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Sunday, May 24, 2020

The Emily Brontë biopic project that we reported a few days ago is still very much on the news: Cosmopolitan, Vogue SpainCineséries, IGN Greece, Haber365. La Verdad, IBC World News, Cinemanía...

Scarlett Rowe pays homage to The Tenant of Wildfell Hall on Varsity:
When Anne Brontë’s novel, The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, was first published in the summer of 1848, it created quite a stir. In her preface to the second edition, Anne (going under the pseudonym ‘Acton Bell’) addressed accusations that her writing contained ‘a morbid love’ of ‘coarse’ and ‘brutal’ matters: namely, a painfully detailed account of the abusive relationship between Helen and Arthur Huntington. Such a deeply personal (and partially female) narrative amounted to a sort of social blasphemy at the time.
‘I may have gone too far,’ Anne explains to her Victorian readers in the preface. So far, so good for the egos of her most avid critics. Fortunately, however, their initial victory is short lived, for Anne quickly expresses her wish for there to be a ‘less...delicate concealment of facts’ in the social sphere. Facts, for example, of normalised domestic abuse and widespread marital misery. Anne further adds that ‘such characters’ as the estranged wives and irresponsible husbands explored in her novel do exist, whether readers like it or not. In a daring demonstration of defiance, Anne refuses to apologise for her exploration of controversial themes. ‘Be it understood,’ she informs readers, ’when I feel it my duty to speak an unpalatable truth… I will speak it.’ Ouch. (Read more)
This is Colossal explores the creative process of the artist Monica Rohan:
Often drawing from texts she’s reading—Charlotte Brontë’s Villette is one—the artist imbues fictional tales into her works. “I’m interested in when real life and fiction bleed into one another. I’ve always been an avid reader, but happily, nowadays I can read and paint at the same time thanks to audio-books. Often whatever I’m reading filters through into titles for works and indirectly into the paintings themselves,” she says. (Grace Ebert
The Telegraph interviews the actor and writer, Robert Webb who lists Wuthering Heights being one of the most important books in his life:
Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë I read this when I had the flu once and I still don't know how Brontë got me to care so much about Cathy and Heathcliff who, let's face it, are the kind of couple you'd move house to avoid.
This is Anfield claims that
‘If onlys’ can turn into painful soliloquies that twist and turn the soul inside out until there is no wriggle room left. Emily Brontë was probably not thinking about football when she wrote: “Thoughts are tyrants that return again and again to torment us.”
Probably not as Emily Brontë never wrote that. It was Anne Devlin in her script for Wuthering Heights 1992.

The Telegraph & Argus urges people to plan their holidays for when the pandemic will be over:
Dream about future visits to Haworth by listening to Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre on the BBC Sounds app or watching Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights on the BFI Player. (Mark Stanford)
The Indian Express echoes the National Library miniature books initiative:
Children in Britain have something new to look forward to while in lockdown. The British Library has asked the nation’s children to follow the footsteps of author Charlotte Brontë and come up with their own miniature books in lockdown. It is believed that Brontë had written a miniature book containing a short story for her sister Anne. She had even stitched the book herself when she was all of 12 years old. But this was only among the many others she wrote with her siblings, for their toy soldiers to read. It is believed the initiative will be a part of the online “National Library of Miniature Books for the toy world”.
The Daily Mail talks with and about the journalist and broadcaster, Anita Rani:
She grew up in the suburbs of Bradford not far from the Yorkshire moors, with her parents, who ran a successful clothes manufacturing company, and her younger brother Kuldeep. ‘The two of us would go off on our bikes and you’d be in the countryside before you know it,’ she recalls. ‘Brontë country, Ilkley Moor, Baildon Moor… it just felt like an extension of my life. (Francesca Babb)
Patheos's Religion Prof is excited about a new journal on historical research:
 In Master and Servant, the historian Carolyn Steedman documents the everyday experience of Phoebe Beatson, a single, illiterate, female domestic employee in the eighteenth century. While Steedman employs the protocols of social history to locate Phoebe in her world by drawing on extant records of working-class life and the papers left behind by her employer, she also utilizes Nelly Dean, the housekeeper in Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights, as an instrument for imaginatively reconstructing Phoebe’s interiority. (James F. McGrath)
Cambridge News has an easy question for you:
13. In which novel does the heroine finally marry Mr. Rochester? (Lauren Brown)
The New York Times publishes the obituary of the opera singer John Macurdy:
He continued to sing with that company and elsewhere, including the Santa Fe Opera, where in 1958 he appeared as Mr. Earnshaw in the world premiere of Carlisle Floyd’s “Wuthering Heights.”
Evoke reviews the TV series Normal People:
Yes, we can flippantly say it’s the TV sensation of 2020, but I don’t think we should underestimate its value. Alongside the outpouring of affection to Marianne and Connell, on a level that even the staunchest Wuthering Heights devotees would struggle to match, there is a whole lot of public sharing. A sharing of memories, of firsts, of formative teenage experiences and of similar traumas inflicted while navigating those difficult years of early adulthood. (Jess O'Sullivan)
Digital Trends (Spain) lists romantic movies on Netflix:
Este clásico de 1992, dirigido por James Ivory, presenta actuaciones destacadas de los icónicos actores Anthony Hopkins y Emma Thompson. Al explorar las diversas clases sociales de la Inglaterra victoriana, esta historia sigue a tres familias que luchan por dejar su huella en el mundo. Mientras tanto, el creciente amor entre Margaret (Thompson) y Henry (Hopkins) amenaza con transformarse en un escándalo. Si eres fanático de la novelista Charlotte Brontë, esta historia de amor victoriano es para ti. (Translation)
La Vanguardia (Spain) has a Sunday literary quiz:
Las asombrosas Brontë
Las tres hermanas Brontë se criaron sin madre y se quedaron solteras en la casa de su padre, pastor anglicano. Mientras horneaban el pan y atendían a su hermano alcoholizado, estudiaban alemán o escribían poesías en secreto. Charlotte le mandó algunas para su consideración a un autor de cierta consideración en la época, cuyo nombre todo el mundo ha olvidado, que le respondió: “La literatura no tiene razón de ser en la vida de una mujer”. Pero las hermanas Brontë no se rendían fácilmente. Publicaron juntas en 1846 su primer libro, donde reunieron poemas de las tres, firmado con los seudónimos masculinos Currer (Charlotte), Ellis (Emily) y Acton (Anne) y el apellido ficticio que utilizaron para publicar sus obras posteriores:
1. Bell
2. Harris
3. Pebbles
4. Wordsworth  (Profesor Iturbe) (Translation)
La Repubblica (Italy) quotes Chiara Gamberale saying
Ai Dialoghi ne parlo prendendo spunto da un poeta surrealista rumeno, Gherasim Luca, e da Cime tempestose, il mio romanzo d'amore preferito" anticipa la scrittrice, che il 25 giugno esce con un libro scritto durante il lockdown, Come il mare in un bicchiere (Feltrinelli). (Translation)
Europa Sur (Spain) thinks that the president of Madrid has a Jane Eyre air:
En estas difíciles circunstancias, Ayuso ha demostrado carácter y energía suficiente para mantener su compromiso con el destino de los madrileños, una forma de ser que la equipara a la peripecia vital de Jane Eyre, una muchacha rebelde y contestataria que Charlotte Brönte (sic) convirtió en precursora del feminismo. (Translation
We can confirm that the umlaut sickness (quite prevalent in some Spanish journalists) is not related to the use of psychoactive drugs, we're not so sure about the rest of the article.

CinqueW News (Italy) interviews the writer Sunny Valerio:
Sarebbe un po’ presuntuoso dire che possiedo delle caratteristiche di tratteggio tute mie, inimitabili. Potrei dirlo se fossi Jane Austen, o Charlotte Brontë, ma credo che l’ammirazione che proprio queste due autrici mi suscitano, abbia una grande influenza sulla mia scrittura dal sapore un po’ antico e gotico. (Translation)
Adevarul (Romania) has another quiz with some Brontës on it. Letralia's Papeles de la Pandemia also mentions the Brontës. Mes Lectures Classiques (in French) reviews Jane Eyre. Granma (Cuba) recommends reading Wuthering Heights in the lockdown. Radio Perfil (Argentina) talks about Jane Eye 2011. Studenti (Italy) publishes a Wuthering Heights mind map.


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