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Sunday, July 26, 2020

Sunday, July 26, 2020 1:36 am by M. in , ,    No comments
A new novel just published with plenty of references to Jane Eyre:
Plain Jayne
by Brea Brown
Wayzgoose Press (17 July 2020)
ISBN-13: 978-1938757815

Jayne Greer wasn’t the looker or the comedian in her family; she was the thinker and the writer. And ultimately, she was the survivor. When a deadly house fire claimed the lives of her parents and sisters just hours after her high school graduation, Jayne was left virtually alone in the world. Writing down her tale of grief began as therapy, but she came to hope the resulting book could lead into the publishing world [the publishing house's name is Thornfield] … and back into life. If only. Twelve years later, Jayne finds herself in Boston and completely out of her element. Her continual missteps have her ready to scrap her dream and run back to Indianapolis. Her ill-tempered editor wants Jayne to change her book. Who cares how attractive he is? Jayne has no intention of putting up with his arrogance. And even if she were willing (which she’s not), she can’t—she’s suffering the worst case of writer’s block ever. A writer’s retreat in Marblehead is her last hope, but it could cost her the last shred of control she has over her life.


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