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Sunday, November 15, 2020

Sunday, November 15, 2020 11:22 am by M. in , , , , ,    No comments
Seren (a publication of the University of Bangor) has an article devoted to the Brontë sisters:
“There was no possibility of taking a walk that day.” This is the opening line of Jane Eyre, the classic gothic romance novel written by the eldest of the three Brontё sisters, Charlotte. Words that ripple across time are incredibly rare, but in the case of the Brontё sisters, each line of prose is a whispered moment of three lives remembered, their circumstances (isolated in the Yorkshire Moors) oft-forgotten. Their names were Charlotte, Emily, and Anne.
As the nights draw in and each day gets a little colder, mistier and vibrant with each shade of autumn, we are all in need of books we can hold close; books that will envelope us and beckon us to turn the next page. Beyond Halloween, autumn still runs riot, and we couldn’t think of a more atmospheric selection of reading than the works of the Brontё sisters. Each had their own unique, moving flair of creativity, writing tales that are so often quoted that the phrases the sisters composed are ingrained in our language. In case you haven’t read any work by the Brontёs before and want to give them a try, we’ve compiled a quick rundown of each sister’s works, and where to start with the writings of these amazing women. (Read more) (Holly Peckitt)
The Telegraph reviews The Time Traveller’s Guide to Regency Britain by Ian Mortimer:
Of the many treasures in Ian Mortimer’s The Time Traveller’s Guide to Regency Britain (a Handbook for Visitors to the Years 1789-1830) the greatest is watching the Poet Laureate Robert Southey get wasted on laughing gas. Southey, who told Charlotte Brontë that “literature cannot be the business of a woman’s life” feels “a thrill in my teeth” and “is compelled to move my arms and legs”. He is right about laughing gas; just as he is wrong about Charlotte Brontë. Even so, he springs from the page complete. (Tanya Gold)
Trinidad and Tobago Newsday and Trinidad and Tobago Sunday Express celebrate Jean Rhys:
Born in 1890 in Roseau, Dominica, Jean Rhys is best known for her 1966 novel Wide Sargasso Sea, which imagined the early life of Bertha Mason, from Charlotte Brontë’s 1847 novel Jane Eyre. It is an archetypal work of “writing back” to literary tradition, and a popular classic tackling hard questions about history and race. 
El Español (Spain) mentions the Brontës in an article about the homes of creative people:
Existen muchos momentos en la vida de todo escritor en los que debe enfrentarse en solitario a la inmensidad de un folio en blanco. Las hermanas Brontë lo hicieron desde Haworth, una ciudad al norte de Inglaterra. (Yolanda Cardo) (Translation)
Tutto Green (Italy) and the moors:
Come creare la brughiera in giardino
Se volete ricreare nel vostro giardino un ambiente che ricorda i paesaggi dei romanzi delle sorelle Brontë, ecco qui una serie di utili consigli. (Federica Ermete) (Translation)
Amo Mama (in Spanish) warns about abusive couples:
Durante siglos hemos sido expuestos a literatura romántica, desde 'Cumbres Borrascosas' hasta 'Crepúsculo', que idealiza el arquetipo de marido controlador. (María Alejandra Salas Alvarado) (Translation)

But La Verdad (Spain) thinks it is one of the books you should read to 'fall in love again':

Cumbres borrascosas es uno de los libros más maravillosos queue te gustará leer para recordar el amor, pues, para muchos es la mayor obra romántica de la historia. Esta obra narra la historia de Heathcliff, un niño traído al hogar de los Earnshaw, amigo Catherine. Es una historia de venganza, odio y amores oscuros. (Translation)

Le Nouvel Observateur (France) interviews several writers about their favourite re-reads. Emmanuel Carrère says:

Et Emily Brontë ! Combien de fois les ai-je lus, « les Hauts de Hurlevent » ! Et « Ethan Frome », d’Edith Wharton, le livre le plus triste du monde, à côté de quoi « les Hauts de Hurlevent » est un feelgood book. ( Elisabeth Philippe, Jérôme Garcin, Grégoire Leménager and Amandine Schmitt) (Translation)
La Croix (Belgium) trusts in literature to survive these troubled times:
Ce n’est plus la nuit au-dessus du toit, mais des visages penchés sur nous, des regards, des conversations chuintées qu’on retient, qui nous parlent et nous protègent contre les tentatives de démoralisation aiguë que l’actualité se plaît à intenter contre nous. Ce ne sont plus les rues désertes du couvre-feu en bas de nos fenêtres, mais les vagues du château d’If portant le comte de Monte-Cristo, ou les Hurlevent d’Emily Brontë. (Christiane Rancé)(Translation)

Both Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights feature in 'La Biblioteca Perfecta' from XLSemanal (in Spanish). Hand Luggage Only recommends a visit to Haworth.


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