
  • S2 E1: With... Jenny Mitchell - Welcome back to Behind the Glass with this early-release first episode of series 2 ! Sam and new co-host Connie talk to prize-winning poet Jenny Mitchell...
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Saturday, May 16, 2020

Saturday, May 16, 2020 11:32 am by Cristina in , , , , ,    No comments
The Telegraph reports how different tourist destinations all over the UK are reacting to the idea of potential visitors.
Yorkshire: We're nearly ready... The message from Welcome to Yorkshire is more positive than most in its response to the Government's plans, although its CEO, James Mason, has still urged would-be visitors to allow more time so that the tourism industry can prepare for their return. "We welcome the road map to recovery BUT with caution. Please respect that these communities are not yet able to cope with tourism," he tweeted on May 11.
The organisation is asking that people "imagine now, discover later", a message endorsed by local tourism businesses such as the Brontë Parsonage, which tweeted: "We've been around for over 90 years and we'll be back. This is just a pause." (Tom Mulvihill)
The Edinburgh Reporter is still recommending 'A few more ways to stay amused at home'.
We’d recommend opting for the British greats. Of course, how you define them may differ from how someone else would, but for starters consider picking up the work of towering figures like Jane Austen, the Brontë sisters, and Charles Dickens. Read Tolkien if you never have, or burn through some of Agatha Christie’s legendary mysteries. The UK has produced some of the world’s greatest literary artists, and delving into their work can be an excellent way to explore other worlds while you’re unable to explore our own. (Phyllis Stephen)
However, The Huffington Post seems to have found another, seemingly more popular, entertainment during lockdown. According to them, 'Queer House Party Is The Ultimate Lockdown Escapism During Covid-19'.
“I loved the fact that I could get dragged up and do my turn from my bedroom without having to leave the house or traipse around half of London with a suitcase of drag rolling behind me. I didn’t even have to get the night tube home,” says performer Fagulous, who performed in one of Queer House Party’s live cabaret slots recently.
They ordinarily do a Kate Bush routine in full falsetto, but ran into problems during the home performance that only added to the fun. “Fine when you’re in a gay bar, but my neighbours would not have been impressed with me screeching Wuthering Heights at 11 o’clock at night,” says Fagulous. (Adam Bloodworth)
A contributor to La voz del sur (Spain) tells about reading from her own library during lockdown.
He encontrado títulos regalados o bien elegidos por ellos que en su día llamaron mi atención, me enamoraron y ahora  los acaricio  con cierta nostalgia. Hojeo Orgullo y Prejuicio de Jane Austen. Recordé a Jane Eyre y el singular temperamento que le dio Charlotte Brontë. Cómo no, por ahí sobresalen los Harry Potter. (Isabel Flores) (Translation)
Público (Spain) interviews scientist María Blasco who speaks about old age and diseases.
Antes existían, si bien no llegaban a padecerlas porque, como usted señalaba, muchas personas fallecían al nacer, por una infección o en una guerra. Claro. Ahora la incidencia y la proyección de estas enfermedades está aumentando porque proporcionalmente cada vez hay más gente mayor. Fíjate en escritores famosos como Lord Byron, quien murió a los treinta y seis años aquejado de una fiebre, o en Emily Brontë, víctima de una tuberculosis a los treinta. (Henrique Mariño) (Translation)
La Vanguardia (Spain) does a literary quiz.
Jane Austen nos dejó otra media docena de obras sobresalientes, como…
1. Cumbres borrascosas
2. La montaña mágica
3. Orgullo y prejuicio
4. Jane Eyre (Profesor Iturbe) (Translation)


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