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Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Wednesday, August 19, 2020 12:02 pm by Cristina in , , , , ,    No comments
 The Telegraph explores the concept of wondering what an author would do if he/she were in your shoes.
I suppose the lesson is: be careful who you seek advice from. But I suspect readers treat authors as they do good friends – often seeking those who’d steer them in the way they want to travel, rather than those who might check wilder impulses. Several women I know treat Jean Rhys, author of Wide Sargasso Sea, as a literary mentor, despite, or more likely because of, her three ill-fated marriages, equally unhappy love affairs and brief period selling sex to survive, heavy drinking, a stint in jail and waspish
nature. If she were still alive they’d be camped out on her doorstep with a case of wine in the desire to share their own tales of dependency and emotional abuse. (Rowan Pelling)
Electric Lit has Silvia Moreno-Garcia, author of Mexican Gothic, pick '9 Classic Gothic Books From the 20th Century'. Her selection includes:
Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys (1966)
If you ever thought Rochester from Jane Eyre was not a great romantic hero, then this is the book for you. Wide Sargasso Sea gives voice to the mad wife in the attic, taking us to the Caribbean for a “prequel” to upend all prequels.
Shelf Awareness has a short review of Brontë's Mistress by Finola Austin.
Austin's passion for all things 19th-century England glows in this marvelous debut. She skillfully resurrects a slice of buried history, grounding Brontë's Mistress in actual characters and events. The irresistible details of the scandal and its dramatic aftermath, however, are wholly her own impressive creation. (Shahina Piyarali)
The Irish Times features the novel The Greatest of These by Francis McManus.
Francis McManus (1909-1965) is known to those of us of a certain age because his novel depicting a priest’s revolt against authority, The Greatest of These (1943), was on the Leaving Certificate English syllabus for many years. I did not feel at the time it had any of the allure of Wuthering Heights, the poignancy of King Lear, the political resonance of Yeats, the lyricism of Wordsworth or Kavanagh. (Eamon Maher)
Anfibia (Spain) looks into the #FreeBritney movement and links it to The Madwoman in the Attic by Sandra Gilbert and Susan Gubar.
Por otra parte, también el feminismo de segunda ola reivindicó la figura de la loca. The Madwoman in the Attic (“La loca en el ático”), publicado en 1979 por Sandra Gilbert y Susan Gubar, es un clásico de la crítica literaria feminista y pone en el centro a la figura de las locas encerradas que florecieron en la literatura victoriana luego del romanticismo. Uno de los casos emblemáticos que analiza el libro es Jane Eyre, la novela de 1847 de Charlotte Brontë. En la novela, Jane es una huérfana que termina estudiando para institutriz y enamorada del dueño de la casa en la que trabaja. Cuando Jane está por casarse se entera de que el matrimonio no puede realizarse: Rochester, el galán, está casado con Bertha, una mujer —de ascendencia creole, valga aclarar— que se volvió loca y vive encerrada en un cuarto de la casa donde Jane vive y trabaja. En la lectura de Gilbert y Gubar, Bertha y Jane hacen un juego de espejos: Bertha representa para Jane “el hambre, la rebelión y la rabia” que ella tuvo que reprimir para convertirse en adulta y adaptada a la sociedad burguesa. (Tamara Tenenbaum) (Translation)
Far Out shares 'The ultimate beginner’s guide to Kate Bush' by using six of her songs, including of course
‘Wuthering Heights’
The track, undoubtedly inspired by the novel written by Emily Bronte of the same name, was written in the leafy South London suburb in the summer of ’77. As London was swollen with the vicious angst of punk, Kate Bush was creating a masterful pop record: “There was a full moon, the curtains were open and it came quite easily,” Bush told her fan club in 1979.
Bush’s iconography only grew from this moment. Her employment of dance, mime, theatricality began to herald in a new era for pop music.
Still, nobody could have predicted, least of all Kate herself, how successful ‘Wuthering Heights’ would become. That people like you and I would be still so enchanted by its whimsical nature, high octave notes and the sheer fantasy it inspires.
It even landed Bush with the wonderful accolade of being the first woman to top the UK charts with a song both written and performed by herself. A landmark moment in a glittering career.


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