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Monday, October 05, 2020

Monday, October 05, 2020 12:30 am by M. in , ,    No comments
Two recent Brontë-related scholar pieces:

An article in a scholar student magazine:
Enclosure and Escape, or Escape into Enclosure?: Heterotopias and Jane Eyre
Allison Lizotte
The Graduate Review, Vol. V, 2019-2020
Bridgewater State University

Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre is, perhaps above all other things, a culmination of collapsing multiplicities. Numerous scholars have recorded the presence of oppositional elements within the text, but this ambiguous dualism also seems to spill out of the text and comes to define the novel’s relationship to the real world as well. Jane Eyre has deemed itself worthy of much scholarly and popular attention throughout the centuries, which may be due, in part, to its elusiveness. By looking at the relations and multiplicities that exist not only between but within spaces in Jane Eyre, I aim to examine how these spaces function as what Foucault labeled heterotopias. Furthermore, using this theoretical lens, I will explore how the novel as a whole may function as a compensatory heterotopia for its nineteenth-century, female author. 

And the proceedings of a recent conference:

2019 International Conference on Education, Management, Social Science and Humanities Research (EMSSHR 2019)
Emily Brontë's Potential Ecological Ethical Consciousness in Wuthering Heights
Liu Jia
School of English Language and Literature, Xi`an Fanyi University, China, 710105

Emily's "Wuthering Heights" has always been called the "Shinx Mystery" in the field of literature. It is a controversial novel, not only in the content of the novel, but also in the form of the novel. This paper studies Emily Brontë's ethical awareness of the potential in the "Wuthering Heights" to understand the author's intentions of writing Emily, and to understand the author of Emily's innovation. While breaking the tradition, she reconstructed the truth of the narrative in her own unique way, applied and improved the moral teaching function of the framework narrative, and highlighted the author's harmonious relationship between the establishment of man and nature, civilization and nature. The advocacy highlights the hidden ecological ethical consciousness contained in the works.


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