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Friday, October 09, 2020

Friday, October 09, 2020 11:16 am by Cristina in , , ,    No comments
The clock at Haworth Parish Church is the star of this article in Keighley News:
The clock at Haworth Parish Church celebrates its 150th birthday next Thursday (Oct 15).
And the landmark will be recognised in a church service and with a special series of chimes.
When the clock – made by Jonathan Cryer, of Bingley – was installed in the tower of the famous Brontë-connected church in 1870, the building had to be specially modified to accommodate the giant timepiece.
The clock’s four 8ft-diameter dials were too big for the space left by its predecessor, so the tower walls were adapted and roof raised – at a cost of £64!
Funds for the new clock, which replaced a 200-year-old one, were provided through public subscription and it took a year to raise the £260 needed.
Noted Worth Valley mill-owner George Merrall performed the task of setting the clock in motion at 4pm on October 15, 1870, and – with the exception of some enforced stoppages due to work being carried out within the church – it has continued to keep time for Haworth ever since.
As part of the celebrations marking the clock’s launch, Springhead Band – the precursor of today’s Haworth Band – performed a programme of music from the top of the tower.
For many years the clock has been cared for by octogenarian Jens Hislop, the church horologist and a member of Haworth Band.
He said: “It’s a wonderful piece of Victorian machinery and still keeps perfect time.
“It is a big effort to wind the clock up but I shall continue to undertake that task so long as I’m physically able to do so.”
To help ensure that the clock remains in good hands in future years, Jens has written a combined operating manual and history of the timepiece to be passed on.
And once the Covid-19 pandemic allows, he will undertake a training course with several people from the village who have volunteered to wind the clock and its chimes in the future.
It had been hoped – as part of the anniversary celebrations – that Haworth Band may have been able to replicate the Springhead Band concert at the top of the tower, but the idea has been scuppered by the pandemic restrictions.
However, Jens has set the clock’s chimes to sound 150 times in succession at 4pm next Thursday to celebrate the major milestone.
And the birthday will also be marked as part of a service at the church on Sunday, October 18.
The rector of Haworth Parish Church, the Rev Peter Mullins, said: “The chimes are the heartbeat of Haworth, I was told.
“I’ve hardly had a word of complaint about the things Covid has prevented us doing, other than when there was a period during which the clock could not be wound and the chimes stopped.” (Alistair Shand)
Vogue India recommends '5 spooky romantic movies' including
Jane Eyre (2011)
Starring Mia Wasikowska and Michael Fassbender, this adaptation is one of the many films based on the 1847 novel of the same name by Charlotte Brontë. Jane Eyre stands out for being the most critically acclaimed one and even got nominated for an Academy Award. It has all the elements of a true blue gothic romance with a dark, looming castle, a doomed romance, and something mysterious and sinister lurking in the shadowy corners. In case you haven’t read the book, the story follows the titular Jane, who is a governess, as she finds true love with the mysterious Edward Rochester. But she soon finds out that her soon-to-be-husband is hiding a secret that will change her life forever. (Salva Mubarak)
A contributor to Spiked doesn't want his English degree 'decolonised'.
Contemporary BAME writers take inspiration from Emily Brontë and John Donne as well as Phillis Wheatley and Olaudah Equiano. We should avoid the patronising assumption that undergraduates from a minority background can only identify with figures who share their skin tone. (Rob Lownie)
More on the fashion of Dark Academia in Vanity Fair France.
Ici on brasse large, pourvu qu’on reste sur de l’analogique et un véritable désir d'apprendre, tout en peaufinant son style. Car à force de scroller et de tomber sur les mêmes ouvrages et icônes de style portées aux nues, les internautes finissent par avoir envie de se plonger dans cet ouvrage d’Emily Brontë dont la couverture est si jolie, d'en savoir plus sur Sylvia Plath, cette poétesse à l'allure impeccable, de se rendre dans cette sublime bibliothèque où se déroulent moult photoshoots... Finalement, peut-être que la Dark Academia est le meilleur allié des professeurs de littérature en temps de pandémie. (Margaux Vanwetswinkel) (Translation)
Le Monde (France) reviews the novel Liv Maria by Julia Kerninon.
Donner pour titre à un roman le nom de son personnage principal permet à l’écrivain d’orienter aussitôt la lecture, de la focaliser sur le genre du portrait, comme un gros plan photographique. Ainsi Madame Bovary, Jane Eyre ou Mrs Dalloway se lisent-ils d’abord comme l’histoire d’une femme, autour de laquelle gravite le reste du monde. En se limitant à son prénom, Liv Maria, Julia Kerninon, dans son quatrième roman, nous rapproche plus familièrement encore de son héroïne mais cette proximité est trompeuse. (Camille Lauren) (Translation)
Bookstr uses five quotes from Jane Eyre to prove that 'Rochester is the worst'. Well, we beg to disagree.


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