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Wednesday, May 27, 2020

The Yorkshire Post has an article on the search for the lost first film adaptation of Wuthering Heights, which now turns a hundred years old.
And 2020 marks 100 years since the first motion picture version of the story, inspired by Top Withens, was released.
But, despite the best efforts of archivists, nobody in the modern age is likely to ever see it. The movie, shot in Haworth, is considered a “lost film” and there are no known surviving copies.
Ann Dinsdale, head curator at the Brontë Parsonage, said: “The film has not survived, unfortunately. We’ve gone to quite a lot of trouble trawling film archives across the world.”
The attraction last made a public appeal for information about the film about 15 years ago, which produced a number of still images, and a few years ago a detailed original screenplay by Eliot Stannard – a mentor to Alfred Hitchcock – was discovered.
“So if anybody out there does have it, we would love to know more.”
The film differs from many other versions because it was a more comprehensive telling of the novel, she said. “There was a real attempt to capture the whole novel. They told the whole story, featuring both generations.
“Quite often film adaptions end at the point where Cathy dies but this covers the second generation as well – they employed three actors to play Heathcliffe [sic].” [...]
And it may have been the first film shoot in Haworth, the picturesque Bradford village which is now no stranger to camera crews.
Ms Dinsdale said: “There are all these amazing photographs. (Some show) the film crew walking out on the moors in Haworth and carrying the child actors.
“The village is just teeming with people who’ve turned out to see what would have been a really big event in Haworth, potentially the first film crew that were to have come to Haworth.”
It came at a time after the First World War when the British film industry was trying to “fight back against a tide of American film,” said Ms Dinsdale. (John Blow)
It also includes an opinion column discussing the matter as well.
Yet, a century after the first motion picture of the alluring story was broadcast, the plot thickens as the Brontë Parsonage in Haworth try and seek a copy of what they are calling the ‘lost film’.
Not only would this help to add another chapter to the Brontë family’s already priceless legacy, but it would also represent a piece of cinematic history.
This was one of the first productions after the signing of the Armistice to mark the end of the First World War and came at a time when the British film industry was trying to assert itself against the Americans.
Given the interest that there was in Haworth at the time, judging by archive photographs, there’s every likelihood that the film would, a century, on be just as gripping as Wuthering Heights itself.
Scifi Pulse reviews the comic Adler #2.
Synopsis: After uniting some of the most famous heroines of the Victorian age including Jane Eyre, Miss Havisham, and Marie Curie, Irene Adler must finally come face-to-face with Sherlock Holmes’s greatest nemesis, Moriarty! [...]
Writer Lavie Tidhar continues the story in such a way that you are totally sucked in. I loved how she recaps the first issue via Jane Eyre’s diary entries about her initial meeting with Adler and the adventure they had together. It was very much like Dr. Watson’s diary entries regarding his friend Sherlock Holmes, which makes sense given that Adler is in this instance the female version of Holmes, who also happens to be the only woman to ever get the better of Holmes. (Ian Cullen)
Coincidentally, Cherwell discusses film adaptations.
Classics like Jane Eyre, Frankenstein and an endless list of others have been reimagined innumerable times. We keep on doing it and keep on watching them, because it is guaranteed that each one will be different, at least subtly. (Amber Haslam)
La Huella Digital (Spain) reviews the Spanish translation of Isabel Greenberg's Glass Town.
La Ciudad de Cristal es un bellísimo libro ilustrado sobre la vida de las Brontë y sobre las ficciones que crearon en los primeros años, antes de componer sus obras individuales.  La ficción se intercala en la realidad y, junto a personajes como Charles, realizamos un recorrido por la existencia de Charlotte, Emily y Anne, desde el año 1825 hasta 1847. Esa fusión de elementos enriquece el conocimiento del lector, que no solo descubre las alegrías y desventuras de las hermanas, sino que halla algunas invenciones de sus primeros escritos.
La obra de Greenberg fluctúa entre un presente y un pasado, entre la fantasía y la realidad, entre la dignificación y la reivindicación de las hermanas Brontë. Ellas muestran una lucidez extraordinaria y contemplan y reflexionan sobre las distinciones de género, siendo mujeres  en la Gran Bretaña del siglo XIX, y de etnia, a través de Quashia Quamina. La Ciudad de Cristal se muestra como un espacio imaginario al que se puede viajar cuando se desee o necesite, a pesar del conflicto que allí se desarrolla. Las ilustraciones son generalmente oscuras, predominando los tonos granate, anaranjado, mostaza, negro, gris y azul oscuro: grises y negros para los diálogos entre Charlotte y su personaje Charles Wellesley, y matices más coloridos para las historias creadas por los cuatro hermanos.
Branwell,  el hermano, adquiere cierta relevancia en esta obra, desde las primeras historias que escribe hasta sus peores momentos, trazando la autora la evolución que vivió y cómo se plasmó en sus familiares. Uno de los logros de este libro ilustrado es la capacidad de fantasear con los pensamientos de las Brontë y sus inquietudes: el temor ante la enfermedad acechante, el deseo de aprender, la necesidad de contar historias, la dificultad de ser mujer (como señala Emily: “Quien fuera hombre para tener el mundo a sus pies”)…  También resulta muy interesante el reflejo de las experiencias de Charlotte en Roe Head y en su posterior empleo como maestra, mientras los personajes de su inventiva le persiguen de día y de noche.
Este universo imaginario fue el faro que iluminó la creatividad de las hermanas Brontë durante años y así lo refleja la ilustradora en su obra. Por tanto, dejémonos guiar por La Ciudad de Cristal de Isabel Greenberg  y descubramos a Charlotte, Emily y Anne. (Elena de Pablos Trigo) (Translation)
The City College Times asks several students about the first thing they will do once quarantine is over.
Patience Bixby
“I am no bird; and no net ensnares me: I am a free human being with an independent will.” ― Charlotte Brontë, “Jane Eyre
This quote will describe me quite accurately after quarantine is done.
Bibliotherapy on RTBF (Belgium):
Pour les chagrins d’amour : Jane Eyre, de Charlotte Brontë, pour ne pas tenter de "recoller votre cœur brisé en compromettant votre intégrité." (Lucy Dricot) (Translation)
Libero Pensiero (Italy) mentions the fact that the Brontës had to use pseudonyms while Ultima Voce (also from Italy) mentions Heathcliff and Cathy as a literary couple.

Finally, new Brontë-inspired music on Brontë Babe Blog.


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