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Sunday, November 29, 2020

Sunday, November 29, 2020 11:30 am by M. in , , , ,    No comments
The Herald has a list of books for Christmas:
The Diabolical Bones by Bella Ellis Hodder & Stoughton, £14.99
A Brontë Sisters murder mystery? Well, why not? This, in fact, is the second in the series by Brontë devotee Rowan Coleman (writing under a Brontë-inspired pseudonym). There's a child's skeleton uncovered within the walls of a house near the Brontë parsonage and Charlotte, Emily and Anne attempt to find out what happened. (Teddy Jamieson)

BBC News mourns the death of 10-year-old Ella Adoo-Kissi-Debrah, probably linked to air pollution:

Gifted - remarkable - exceptional. These are words that could be applied to Ella by anyone, not just a proud parent. Ella was in the top 10% of her school and by the time she was nine years old she had a reading age of 14. In the weeks before she died she was devouring Jane Eyre.  (Claire Marshall)
The Blackeyed Theatre production of Jane Eyre is mentioned by In Your Area:
Adrian McDougall has produced 19 national tours with touring theatre company Blackeyed Theatre, based in Bracknell, Berkshire, since he launched the firm in 2004, including the world premiere of Steven Berkoff’s Oedipus.
But in mid-March, Mr McDougall and his team were forced into making the unthinkable decision to cancel their global tour of Jane Eyre when Covid-19 resulted in theatres closing. The tour was Blackeyed Theatre’s biggest to date, but 13 weeks of performances – including a month in China – were lost because of the pandemic.
When Covid-19 restrictions were eased in the summer, Blackeyed Theatre made the decision to partner with live streaming company TicketCo TV and broadcast a performance of The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde via its HD quality pay-per-view service.
The one-off online show proved such a success that Mr McDougall and his team have returned to the abandoned Jane Eyre tour to deliver an on-demand production that will be available on TicketCo TV from Friday, November 27.

Elle (Italy) recommends the book Quando scriveva Lietta by Lietta Tornabuoni:

Lei sì che sapeva narrare in sintesi, pochi aggettivi giusti, nessuna compiacenza, per dirci della vita e mai solo di un film o di un evento. Ritratto di Cannes ai tempi di Amarcord: «Fellini con le bionde (Giulietta Masina, Monica Vitti in volpi rosa) e con le brune (Magali Noël, la Cardinale trasparente di pizzo nero); Joséphine Baker viva, in lamé d’oro. Molte carine di poco nome: tutte con i seni infiammati dal sole e dal vento ancora fresco della spiaggia. Permanenti fitte e grette, giacchettina di talpa, calze rosse, cigno color aragosta, sottovesti di raso. Volendo, stivali. Naufraghe, campagnole belle, bagnanti, Lili Marleen, sceicche, sorelle Brontë». In poche righe, un mondo intero. (Piera Detassis) (Translation)
Lextra (Italy) reviews  L’italiano errante per l’Italia by Giovanni Comisso:
Il fatto che racconterò oggi mi è stato trasmesso da un amico medico, Paolo Fiorentini, al quale, a sua volta, in una strana staffetta, era stato narrato molti anni prima da Bruno Blasi in persona. Si tratta di una storia d’amore, di morte e di straordinaria follia che, sepolcrale e notturna, sarebbe piaciuta a Edgard Allan Poe o a Mary Shelley e che, fosse accaduta in altri luoghi e in altri tempi, avrebbe forse ispirato a Emily Brontë un romanzo ancora più patetico e straziante di “Cime tempestose”. (Anna Alfieri) (Translation)
Deutschlandfund Kultur (Germany) celebrates the 90th anniversary of Jean-Luc Godard and mentions his 1967 film Weekend:
Der Kapitalismus hat das soziale Zusammenleben zerstört, nur die Revolution kann Abhilfe schaffen, sagt Godard und lässt „Alice im Wunderland“, Emily Brontë und den Revolutionär Saint-Just auftreten. (Hartwig Tegeler) (Translation)
Il Libraio (Italy) talks about memorable dresses in literary characters:
E che dire dell’abito puritano dell’amatissima Jane Eyre? La protagonista di Charlotte Brontë è così attaccata al suo vestito semplice e castigato che, anche quando sta per sposare il ricco signor Rochester, rifiuta i colori vivaci per “sobrio raso nero e seta grigio perla”. Scelta che, però, fa brillare ancora di più il suo carattere limpido e genuino. (Translation)
Autumn readings in  Lubimy Czytać (Poland):
„Inkubowi” nie brakuje tzw. klimatu, podobnie jak książkom angielskich XIX-wiecznych pisarek, choć to klimat trochę inny. Do czytania w zimne jesienne dni świetnie sprawdzą się i „Małe kobietki”, i „Dziwne losy Jane Eyre”, i „Duma i uprzedzenie” oraz oczywiście „Wichrowe Wzgórza”. Kto nie czytał, niech nadrobi – tak jak „Inkub” ma szansę spodobać się osobom nielubiącym thrillerów, tak „Wichrowe Wzgórza” Emily Brontë mogą zachwycić tych, którzy romanse mają w głębokim poważaniu. To (arcy)dzieło nie jest zwykłą opowieścią o miłości, czy raczej namiętności, ale posiada wyrazistych bohaterów (często trudnych do polubienia), których losy przypominają tragedię grecką – czego nie zrobią, będzie niedobrze. Jest tutaj również motyw odwiecznej walki dobra ze złem, a w tle tajemnicze i nastrojowe wrzosowiska północnej Anglii. (Anna Sierant) (Translation)
Fanpage (Italy) comments on the latest edition of the Amici 20 TV programme:
Volano stracci tra Arisa e Rudy Zerbi nella puntata di Amici 2020/21 in onda sabato 28 novembre. Al centro, l’esibizione di Letizia Bertoldi sulle note di “Wuthering Heights” di Kate Bush, stroncata da Zerbi secondo cui la giovane dovrebbe cantare solo lirica. Arisa ha risposto per le rime: “Mi sta venendo il mal di pancia”. (Translation)
La Nación (Argentina) interviews film director Walter Hill:
Marcelo Stiletano: Algunos estudiosos de su obra afirman que la violencia es la mayor constante y la principal característica de las películas que usted escribió y dirigió. ¿Es así?
W.H.: Deberíamos usar ciertas palabras con mucho cuidado. Si yo invito a una persona a ver "una película violenta" la reacción va a ser negativa. Pero si le digo: "¿Vamos a ver una película de acción?" la actitud va a ser otra. Más positiva, por supuesto. Para darle más claridad a la respuesta le diría que no conozco ningún drama más cargado de violencia que Cumbres borrascosas. Allí comprobamos que la violencia suele ser mucho más emocional que física. Y esa violencia emocional resulta todavía más profunda. En todo drama hay conflicto. Y lo que a mí me interesa es contar historias que me resultan interesantes a partir de algún contexto dramático y narrativo en el que los conflictos afloran. (Translation)

Infobae (Argentina) mentions that on the subscriber platform Leamos.com Laura Ramos discussed the Brontës. Newsweek informs us that, apparently, the name Emily was one of the most popular girl names in the 1995-1996 years. The infamous quote "Crying does not indicate that you are weak. Since birth, it has always been a sign that you are alive.” returns in an article in El Vocero de Puerto Rico. And it is still not by Charlotte Brontë, nor any other Brontë. A new Letterbox review of Wuthering Heights 1939.


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