
  • S2 E1: With... Jenny Mitchell - Welcome back to Behind the Glass with this early-release first episode of series 2 ! Sam and new co-host Connie talk to prize-winning poet Jenny Mitchell...
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Friday, December 18, 2020

Friday, December 18, 2020 10:35 am by Cristina in , , , , , , ,    No comments
 We are really looking forward to seeing pictures of this--reported by The Telegraph and Argus:
Creatives and community groups also applied for up to £1,500 for smaller bespoke installations. The commissions, involving schoolchildren, elderly groups and care homes, include a 7ft neon sign featuring Emily Brontë’s words ‘No coward soul is mine’ on Haworth’s Pennybank House (Emma Clayton)
It is indeed a year for Emily's words.

Purple Revolver lists '5 Reasons to Love Bradford the UKs 'Worst City'', including
A Literary History
In terms of literary giants, they don’t get much bigger than the Brontë Sisters – Anne, Charlotte and Emily. The likes of Wuthering Heights and Jane Eyre are counted among the greatest novels in history. To be honest, most of Yorkshire claims the Brontë Sisters as their own, and they did move around a lot. But they were born in Thornton, which lies in the Bradford metropolitan area. As you might imagine, literary fans make pilgrimages to the sisters’ homeland, and they play a big role in the excellent Bradford Literature Festival. (Carlton Whitfield)
Readers of The Guardian recommend '10 of the best winter landscapes', such as
High, bleak and handsome, North Pennines
This is one of the loneliest and most tranquil corners of England. It’s all the more alluring when snow enhances the gaunt remains of old lead-mining structures and underlines the incredibly austere conditions that used to be faced by the workers up here in winter. The headgear of Grove Rake mine in the otherwise empty Rookhope Burn valley, Durham, is particularly striking. Previously a location for Oliver Twist and Jane Eyre adaptations, Alston, the regional capital, which is 17 miles to the west of Rookhope, in Cumbria, shares with Buxton, Derbyshire, a claim to being the highest market town in England, and nearby is the highest classified road. Finish a wander at the town’s chippy, the High Plaice. (Paul Kirkwood)
Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia is one of the 10 books published in 2020 recommended by Mashable.
Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia
Fans of the Brontës, listen up: Set in Mexico in the 1950s, the creepy novel follows Noemí, a young socialite, who is sent by her father to investigate what is happening when her recently married, naive cousin sends them a panicked plea for help by way of a bizarre letter. Off to an old creepy estate she goes! 
As the suspense builds with the something-is-seriously-off-here family she is investigating, the tale gets pretty gory, but this feminist spin on a few tropes on the genre make old new again. You'll feel a sudden chill in the air as you make your way through this twisty thrill ride, full of spirits, disturbing memories, and murder. (Erin Strecker)
An international teacher writes about her literal travels with her books on TES.
How did this start? I arrived in Boston, Massachusetts, with 10 boxes of books; dutifully shipped, passed through customs and taking pride of place in the USA.
They included my old A-level and degree texts that I had pored over for what felt like a lifetime at that time. From Dickens, to my favourite writers, the Brontës, and more recent texts of Capote and Syal and Hosseini. I loved, and continue to love, these books.
I had considered leaving them behind as I have circumnavigated the globe. But this felt like a betrayal of sorts and the "what if?" question loomed large. What if I needed them? (Liz Free)
The New York Times Magazine features actress Emerald Fennell, who's a Brontëite (but not a fan of Branwell).
Fennell grew up reading stories of beautiful cheerleaders, of gorgeous, glowing, unconscious girls. But her real loves were Nancy Drew books, Shirley Jackson, Patricia Highsmith, Daphne du Maurier and the Brontës. (“The Brontës! The greatest!” she wrote to me later. “All of them — except Branwell, obviously.”) “All the stuff that I love — all the Victorian female novelists, the perverted domestic, the madwoman in the attic — all that stuff, in a way, is what I would love to be able to do,” she says. (Carina Chocano)
Poor Branwell, that 'obviously' is heart-breaking.

InfoLibre (Spain) has an article on the poetry of José María Álvarez.
Si al principio cabía pensar que estábamos simplemente ante una lograda y sugerente puesta en escena, en los poemas de madurez ya no cabe dudar de que esa estética presupone una moral de vida e incluso un código de resistencia, explícito ya, por ejemplo, en el magnífico poema de 1979 que enigmáticamente lleva el título de la novela de Emily Brontë “Wuthering Heights” (Cumbres borrascosas) y que no es sino el monólogo de alguien que opta por encerrarse con sus libros, su música y su perro “mientras populacho y soldadesca / con fin de igual vileza se acuchillan”, dando la espalda a un mundo abocado a la ruina por haber renunciado a la belleza y a la moral aparejada a las altas formas de cultura... (José Manuel Benítez Ariza) (Translation)
The Times looks into what 'you get for £1 million in Cheshire, West Yorkshire, Wiltshire, Gloucestershire, London, the Highlands, Mallorca, Dumfries and Galloway' and, as you know, £1 million gets you Ponden Hall in West Yorkshire.


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