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Friday, June 12, 2020

Friday, June 12, 2020 10:29 am by Cristina in , , , , ,    No comments
Broadway World shares a video from the recent Paper Mill Playhouse Vault featuring the Brontë sisters.
Paper Mill Playhouse has shared a flashback installment of its Humanitarian Symposium Series taking an inside look at the work of The Brontë Family and Wuthering Heights.
Dive into the world of the Brontës with host Robert Johanson, a "lecture" by Professor Elliot Engel, a tour of the set by designer Michael Anania, and readings from the literary works by Libby Christophersen, Mark H. Dold, David Ledingham, Jodie Lynne McLintock, Ruth Moore, and Elizabeth Roby.
Click here to watch the video.

Craven Herald & Pioneer shares a letter from a reader containing a piece of local lore. Pity about the name blunder!
However, many, many years earlier the mill was owned by a Mr Sidgwick who lived with his wife and family at Stone Gappe, Lothersdale. It was there where Charlotte Bronte worked as a mother's help and found the children to be very badly behaved, though Mrs Sidgwick said they were just high spirited as all children were.
However, Charlotte used the experience in her novel Jane Eyre to describe the behaviour of the Peel [sic; it's Reed] children in the early chapters.
The connection with Water Street is that Mr Sidgwick built the small building in the picture (now Calico Jack) but known to locals as the AGA showroom for many years.
In 1844 a law was passed by the government stating that all children aged eight, nine and 10 who worked in the mills of Skipton had to have half a day schooling each week. Mr Sidgwick built the school for that purpose. So he had a compassionate side.
Mairie Heseltine
Indeed Charlotte had only good things to say about him (as opposed to what she said about his wife).
Mr. Sidgwick is in my opinion a hundred times better—less profession, less bustling condescension, but a far kinder heart.  It is very seldom that he speaks to me, but when he does I always feel happier and more settled for some minutes after.  He never asks me to wipe the children’s smutty noses or tie their shoes or fetch their pinafores or set them a chair.  One of the pleasantest afternoons I have spent here—indeed, the only one at all pleasant—was when Mr. Sidgwick walked out with his children, and I had orders to follow a little behind.  As he strolled on through his fields with his magnificent Newfoundland dog at his side, he looked very like what a frank, wealthy, Conservative gentleman ought to be.  He spoke freely and unaffectedly to the people he met, and though he indulged his children and allowed them to tease himself far too much, he would not suffer them grossly to insult others. (CB to EJB, June 8th, 1839)
ScreenRant lists 5 period dramas that the adventurer personality type known as ISFPs will love and 5 they will hate. Apparently they will hate Wuthering Heights 1939:
Hate: Wuthering Heights
Emily Brontë’s famous novel is, of course, a classic piece of British literature, and so it is hardly surprising that it has spawned a number of screen adaptations, including this famous version starring Laurence Olivier and Merle Oberon.
There’s a certain element of bitterness and darkness at the heart of this film as there is in the novel and it’s very unlikely that the ISFP will find themselves drawn to any of the characters or to the story itself. (Thomas West)
No Majesty likens The Sopranos to Jane Eyre:
When I meet people who’ve not seen it I say ‘HOW have you not seen The Sopranos? You have GOT to watch it’ (which is not a good way to make friends). The Sopranos is the closest thing to a perfect tv series as I can imagine. It is cinematic, it is tightly plotted, it is dramatic, emotional, mysterious… In a word, it is masterful.
The one and only criticism I have of the show is that it is heavy going sometimes and could do with being interspersed with some light relief, just to stop things from getting too bogged down. But, watch this show! It is the TV equivalent to reading Jane Eyre, it opens metaphorical doors, makes links between things you’ve never realised were linked. It’s amazing. (Leah Welch)
Express has a multiple choice quiz which includes this question:
10) How many novels did the Brontë sisters write in total?
a) Nine
b) Seven
c) Eight
(Aliss Higham)
Finally, a digital alert from Buenos Aires:
 Te invitamos a formar parte de un espacio literario colectivo, donde vas a poder intercambiar experiencias de lectura con compañeros y compañeras. Libros: visitas guiadas, es un club de lectura dictado por Valeria Castelló-Joubert, Doctora en Letras y coordinadora de los Clubes de Lectura de la Dirección General de Promoción del Libro, las Bibliotecas y la Cultura, para que puedas debatir en profundidad distintas obras que son parte de la historia literaria de la humanidad.
El club consiste de un video que explicará el texto elegido, para que puedas leerlo con la perspectiva de una profesional en la materia. Luego, vas a tener dos clases mediante una plataforma virtual, donde vas a trabajar en grupo el contenido del texto.
Para el cuarto encuentro, la lectura propuesta es Cumbres borrascosas (1847), Emily Brontë. (Translation)


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