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Tuesday, July 28, 2020

About Manchester reports that Elizabeth Gaskell's House reopens next August 12. (Incidentally, Manchester Evening News lists Gaskell among historical figures with Moss Side and Hulme connections). Keighley News also reports that the KVWR will also return to operate trains but with severe restrictions:
The Keighley and Worth Valley Railway (K&WVR) will begin operating train rides for the public the following week, on Wednesday August 19. (...)
[Keith] Whitmore said the K&WVR planned to begin operating trains on the railway line on August 8-9 – not for use by the public – then special services on August 15 and 16 for working members and guests.
He said: “Passenger services will return from August 19 and all tickets must be pre-booked. Trains will operate between Oxenhope and Keighley and will not stop at any other station.
“A vintage bus will operate between Ingrow, Haworth and the Bronte Parsonage to Oxenhope to dovetail in with these services.” (David Knights)
The Evening Standard looks for references in the latest album by Taylor Swift:
There’s a handful of standout references in Invisible String. First of all, literary-minded fans have wondered whether Swift had a copy of Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre to hand while working in isolation, as the “invisible strings” of the song’s title echo Mr Rochester’s musings on his bond with the novel’s heroine. “I have a strange feeling with regard to you: as if I had a string somewhere under my left ribs, tightly knotted to a similar string in you,” he tells her. And to continue the theme, the track which follows is titled Mad Woman - a phrase which conjures up Rochester’s first wife Bertha, literature’s ‘madwoman in the attic.’ (Katie Rosseinsksy)
These and other connections are also mentioned on TechToday19Berlingske (Denmark)...

WFU interviews Chrissie Hynde from The Pretenders who says she has recently read Anne Brontë's The Tenant of Wildfell Hall and really loved it.

San Francisco Chronicle reviews John Le Heureux's The Beggar's Pawn:
The meal is awkward. The Hollises bring wine, but Reginald doesn’t want to open the bottle. “We follow the Bible,” he explains. David and Maggie get a strange vibe from Reginald and his taciturn wife, Helen, but they adore the Parker’s daughter, Iris. The grade-schooler begins visiting the Hollises almost daily. David reads her “Jane Eyre.” Maggie buys her a raincoat. (Kevin Canfield)
Stylist reviews the film How to Build a Girl:
Johanna is a coming-of-age heroine with a difference. She’s not cool or popular, like the Cher Horowitzs and Cady Herons we’re used to. Instead, she’s a bookworm who counts the Brontë sisters among her personal heroes, hangs out in the library fantasising about the cute boys she doesn’t speak to, and considers her dog to be her best friend. (Caroline Carpenter
Slate reviews the novel Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia:
Some of the literary gothic’s foundational novels are acknowledged classics—Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights—while others—most notably, Daphne du Maurier’s Rebecca—were unfairly diminished in reputation by their countless imitators and the prestige hit taken by any genre that’s particularly popular with women. (Laura Miller)
The Telegraph talks about Olivia de Havilland's Melanie in Gone With The Wind:
Melanie was like lots of my other favourites I liked to weep over: Beth from Little Women, Helen Burns from Jane Eyre, Little Nell from The Old Curiosity Shop, Eponine from Les Misérables. None of them did much to rupture the sinister plan fate had in store for them, and all were guided by the spirit of self sacrifice, until they too were sacrificed. They had a pure goodness that you only find in fairy tales, like the Little Mermaid’s. (Serena Davies)
Splice Today reviews the novel 22 Minutes of Unconditional Love by Daphne Merkin:
But given the sketchy (in every sense) nature of Howard Rose, I wonder if someone might write a book retelling the story from his perspective, like the novel Wicked recast the Witch, or Wide Sargasso Sea put an entirely new perspective on Jane Eyre. (Kenneth Silber)
 The Santa Fe Reporter talks about the pandemic educational choices families are turning to:
From this angle, microschools and tutoring pods are critical solutions for women who, unless they're committed homeschool teachers, need and want to keep their work on the rails. Pooling resources to create such pods is a practical response for families that can't single-handedly hire a private governess (incidental nod to Brontë heroines). This is a real dilemma for moms, whether they're working in drive-throughs, hospitals, or via corporate Zoom, and it's hardly an extreme response. (Lauren Whitehurst)
The Yorkshire Post talks about the industrial history of Oxenhope:
The reservoir sits just outside the village of Oxenhope, home to the terminus of the Keighley and Worth Valley Railway.
A goods shed there is used for the restoration and servicing of the carriages regularly used on the steam railway, which connects Oxenhope with the likes of Keighley and Haworth, where the Brontë sisters grew up. (Laura Reid)
Morgenbladet (Norway) talks about Lovecraft's legacy. The journalist has a confession to make:
Av og til spør avisene kjente forfattere og kritikere hvilke berømte bøker de enten aldri begynte på eller aldri ble ferdige med. Min egen lesning er usystematisk. Jeg har for eksempel aldri lest noe av Jonas Lie eller Emily Brontë. (Thomas Hylland Eriksen) (Translation)
Agora (Moldova) lists classic novels adapted to the screen:
Jane Eyre. Este cel mai cunoscut roman al scriitoarei Charllote (sic) Brontë. Inițial, acesta a fost publicat sub pseudonimul Currer Bell în anul 1847. Cartea prezintă o autobiografie despre experiențele eroinei din copilărie și până la maturitate, scoțând în relief toate momentele dificile și fericite prin care trece protagonista. De-a lungul timpului cartea a cunoscut mai multe ecranizări: în anul 1943, în 1996, în 1997, în 2006, iar cel mai recent film a fost lansat în anul 2011. (Ilinca Fiodorov) (Translation)
Lood (Estonia) interviews the actress Ülle Lichtfeldt:
Jane Eyre'is” keerutab mr Rochester ehk Hannes Kaljujärv tantsu oma hullu naise ehk minuga, loobib, tirib, pööritab ümber oma telje. (Tiiu Suvi) (Translation)
Hertfordshire Mercury includes an easy Brontë question in a general knowledge quiz. Vital Thrills announces that Wuthering Heights 1992 will be on the Starz catalogue next month. La Opinión de Murcia (Spain) mentions Dante Rossetti's famous comments on Wuthering Heights.


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