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Monday, October 19, 2020

Monday, October 19, 2020 12:30 am by M. in    No comments

Two examples of recent Brontë-related scholar work:

In Pursuit of Dante’s Shadow: Jane Eyre and Intertextual Referencing from Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri
by Giovanna Sansalvadore

In Jane Eyre di Charlotte Brontë (1847), la gran parte dell’attenzione critica si concentra intorno al personaggio di Bertha Rochester, la prima moglie del protagonista, Edward Rochester. In gran parte delineata come alter ego di Jane Eyre, il suo ruolo è fondamentale per l’esito del messaggio di emancipazione femminile promulgato dal romanzo vittoriano. In questa lettura critica del personaggio si farà un confronto delle proprietà fisiche di questo personaggio con il demonio mitologico di Cerbero, tratto dal canto VI dell’Inferno di Dante. Questo paragone suggerisce riferimenti intertestuali che possono offrire nuovi spunti per la comprensione di una lettura più sfumata del personaggio di Bertha in questo importante frangente del testo di Brontë.

Politeness Maxim of Character's Utterances in Wuthering Heights Novel by Emily Brontë
by  Amallyanna, Ramadhini (2020). Undergraduate thesis, 
Universitas Negeri Medan, Indonesia

In Pursuit of Dante’s Shadow: Jane Eyre and Intertextual Referencing from Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri This study was aimed at identifying the types and the dominant type of the Politeness Maxim of Character’s Utterances in Wuthering Heights Novel by Emily Brontë and the reason why it used in the novel. This study was conducted by applying descriptive qualitative method. The source of data was
 taken from a novel written by Emily Brontë entitled Wuthering Heights. The results showed that there are 6 types of politeness maxim namely tact maxim,generosity maxim, approbation maxim, modesty maxim, agreement maxim and sympathy maxim totalling 64 utterances with the dominant type is agreement maxim totalling 22 utterances (34,37%). There was only 1 type of politeness maxim that not used in the novel which is modesty maxim. The  reason why politeness maxim used by the main character was that to politelyexpress his message and intimate the relation to other characters.


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