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Sunday, October 25, 2020

Sunday, October 25, 2020 12:47 am by M. in , ,    No comments

 A new audio production of Wuthering Heights was recently released by Dream Realm Enterprises:

Showcase Classics Vol. 1
#101 - "Wuthering Heights"
Based on Lux Radio Theater's Production
and adapted by Rachel Pulliam

Penned in 1847, Emily Bronte's story of love, hate, and revenge has remained an eternal classic. Heathcliff, a foundling boy, is taken in by the kind Mr. Earnshaw and raised with his own children, Cathy and Hindley. While Hindley's jealousy grows, Cathy finds the boy endearing and together they form an inseparable bond. Despite her connection and love for Heathcliff, Cathy struggles with fulfilling society's expectations of her to marry a rich man or the desire to follow her heart: Heathcliff.

John Bell as the Announcer and Lockwood
Karl Werner as Heathcliff
Mindy Rast-Keenan as Isabella
Marisha Tapera as Ellen
Alexa Chipman as Cathy
Karim Kronfli as Earnshaw
Rachel Pulliam as Young Heathcliff
Emily Smith as Young Cathy
Gabriel Harris as Young Hindley
David Ault as Hindley
Pete Lutz as Edgar Linton
John Lingard as Joseph
Jerry Kokich as Dr Kenneth
Alex Gilmour as Servant

Post Production Editor, Sound Designer, Producer & Director: Rachel Pulliam
Executive Producer for Dream Realm Enterprises: Jonithan Patrick Russell
MD Theatre Guide talks about the recording as included in The Sonic Summerstock Playhouse:
The most moving production is likely Emily Brontë’s “Wuthering Heights.”  There are excellent impersonations of Golden Age Hollywood actor, Jimmy Stewart, and legendary director, Cecil B. DeMille (the latter as narrator), but the show really takes off when it leaves its Lux Radio Theatre origin and virtual location behind and immerses itself in a much abbreviated version of the novel about Heathcliff and Catherine on the English moors. Brooding and cynical, Karl Werner is an outstanding Heathcliff, while Alexa Chipman is fabulous as Catherine, ever in despair between her longing for life on the desolate moors with the stormy Heathcliff and her desire to be the conventional “Mrs. Edgar Linton, the lady of Thrushcross Grange,” and thus “the finest lady in the county.”  Series co-host and British voice actor, David Ault, makes an excellent but all-too-brief appearance as Catherine’s cruel, then later dissipated, brother Hindley. (Dr. Mark Dreisonstok)


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