a sus protagonistas y también a sus descendientes a lo largo de varias generaciones. (Translation)
El Cultural (Spain) interviews writer Maryse Condé: 
Nuria Azancot: ¿Tiene ya clara su identidad, ha descubierto si es una autora caribeña, criolla, africana, francesa, afroiamericana, o quizá le molestan las etiquetas, los intentos de domesticarla y clasificarla?
M.C:. No me gustan las etiquetas. Para mí, la literatura es lo que une a los hombres. Descubrí mi vocación leyendo Cumbres borrascosas de Emily Brontë. Emily Brontë es una autora inglesa, hija de un pastor protestante, que vivía en el condado de Yorkshire, en Inglaterra. No puede haber nada más alejado de mí, nada más diferente.  (Translation)
The New York Times publishes the obituary of the TV host, broadcaster and producer Sonny Fox (1925-2021), a victim of the Covid-19 pandemic. Among his many credits, he was the executive producer of Brontë (1983) with Julie Harris. Marseille News (France) mentions the Jane Eyre audiobook read by Sarah Coombs available on Spotify. Yesterday's crossword in USA Today included the following four words word: "Younger Brontë". Lynne Luvs Books reviews Wuthering Heights.


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