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Sunday, May 03, 2020

Sunday, May 03, 2020 1:34 am by M. in , , ,    No comments
The guitarist and composer Charlie Rauh is going to release an album on which reimagines the poetry of Anne and Emily Brontë. The album's name is The Bluebell and will be released by Destiny Records next August 28th. The cover is designed by Lena Laub.

The versioned poems are The Bluebell, The Narrow Way, The Doubter's Prayer,  Last Lines by Anne Brontë and Plead for Me, No Coward Soul is Mine, Come Walk with Me, A Little While, A Little While and The Bluebell by Emily Brontë.

The composer tells about his connection with Emily and Anne's poetry:
“I wanted to try to represent the layered immensity that their writing evokes. These poems have been such a huge inspiration to me over the years, and I hope to have channeled my own experience into their words to create something not only deeply personal, but also relatable with this music.
I specifically chose to focus on Emily and Anne out of the four Brontë siblings because they shared a singular bond. Both very extreme personalities, and particularly close with one another. Naming the album after something they both held sacred is a simple way to emphasize the closeness, vulnerability, and affection that defines not only their relationship and work, but hopefully this music as well.”
The Bluebell will be available on digital download and streaming platforms and also with a limited-edition copy of the Rauh siblings’ recreated Diary Papers—each individually hand-made—available with the download of the album through the Destiny Records Bandcamp store.


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