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Sunday, December 13, 2020

The Sunday Times vindicates Elizabeth Gaskell as a not so well-known author:
The mother of four daughters, she published nine more novels, a biography of Charlotte Brontë and lots of short stories, many of them in periodicals edited by Charles Dickens, who called her “dear Scheherazade” because of her gift for story. But her impulse towards social justice and complex heroines are what make her a significant writer today. (...)
Personal Favourite
The Life of Charlotte Brontë
Commissioned by Patrick Brontë to write the biography of his daughter, Gaskell flung herself into research and impassioned prose to paint the “beautiful character” of her dear friend. She managed to libel the mistress of Brontë’s brother, to suppress any hint of Charlotte’s love for a married man, and to traduce Patrick’s character. Yet it is a glory, an explanation of the life of a great female writer through the eyes of another. (Sarah Crompton)
The Guardian reviews Vesper Flights by Helen MacDonald:
Then there’s the Bewick swan, a pretty little bird which appears to be wearing yellow eyeliner and settles each winter in the Fens. Under the aegis of Peter Scott in the mid-20th century, the swans at the Welney Wetlands Trust were given names including Victoria, Lancelot and Jane Eyre as a way of turning them from flocks to family. This was despite the fact that, on their return each spring to Russia, the Bewicks might, for all anyone knew, actually answer to Anastasia, Peter and Anna Karenina. (Kathryn Hughes)
West Hartford News recommends books published this year:
Readers who need a little more chills in their lives or still find themselves hung up on “Jane Eyre” will find themselves quickly ensnared in “Mexican Gothic.” When a young woman goes to visit her recently married cousin, she discovers that her cousin’s new family is not quite right. The English family have managed to bring the gothic England to their Mexican estate and they are nothing like the polished and wealthy group they present themselves as. When the protagonist begins to hear and see things in the house she wonders if it's the house or the family that’s driving her mad. (TinaMarie Craven
Far Out Magazine lists literary songwriters:
Kate Bush
Initially discovered by David Gilmour of Pink Floyd; at 19, Kate Bush became the first female to have penned a number one hit in the UK charts with ‘Wuthering Heights’. As highlighted with the title of her hit, Kate took literature seriously; she took time off from her music career so she could go to study English at university. (Drew Wardle)
Kate Bush also features in this Irish Mirror account of a childhood memory of the author David Walliams:
He went on to reveal how thought pop star Kate Bush was a ghost.
He said: “At the time Kate Bush and her song Wuthering Heights really put her on the map and I turned to my mum and said ‘What is this all about?’
“Mum said ‘Well the song Wuthering Heights is actually a book and she is playing Cathy, a ghost who has come back to haunt her lover Heathcliff.
“Now, when you’re young you obviously don’t know the difference between what is real and what isn’t so I thought that Kate Bush was actually a real life ghost.
“So I thought they had a ghost on Top of the Pops singing so it always cast a spell over me as a child and continues to cast a spell over me.”

Whitefish Bay Patch publishes a press release by the local library on revisiting classics:
Gothic and Victorian themes are seen throughout the Brontë sisters works, the "Jazz Age" is featured in The Great Gatsby and the "Lost Generation" is prominent in Hemingway.
Vårt Land (Norway) lists some of the best books published in Norwegian in 2020. Including a new translation of Wuthering Heights
Emily Brontë: Stormfulle høgder.
Oversatt av Øystein Vidnes og Ragnar Hovland (Skald). Skald forlag ga ut denne klassikeren på tampen av fjoråret og den ble stående som en av de store leseropplevelsene i 2020. Dette er en av verdenslitteraturens beste romaner i en vilt god oversettelse til nynorsk.Stormfulle høgder er så langt unna kostymedrama som du kan komme. Her er det søle, vold og drama på hver eneste side. Det er en mørk og vill litteratur som er umulig å legge fra seg.
Handlingen? Kate Bush sier det ganske så presist i sin ikoniske sang Wuthering Heights: «I hated you,I loved you, too». En vond, morsom og uhyre presis beskrivelse av et tvingende nødvendig morsoppgjør. (Sara Jacobsen Høgestøl) (Translation)
This column in Kapsam Haber Yorum (Turkey) begins with a Brontë mention:
İngiliz yazar Emily Brontë’nin (1818 - 1848) ilk baskısı 1847’de yapılmış tek romanının adıdır Uğurlu Tepeler.
Okuyalı kaç yıl oldu, bilemem.
Okuduğum kimin çevirisidir onu da bilemem ama oradaki tasvirlerin güzelliğinin tadıyla baktım yaza, kışa, rüzgâra, yağmura, sislere yıllarca. (Abdullah Dede) (Translation)
Several Argentinian news outlets publish obituaries of the actor Carlos 'Carlín' Calvo (1953-2020) who played Hareton in a 1978 ten-episodes Argentinian TV production of Wuthering Heights.

Also in Argentina, the actress Elsa Guadarrama mentions the radio productions ( L.U.14 Radio Provincia de Santa Cruz) she played in the sixties under the direction of Eduardo Ezpeleta (also the author of the adaptations). In Tiempo Sur:
Cumbres Borrascosas
“Con mucha paciencia y mucho interés el director de aquel momento, el señor Ezpeleta, logra establecer aquel elenco amateur de la radio. Recuerdo haber realizado muchas películas juntos, una de ellas que recuerdo con gran afecto fue Cumbres Borrascosas, siempre fue característico de mí ser muy estricta y exigente conmigo misma, renegaba porque pensaba que no iba a poder ponerme en el papel de un personaje tan principal como era Heathcliff, sin embargo entre colegas y el mismo director me ayudaron a afianzarme aún más en el personaje y poder  llevarlo a cabo. Al tiempo de ponernos en marcha con aquella película y ya sabiéndola a la perfección, renuncia el gobernador y al hacer eso, antes se estilaba a la renuncia total de los directores de todas las áreas, Eduardo Ezpeleta no fue la excepción y renunció, allí fue donde le di fin a mis días como actriz de radioteatro. Al pasar esto regreso al Ministerio y continué con mi labor por unos 30 años más hasta jubilarme”. (Translation)

The Brontë Sisters recommends Paul Marley's pictures of Haworth in December. 


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