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Sunday, November 22, 2020

Sunday, November 22, 2020 12:30 am by M. in , , ,    No comments
A new scholar book with Brontë-related content:
Transfer Thinking in Translation Studie
Playing with the Black Box of Cultural Transfer

Edited by Maud Gonne, Klaartje Merrigan, Reine Meylaerts, and Heleen van Gerwen
Leuven University Press
ISBN: 9789462702639
November 2020

The concept of transfer covers the most diverse phenomena of circulation, transformation and reinterpretation of cultural goods across space and time, and are among the driving forces in opening up the field of translation studies. Transfer processes cross linguistic and cultural boundaries and cannot be reduced to simple movements from a source to a target (culture or text). In a time of paradigm shifts, this book aims to explore the potential and interdisciplinary power of transfer as a concept and an analytical tool to account for complex cultural dynamics.

The contributions in this book adopt various research angles (literary studies, imagology, translation studies, translator studies, periodical studies, postcolonialism) to study an array of entangled transfer processes that apply to different objects and aspects, ranging from literary texts, legal texts, news, images and identities to ideologies, power asymmetries, titles and heterolingualisms. By embracing a process-oriented way of thinking, all these contributions aim to open the ‘black box’ of transfer in the widest sense.
One of the contributions is "From Britain to Brussels and back again: On the transfer of national images and linguistic interactions in Charlotte Brontë’s The Professor and its first Dutch and French translations" by Dirk Delabastita & Maud Gonne.


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