
  • S2 E1: With... Jenny Mitchell - Welcome back to Behind the Glass with this early-release first episode of series 2 ! Sam and new co-host Connie talk to prize-winning poet Jenny Mitchell...
    4 months ago

Friday, May 08, 2020

Star Courier reviews the film adaptation of Caitlin Moran's How to Build a Girl.
They share a bedroom with a makeshift divider. On Johanna’s side hangs a mood board with talking portraits - a la “Harry Potter” - of Maria Von Trapp (Gemma Arterton), Sigmund Freud (Michael Sheen), Sylvia Plath (Lucy Punch), Emily Brontë (Sue Perkins) and Elizabeth Taylor (Lily Allen), among others. (Dana Barbuto)
Cheat Sheet tries to find out just how many books were mentioned in The Gilmore Girls, recalling the fact that,
During her relationship with Dean, she mentioned Moby Dick. Dean referenced Hunter S. Thompson and even gave Jane Eyre a shot. (Andrea Francese)
A contributor to Craven Herald & Pioneer tells about how her friends are entertaining themselves during lockdown.
In the way of a contrast, one of my colleagues said she had taken to listening to book readings while taking her daily exercise, and was having great fun. So far, and all within the lockdown, she had listened to Jane Eyre, Pride and Prejudice, War of the Worlds, A Handful of Dust and Far from the Madding Crowd. (Lesley Tate)
Similarly, Daily Bruin explores how 'Students take advantage of stay-at-home orders to renew, expand connection to art'.
Experimenting with green screens, [Talia] Markowitz shot a video in which she reenacts the visual composition and hand-based choreography from the “Wuthering Heights” music video as an ode to English singer-songwriter Kate Bush. Donning a red dress reminiscent of Bush’s original costume, Markowitz lip syncs while executing hand-centric, lyrical choreography in front of a botanical background. Typically, Markowitz wouldn’t have time to dabble in a project so outside her normal practice, but said she found her foray into video worthwhile because the skills she advanced through the project. (Kennedy Hill)
Buch Markt (Germany) asks bookseller Maria-Christina Piwowarski all sorts of bookish questions.
2) Welches Buch hat Ihr Leben geprägt? Charlotte Brontë, Jane Eyre (in der Paola Meister-Calvino Übersetzung) und die Poenichen Trilogie von Christine Brückner (Translation)
ABC (Spain) reviews Lyndall Gordon's Outsiders.
Emily Brontë sigue en la historia como hija de un párroco anglicano no demasiado dado a las lecturas, ni a la amplitud de miras, ni a los horizontes lejanos. En ese estrecho mundo y tras la muerte de su madre, los hermanos crean un universo imaginario en el que Emily destaca junto con su hermana, Charlotte. Con apuntar que tiene que publicar bajo el pseudónimo masculino de Ellis Bell sus poemas y novelas, entre ellas su título más famoso, Cumbres Borrascosas, queda todo visto para sentencia. La violencia (de género, entre otras) que describe en esta novela es la que ve a su alrededor -en las tierras donde vive e inspirándose en una familia real- y, por tanto, no termina siendo bien recibida por la crítica de la época. Tras su temprana muerte por tuberculosis fue su hermana, Charlotte, también escritora de éxito, quien se ocupa de sacarla a la luz de día, no si antes vender un poco su alma al diablo. (Laura Revuelta) (Translation)
On CatRadio's La Finestra Indiscreta (in Catalan), film critic Àlex Gorina recommends some films such as
3. "Yo anduve con un zombie" (I walked with a zombie) de Jacques Tourneur (1943)
Crist, la criatura de Frankenstein, i ara els morts vivents: ja tenim la tríada perfecte dels resurrectes! Però no penseu en zombis devoradors i campions d'una marató: tan sols un home negre mort i viu, dret, immòbil enmig de les boires d'Haití als platós tropicals de la RKO. I no espereu ensurts i gore, només el so constant dels tambors tribals i la poesia gens expressionista de l'equip genial que van formar el director, el guionista i Val Lewton el productor.
La història és una derivada de la "Jane Eyre" de Charlotte Brontë (Mary Shelley, Brontë i l'Evangeli apòcrif segons Maria Magdalena, quines dones, quins deliris!!). L'acció, a una plantació. La dona blanca és víctima d'una narcolèpsia que pot guarir el vudú. I l'ambient, una nit eterna. "Qualsevol similitud amb persones vives, mortes o posseïdes és accidental" diuen els crèdits d'aquesta obra mestre. Però el zombi, no ho és de debò? (Translation)


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