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Monday, November 16, 2020

Monday, November 16, 2020 10:55 am by Cristina in , , , , , ,    No comments
The Telegraph and Argus has an update on the restoration works in South Square Centre in Thornton.
South Square in Thornton dates back to 1832, and is currently home to an art gallery, workshops and business space, a pub and cafe.
Earlier this year it was announced that the centre - a terrace of workers cottages set around a cobbled courtyard a short distance from the Brontë's birthplace, would get a £561,000 grant from The National Lottery Heritage Fund to make much needed repairs to the Listed building. [...]
It is hoped that the centre will be a key part of the Bradford 2025 City of Culture Bid due to Thornton's links with the Brontë family. (Chris Young)
The Daily Iowan argues that going by centuries in literature is not the best approach.
Even with this shift in requirement for students, professors would still have a chance to explore a theme in depth and focus on a century, if they so choose. There are already many classes that focus on a particular movement or author within a century, such as Shakespeare or Emily Brontë. (Signe Nettum)
The Times thinks of the lighter side effects of the Covid19 situation:
The other pair has been dropped so often that the lenses are as opaque as dishwater. I can’t decide which is worse: fog or queasiness. To mitigate the frustration, I think of the Brontë sisters, ruining their eyesight writing miniature books — 4,000 handwritten words on 20 hand-stitched pages the size of a matchbox.
Unlike those poor children, at least I only have to wait three weeks for an appointment to help me read easily again. (Melanie Reid)
Jyllands-Posten (Denmark) interviews writer Elsebeth Egholm about her latest novel, Som natten kender stjernerne.
»Inden jeg begyndte at skrive, gik jeg helt tilbage til grundsubstansen og læste ”Stormfulde højder” af Emily Brontë. Det er kærlighedsgyser, en meget flot roman, men også en meget mørk roman. Der er noget ved den altopslugende, destruktive kærlighed, som hun beskriver.« (Tina Bryld) (Translation)
Atuttonotizie (Italy) recommends Wuthering Heights as an autumn read.
Come non appassionarsi poi alla storia d’amore tra Heathcliff e Catherine, protagonisti di Cime tempestose di Emily Brontë?! Una passione che si rivelerà distruttiva, a causa della gelosia e dello spirito di vendetta. (Antonella Sica) (Translation)
A contributor to Sevilla Actualidad (Spain) reminisces about an old teacher.
Quince años después, recuerdo a Pilar Fernández por varias cosas: jamás aprobé un examen con ella, siempre se peleaba por sacar cosas buenas de todos sus alumnos, ya fuere el de 10 o el de 0, nos hacía aprender de nosotros mismos, y gracias a ella descubrí a Gil de Biedma y Charlotte Brontë. (Jaime Fernández-Mijares) (Translation)
A contributor to Bucks Free Press tells about having a 'social media detox'.
I still committed to the challenge by deleting all of my social media apps off of my phone for an entire week. Every day I wrote notes about how having no social media affected my day, and when I read those notes back I felt accomplished due to the fact that I had replaced time that I would normally spend on social media with starting to read Jane Eyre and focusing on my school work. (Stephanie Wareham)
Poptastic Radio (France) lists the 15 British rock songs preferred by the French and one of them is
7. Kate Bush - Wuthering Heights
"Wuthering Heights" est une chanson basée sur le livre du même nom, plus connu en France sous le titre "Les Hauts de Hurlevent". Kate Bush a découvert ce roman d'Emily Brontë à la fin de son adolescence. Dans la chanson, elle a endosse le rôle de Catherine Earnshaw. Pour la petite histoire, chaque année au 20 janvier, jour de la sortie du titre, les fans de la chanteuse britannique vêtus de rouge se retrouvent dans des parcs de différentes capitales du monde entier pour le "Wuthering Heights Day"et recréent la chorégraphie, comme dans le clip de Wuthering Heights, non sans un certain humour comme ici à Berlin en 2019 (vidéo). (Translation)
Brontë Babe Blog posts about The Diary Papers of Emily and Anne Brontë (Juvenilia Press Edition). AnneBrontë.org has a post on 'The Aftermath Of The Life Of Charlotte Brontë'.


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