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Tuesday, March 24, 2020

La Vanguardia (Spain) informs that Barcelona's Teatre Lliure participates in the #theshowmustgoon initiative and it will stream Jane Eyre in the Carme Portaceli adaptation:
La programació digital del #LliureAlSofà continua amb Jane Eyre: una autobiografia
Ariadna Gil protagonitza la versió teatral de la novel·la de Charlotte Brontë dirigida per Carme Portaceli i per la qual es va endur el Premi Butaca a la Millor actriu el 2017.
L'emissió en obert i completa d'aquesta obra segueix a les ja exitoses propostes de visionat de Hamlet i Renard o el Llibre de les bèsties, i tindrà lloc del dijous 26 al diumenge 29 al canal de youtube del Lliure. (...)
L'espectacle complet es podrà veure en obert i de forma gratu us 26 al dissabte 28 de març a les 20h. i diumenge 29 de març a les 18h., seguint els horaris habituals d'exhibició del Lliure.  ïta del dijous 26 al dissabte 28 de març a les 20h. i diumenge 29 de març a les 18h., seguint els horaris habituals d'exhibició del Lliure. (Translation)
On Italy, Rai Radio 3 also gives the chance to listen to free audiobooks read by famous Italian actors. The catalogue Jane Eyre, read by Elisabetta Piccolomini and Wuthering Heights, read by Maria Guarnieri.

On Norway, NRK also gives the chance to listen to a 1975 radio version of Jane Eyre, now that the Oslo performances of a new adaptation have been postponed (the theatre announces April 14, but we will see):
Jane Eyre skulle vært spilt i Nationaltheatrets lille malersal i Eline Arbos regi i mars, men er utsatt på ubestemt tid. Etter Arbos eksperimentelle og interessante behandling av Henrik Ibsens drama Hærmennene på Helgeland ved Nationaltheatret, er det all grunn til å ha forventninger til hennes bearbeidelse av denne romanklassikeren.
Jane Eyre er en sterk og annerledes fortelling om å finne sin egen vei. Det er en blanding av oppvekstroman, kioskvelter, gotisk grøsser og feministisk klassiker som det har blitt laget film- eller TV-versjoner av hvert tiår siden tidlig 1900-tall.
NRK byr på en radioteaterversjon med Katja Medbøe i rollen som Jane – en av de aller fineste radioteaterstemmene. Dette er trolig i en litt mindre eksperimentell versjon enn den som etter hvert kan oppleves ved Nationaltheatret. (Karen Frøsland Nystøyl) (Translation)
The writer Lisa McInerney recommends Wuthering Heights for coronaseason in The Irish Examiner:
All-time: I read Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights every couple of years.
It’s anarchic, stuffed full of black humour and eviscerating social commentary, and its cast are the most delightfully appalling human beings (except Hareton, the poor eejit).
Heathcliff is the devil, but the devil gets all the best tunes. (Richard Fitzpatrick)
Myanmore (Myanmar) talks about the work of the artist Thoe Htein:
Many artists draw inspiration from many aspects of their life. In addition, their view of the time period they’re in and about is infused into their art. What they see, hear and think about – all part of his world – show up in the colours, the medium, and the perspectives they choose.
Emily Brontë may have penned “Wuthering Heights” from the comforts of her own home, hardly having any contact with the outside world, but in an accelerated time like today, no one really lives in a vacuum anymore; so the experiences the artist lives through are necessarily part of whatever they create.
The Beacon celebrates Women's History Month:
Jane Eyre” by Charlotte Brontë
Published under the author’s pen name, Currer Bell, in 1847, “Jane Eyre” is the first book of its time to follow its protagonist’s spiritual and moral growth through the first person-narrative. This book tackles class, sexuality, religion, feminism, and more as readers follow the main character, Jane, through her time employed as a governess. The book is a thoughtful reflection on love, as it follows Jane and her love for her employer Mr. Rochester. An English classic, this tale teaches many timeless lessons about love and life. (Mia Werner)
Les Incorucktiples (France) deals with the quarantine in its own way:
Chaque jour, à 12h, pour survivre au confinement lié à l’épidémie de coronavirus, Les Inrocks vous replongent dans l'un de leurs morceaux préférés. Retour sur le magistral Wuthering Heights de Kate Bush. (...)
Un beau jour, un de leurs amis, Ricky Hopper, qui bosse chez le label Transatlantic Records, leur envoie un certain David Gilmour des Pink Floyd. Kate chante. Hypnotisé par sa voix haut perchée et son sens du songwriting, David la prend sous son aile jusqu'à sa signature chez EMI. Les années passent et Bush enchaîne les petits lives dans des bars. Un soir, elle tombe sur l’adaptation faite par la BBC de Wuthering Heights (Les Hauts de Hurlevent), célèbre roman d’Emily Brontë et pierre angulaire du Romantisme anglais paru en 1847. L’histoire d’amour entre Catherine Earnshaw et Heathcliff lui va droit au cœur. Elle écrit Wuthering Heights. (Carole Boinet) (Translation)
The singer Francesca Fariello shares her quarantine in La Gazzetta Dello Spettacolo (Italy):
Mentre il mondo ci offre più tecnologia per renderci più tranquilla la quarantena, i miei occhi si posano ancor più sulle collezioni di libri antichi on line patrimonio dell’UNESCO, sulle pagine digitali dei libri d’arte del Metropolitan Museum of Art, sulla bozza di un disegno del fratello delle sorelle Brontë del 1848, sulle le pagine social di Musei e Parchi Archeologici… (Translation)
Filmloverss (Turkey) recommends films for the coronaseason:
Wuthering Heights 2011
Son sinema filmi American Honey ile müthiş bir başarı yakalayan Andrea Arnold’un kariyerindeki tek edebiyat uyarlaması olan Wuthering Heights, Venedik Film Festivali’nde Altın Aslan için yarışmıştı. William Wyler, Luis Buñuel, hatta Metin Erksan gibi usta yönetmenlerin kayıtsız kalamadığı, sayısız kez beyaz perdeye uyarlanan Emily Brontë imzalı Uğultulu Tepeler romanı Andrea Arnold’ın elinde tensel bir deneyime dönüşür. Seyirciyle komplike karakterler arasındaki mesafeyi minimize eden bir yaklaşım benimseyen yönetmen böylelikle, edebiyat tarihinin klasikleri arasında girmiş, çok kez uyarlanmış bir metinden hâlâ yeni bir hissiyat çıkarmayı başararak ustalığını kanıtlıyor. (Güvenç Atsüren) (Translation
Sortir à Paris (France) recommends Emily Brontë's book. Encuentros de  Lecturas (in Spanish) posts about The Tenant of Wildfell Hall.


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